Natalya Antonova - biography, films, personal life

Natalya Antonova - biography, films, personal life
Natalya Antonova - biography, films, personal life

In this article I would like to tell you about the beautiful and amazing theater and film actress. Many are interested in her, so the filmography of Natalia Antonova, facts from her biography and personal life will become the topics of this article.


The biography of Natalia Antonova is of the greatest interest to us, so let's start with personal information. It should be noted that her parents are not at all connected with art: her mother was a teacher, and her father was a military man. Natalya Antonova spent all her childhood in the yard. She was a very mischievous child, constantly hooligans and having fun, making friends mostly with guys, skating and playing football. As the actress herself recalls, the latter was her favorite sport. Often standing at the gate, she was more than anything afraid to miss a goal. Thanks to her brother, Natasha began to play this game just as well as the boys.

Natalia herself did not even dream of becoming an actress, she was more attracted to the career of a ballerina. But the girl's mother was categorically against it, and the figure did not allow her to fulfill her dream, because in her childhood Antonova was a little overweight.

natalia antonova
natalia antonova

Actress - her vocation?

It so happened that after school Natalya Antonova decided to enter the Shchukin school and become an actress. She passed the exams easily, so she became a student without any problems. She studied with Olga Budina and Elena Zakharova. The younger sister, Svetlana, also decided to follow the path of Natalia. Now it can be seen in the series "Station" and "My Love", as well as in the feature film "Piranha Hunting". Antonova's cousin Oleg, who is now successfully working in the theater, also wanted to become an actor.

The biography of Natalia Antonova began to be filled with new events, the girl began to play in the theater. Gogol. Of the most famous performances with her participation, it is worth highlighting the following: “My crime”, “Someone else's child”, “Ivanov”.

Working in movies

The filmography of Natalia Antonova begins in 1997. It was then that she got her first role. A memorable debut was the film "At the Dawn of Misty Youth", after which the girl starred in the film "My First Teacher, or the Russian Bachelor Party". And then the roles rained down, and full-length tapes and serials with Natalia Antonova began to appear on the screens more and more often. Among them was the notorious "Kamenskaya", "Autumn Blues" and other works.

movies with natalia antonova
movies with natalia antonova

Natalia Antonova, whose family has always supported her, even managed to shoot her son in the popular TV series "Brigada". There the boy played the child of the main character - Sasha Bely. However, she herself believes that this experience was not the most successful. After filming, Artem came home in a bad mood, was irritable andI even cried sometimes, so my mother decided to take care of her son. He has not acted in films for a long time.

Popularity came to her after working in the series "Another Life". There she played the confident and purposeful girl Polina, who came to the capital in search of a better fate.

Emperor's Love

In 2003, Natalia Antonova's filmography continued to fill up, a role was added in the series "The Emperor's Love", which was filmed based on the novel of the same name by V. Azernikov.

The actress got the role of Princess Catherine, who was the emperor's lover. Despite the fact that it was very difficult to play, Natalia did an excellent job with this work. Especially for the series, many costumes of that era were sewn, and the furniture was taken from the museum. As Natalya recalls, she tried on these luxurious dresses with special trepidation, and her feelings could only be compared with those that arise when choosing a wedding dress. It was not easy for her to get used to the weight of the skirts, so she could even sometimes stumble and fall. In one scene, the clothes prevented the actress from getting into the carriage, so she had to do six takes.

biography of natalia antonova
biography of natalia antonova

Popular actress

Movies with Natalia Antonova began to come out more and more often, so she became an increasingly recognizable actress. Often on the screen, she plays strong and very self-confident women. One of these was Dina in the film "The Shrew Target". Natalya appeared before the audience in the form of a bandit's wife, because of which, in fact, she gets into trouble, but gets out of it with a new friend andtrue love.

Then came the small TV series "The Machinations of Love", where she played the role of the artist Victoria, who faces all the difficulties of fate. In 2008, the series "Surprise" was released, where Natalya plays Irina, who successfully marries and adopts a child. A few years later, his biological mother, who lives in America, is announced. And noble Irina gives her son the right to choose.

TV series with Natalia Antonova
TV series with Natalia Antonova

Christmas story

Next, she starred in the comedy The Devil's Dozen. The actress recalls how she liked this New Year's story. She was on her way to audition and got stuck in a huge traffic jam, so she decided to read the script. And she liked him so much that Natalia laughed to tears, and came to the audition in a great mood. Soon Antonova was approved. She believes that the viewer is already tired of crime in films, he wants something light, simple, funny and kind, and The Devil's Dozen is exactly the kind of picture that you should definitely watch.

Natalia Antonova and Alexander Vershinin

Natalia married Alexander in 1996. The couple had a son, who was named Artem. When the boy was 5 years old, his parents decided to divorce. Natalia added that if it were not for her son, then the separation would have happened much earlier. She says that the marriage fell apart because her ex-husband did not accept her lifestyle, habits and hobbies. Antonova considers this wedding a mistake: they needed to meet longer in order to get to know each other better.

movies with natalia antonova
movies with natalia antonova

Marriagewith Nikolai Semenov

Now Natalia has found her happiness in the face of obstetrician-gynecologist and businessman Nikolai Semenov. He already has a son from his first marriage (also Anton), and the actress maintains a good relationship with him. And in 2005, she gave her husband another son, whom they decided to call Nikita. A little later, the couple had another child, and also a son - Maxim, who is only a year younger than brother Nikita. Now Natalia is a happy mother of four sons.

natalia antonova family
natalia antonova family

Husband and wife live outside the city in their own house. As they recall, they always wanted to have their nest outside the city, and even during Natalya's pregnancy, they rented a house in the suburbs, and then acquired their own real estate. Outside the city, they live all year round, despite the fact that everyone has an apartment in the capital. And in winter they are practically alone, because all the neighbors return to Moscow.

But Natalia only likes this state of affairs. She says that she feels like a living person only when she sees grass, blue skies and trees around. This silence, solitude on the verge of hermitage charge her with frantic energy, she began to quickly restore her strength. Now five hours of sleep is enough for her, so she always comes to the shooting in the city in a great mood.

The filmography of Natalia Antonova is of considerable interest to her fans, but it is still much more important to know her attitude, habits and views. It seems that such a radiant and bright person, like this actress, must certainly be happy inall respects. And so it is! In addition to a loving family in which harmony and understanding reigns, she also found her dream job, which gives her not only material well-being, but also spiritual.
