Alexandra Child: biography, career and personal life

Alexandra Child: biography, career and personal life
Alexandra Child: biography, career and personal life

Alexandra Rebenok was remembered by the audience for her role as a physics teacher in the sensational series "School". Of course, this is not her only role, but it was she who brought the young actress popularity and recognition. Now on the TNT channel there is a comedy series It's Always Sunny in Moscow, where Sasha plays one of the main roles, so I suggest you get to know her better.

Alexandra Child: Biography

The girl was born on May 6, 1980 in Moscow. Her parents are not at all connected with the world of theater and cinema. Dad is a candidate of physical sciences, and mom at that time was the owner of a sewing shop, she herself invented clothes. As the girl recalls, her mother's collections were approved by Zaitsev himself and only then went into production. At the age of 5, she entered an art school, later - in the children's theater of Galina Vishnevskaya. It was he who played a decisive role in choosing a future profession. After school, she entered the directing department, but after studying there for 2 years, Alexandra decided to become an actress after all. ATat the theatrical institute, her supervisor was R. Ovchinnikov.

Alexandra Child
Alexandra Child

The beginning of an acting career

At first, Alexandra Rebenok was constantly at home, practically did not go to auditions and auditions. She herself says that at that moment she was depressed. Once in a cafe, a friend approached her, who invited her to the casting of the presenters. For a year she worked on the O2 TV channel, then on Kultura. There she was the host and did the stories. But still, from the work of a journalist, she returned to the acting environment. Alexandra was invited to work at Theatre. DOC, where she played for a long time. The first performance at the new job was Polar Truth. This is a play about difficult teenagers who are infected with HIV. As Sasha recalls, she was so captured by this role and the atmosphere of the theater that she wanted to play more and more. So she stayed there for a permanent job.

Alexandra Child photo
Alexandra Child photo

Series "School"

Alexandra Rebenok, whose photo graced the cover of the men's magazine "Maxim", became famous precisely after her role in this series. This is her first serious film work. This series excited the public, many argued that this could not be in real life. But "School" sharply and truthfully showed the reality.

Initially, Alexandra Rebenok auditioned for the role of an Englishwoman, who was distinguished by her dryness. At that time, a physicist had not yet been selected, but the casting director told Sasha that this was not her role. They need a more serious lady with a black bob, and the girl has long blond hair. So sheleft there, but a month later she received a call and was invited to a casting. Should have come with a black wig. By that time, Sasha really wanted to get into this project, so she went in search of a wig. On the evening of the next day, it was approved. For the role, she had to cut her hair and dye her hair black to make it look realistic.

Alexandra Child biography
Alexandra Child biography

According to Sasha, the image was quite successful, but after filming she returned her color. Others perceived her differently, as stronger and more powerful, and this went against her inner world.

Friendship with Gaius Germanicus

On the set, Alexandra Rebenok became friends with the director Valeria Gai Germanika. It turned out that they have similar views. Sasha notes that she worked with many, but Valeria listened to the actors, not showing exactly how to play, but clearly saying what emotion she wants to get. The actor himself must understand how to achieve it. Sasha says that Lera behaves like a man on the court, but she is a real professional who always knows what she wants.

TV career

Alexandra Rebenok starred in films and TV shows. Among them are Capercaillie, M+F, Bride at any cost and other projects. In 2010, she landed a leading role in a UK-Russia collaboration. This year a film based on one day in the life of A. P.'s family was released. Chekhov - "Brothers Ch". There she played Natalia Golden. For the sake of the role, she had to try moonshine. Alexandra also hosted the show "Redecoration" on the Muz-TV channel.

Alexandra Childpersonal life
Alexandra Childpersonal life

Alexandra Child: personal life

She was not married, but she had a long-term relationship with a young man, but they broke up. Alexandra Rebenok herself says that she falls in love very quickly, but feelings pass just as quickly. In her opinion, love is creativity, it is not necessary to start a long-term relationship, if you can just enjoy a beautiful story. Once at the age of 16 she had her heart broken, and that was a good lesson. Sasha recalls that thanks to this, she became less naive in relationships. The girl already wants children, but there is no right person nearby. She still needs to achieve heights in the profession, so that later she can calmly plunge into the family and leave this environment. She lives one day, here and now, she does not see life without creativity, because thanks to him her soul can fly. Alexandra Child is only at the beginning of her acting career.

Alexandra Child photo
Alexandra Child photo

This talented young actress is just on the threshold of her career, so we look forward to new large-scale work in films and roles in performances.
