Let's remember the best love stories

Let's remember the best love stories
Let's remember the best love stories

Today, when it is less and less common to see a person reading a book in a transport or on a park bench, when instead of the phrase “good literature” they would rather say “printed products”, and you don’t need to think too much about fiction, it’s hard to find an adequate interlocutor who wants to discuss the best love stories. They will be discussed in this article.

best love stories
best love stories

Love stories are the oldest in human culture. This feeling is given to a person sometimes for happiness, but sometimes for torment, it can give heaven, but it can also lead to all the circles of hell. Stories of surprisingly strong and pure love have been admired since the dawn of literature. The ancient Greeks knew her strength, so even their mighty gods could not resist her. The love of the wise Solomon for the beautiful Sulamith was embodied in a lyrical monument - the “Song of Songs”, placed in the holy book, the Bible.

Perhaps medieval European readers would have brought the chivalrous adventurous genre into the best love stories. For example, the story ofTristan and Iseult were read in the twelfth century. And in Russia of the sixteenth century - the work of Yermolai-Erasmus "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom".

best love novels
best love novels

The famous work "Three Comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque, the most popular German writer, is included in the best love novels of the twentieth century. It was published in 1936 and tells about the friendship of three soldiers who returned from the trenches of the First World War to devastated Germany. The strong male brotherhood of old school and later front-line friends Robert Lokamp, Otto Koester and Gottfried Lenz helped them survive in the war and amid the post-war chaos, general despair caused by inflation and devastation.

It so happened that on the day of his thirtieth birthday, Robert unexpectedly fell in love with a wonderful girl, Patricia Holman. But happiness was overshadowed by the fact that Pat was sick. Love brought a different meaning and content to the life of Robert Lokamp - it was necessary to earn a lot of money in order to cure his beloved. To do this, Rob had to work tirelessly, showing ingenuity and fighting off other unemployed competitors, using all the qualities that nature endowed the lover himself and his sworn brothers, who gladly accepted Pat into their close circle of friends.

romance novels for women
romance novels for women

Trying to keep her outgoing forces, with his strong, but trembling from tenderness and fear hands, he clasped Pat like life itself, but for him she meant much more. But even a huge, strong feeling did not help the heroine survive. Robert loses Patriciahis brave and dearly beloved comrade.

What features of the novel give it the right to be included in the literary category "Best Love Novels"? First, the writer appeals not to the mind of the reader, but to his feelings, which resonates in the hearts of receptive readers. Secondly, the characters are depicted so masterfully that they arouse deep sympathy in the reader. And, thirdly, the author focuses on such value concepts as life and death, love and friendship, loy alty and betrayal, meanness and nobility.

Great writers of different nations at all times created the best novels about love so that people do not forget how to sympathize, empathize and retain forever the ability to experience the feeling that makes a person a person. There are also women among their authors. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell's masterpiece of women's romance novels, is rightfully proud of American literature.
