Pavel Marceau: biography, personal life

Pavel Marceau: biography, personal life
Pavel Marceau: biography, personal life

One of the most famous TV projects in Russia - "Dom-2" - was often attended by creative, interesting and outstanding personalities who remained in the memory of the audience for a long time. Among them is Pavel Marceau, whose biography will be presented below. The guy appeared in the Perimeter on May 25, 2012.

Pavel Marceau: biography

It is known that the young man was born on April 19, 1983 in Moscow. His family can be called we althy. He remembers very little from his childhood in his homeland, because when he was 8 years old, his parents decided to move to London. Pasha grew up there. It is not surprising that he considers this city to be his homeland, although he speaks excellent Russian and often visits Russia.

Pavel Marceau biography
Pavel Marceau biography


Paul Marceau also received a diploma in economics in England. He works in the field of finance, but he does not have a permanent job. However, this does not bother him at all. Pavel's work is related to stock exchanges, so he can pick up a laptop anywhere in the world and start earning. Neither he nor his family are experiencing financial difficulties, they live in full prosperity,and the only thing Pasha lacked for complete happiness was love and a faithful girl nearby. It was for this that he went to Dom-2.


With his appearance on the project, Pavel Marceau, whose photo immediately appeared on the official website of the show, attracted many girls. Even Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, who had just broken up with Philip Alekseev, was fascinated by him. Pasha admitted that his grandmother sent him to the project, because she really wants her grandson to marry a Russian girl. As it turned out, his parents also reacted positively to the guy's desire to come to the show and even expressed their preferences to him. But at the first frontal place, Pavel Marceau still did not reveal all his secrets.

Pavel Marceau
Pavel Marceau

Naturally, the arrival of a young successful man excited almost the entire women's team. Oksana Ryaska and Snezhana Kambur were especially active. By the way, the guy felt real sympathy for the latter. The girls noted that it was very interesting to communicate with him, because he traveled and read a lot, so he could tell a huge number of amazing stories. Many of the participants liked both his light accent and the slight hesitation in trying to find the right word. But not a single beautiful girl on the project was able to win the heart of the "London dandy", although Ekaterina Kolesnichenko tried to hook him on her hook. It should be noted that he almost never clashed, did not collect conspiracies, but simply enjoyed every day on the television project. Yes, and from "House-2" he left voluntarily, saying that he was offered an excellentjob.

Pavel Marceau after the project

For 2 months on the show, he never managed to meet his love, so he plunged headlong into work. He was offered to be an announcer at Euro 2012. For a while he lived in Japan. This country, as Pavel Marceau himself said, is very close to him in spirit. He also visited China.

Relationship with Rita Agibalova

Pavel Marceau after the project
Pavel Marceau after the project

Pavel Marceau and Rita Agibalova met at a private party where both were invited. Immediately after they met, they found a topic for a warm, almost friendly conversation. Both of them were connected by Dom-2. Time flew by very quickly, and the guys decided to meet after the party. Such dates began to happen more and more often, relationships began between young people.

Meet the parents

Once Rita invited her chosen one to a house located in Pavlovsky Posad. The girl wanted to introduce Pasha to her parents and son Mitya, who was born in marriage to Evgeny Kuzin. Pavel Marceau almost immediately liked the family, especially Irina Alexandrovna. Mitya and Pasha communicate well, the boy even began to call him dad.

Pavel Marceau and Rita Agibalova
Pavel Marceau and Rita Agibalova

But Zhenya Kuzin not only does not pay child support, but also does not see her son. Rita herself spoke about this on social networks. Young people traveled a lot around the world, they also visited London, where Rita met Pasha's parents. His mother, Elina Goryunova, at first did not react very well to the choice of her son, but did not interfere with their relationship either.

Soon the guys began to live together. At first they lived in the family house of the Agibalovs. Despite the neighborhood with Irina Aleksandrovna, who likes to control the lives of her daughters, the couple felt quite comfortable. The Domovtsy learned about their relationship only at Rita's birthday party, where she appeared with her loved one. They did not hide their feelings and emotions, and the girl said that she would marry him in a year. Irina Alexandrovna helped the children to equip the capital's apartment by inviting the School of Repair. Often there were reports on the network that the couple broke up, but they did not find their confirmation. And young people, in spite of all ill-wishers, are absolutely happy.


Marriage from them was not expected by anyone! Everything was done in secret: only the closest ones were present at the ceremony: the parents of Pasha and Rita, sister Olga with her husband and little Mitya. As it turned out, Margarita got married while pregnant, and already for a long time. Her beautiful snow-white dress only accentuated her curves.

Pavel Marceau photo
Pavel Marceau photo

Very soon she will give birth to her beloved husband Pasha, a beautiful daughter, and Mitya will have a long-awaited sister. Rumors have already appeared on the network that Rita gave birth, but she denied them, attaching a photo with her tummy as proof.

Many did not believe in this couple, but they proved the opposite to everyone. May this pure love live with the guys until the very end of their lives, and happiness will forever remain in the house. After all, the most important thing is that they are together!
