Biography and work of Marlen Khutsiev. List of films

Biography and work of Marlen Khutsiev. List of films
Biography and work of Marlen Khutsiev. List of films

This man is a talented actor, a filigree director, and a brilliant screenwriter. For six decades now, he has been making exclusive films with his usual finesse and finesse. The great director Marlen Khutsiev is known to all viewers who are fans of Soviet cinema. He still does his craft and does it superbly. But Marlen Khutsiev is already 90 years old. For many, it remains a mystery where he draws strength and inspiration from to create in such advanced years. The director has an unimaginably huge number of regalia, titles and awards, and he achieved all this with painstaking work. For him, the only passion in life is cinema, and he devoted himself to this art without a trace. What distinguishes Marlen Khutsiev from other filmmakers? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Biography Facts

Khutsiev Marlen Martynovich - a native of the city of Tbilisi, he was born on October 4, 1925. His father - a staunch communist - died during the years of repression, his mother was professionally engaged in acting. The young man after school wanted to become a student of the Academy of Arts, but did not pass the competitive selection.

Marlena Khutsieva
Marlena Khutsieva

A year before the end of the war, he is taken to workassistant artist of combined filming at the capital film studio.

Years of study at a theater university

After the end of the war, the maestro decides to enter VGIK as a director. The road from home to the Russian capital was not close, and when the young man crossed the threshold of the theater university, he was told that the recruitment was already over. However, the members of the examination committee turned out to be favorable to him and allowed him to pass the exams as an exception. This is the gift that fate made to Marlen Khutsiev.

Work activity

The years of study flew by unnoticed, and after receiving a diploma, the newly minted director was unemployed for about two years.

Marlen Khutsiev
Marlen Khutsiev

In 1953, fortune smiles at Khutsiev, and he is invited to work as a dubbing assistant at the Central Film Studio for Children and Youth Films, where the famous Yeralash was filmed.

In 1955, the eminent director Boris Barnet invited Marlen Martynovich to become his colleague in the filming of the film "Lyana".

In the next three years, the maestro worked as a director at the Odessa Film Studio. In the period from 1959 to 1965, he was hired as an assistant director at the Central Film Studio for Children's and Youth Films. After that, he already grows up to the director of the Mosfilm film studio.

Starting from 1968, Marlen Martynovich leads the creative association "Ekran" on the Central Television. He will serve in this position for four years.

There was a time when Khutsiev showed himself as an actor. He was involved in the films: "Intervention", "Burn, burn, my star", "On the dayholiday.”

Notable is his work at the Sovremennik Theatre, where he staged the play An Incident in Vichy (Arthur Miller).

The director becomes famous

The real fame came to Khutsiev after he directed his first film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" in 1956.

Films of Marlen Khutsiev list
Films of Marlen Khutsiev list

The plot about the relationship between a simple teacher and a steelworker was a stunning success with the viewer. There are no imposed ideals and pomposity in the picture, everything is simple and confidential. Three years later, another remarkable film by the maestro comes out on the screen - "Two Fedor". Again, the maestro does not idealize the main character, he just wants to show his character in everyday life, where the power of habit dominates, and this makes human relations more open and simple.

In general, for film critics of the 60s, Marlen Khutsiev was a colorful figure. In most of his productions, authenticity and truthfulness slip through, he managed to reveal the characters of the main characters to the maximum extent.

Following works of the maestro

In 1966, another film directed by Marlen Khutsiev, “July Rain”, was released on Soviet television screens. The maestro posed the age-old question to the audience: “What is happening to us”? The main character, in whose mind there is a rethinking of values, is painfully looking for an answer to it. She has a lot to think about. In modern conditions, the film is more relevant than ever.

Marlen Khutsiev
Marlen Khutsiev

In 1969, the director starts filming anotherburning picture - "It was the month of May." This story is about the interweaving of such concepts as memory and oblivion, this is a film about the past and the future, about war and peace. With his painting, Marlen Martynovich paid tribute to those who put everything to the last on the altar of Victory and saved the country.

In 1983 another film work by Marlen Khutsiev was released - "Afterword". This picture can be compared to a play for two actors, where there is a non-trivial combination of characters: an aged father-in-law who has come to visit, and a middle-aged son-in-law. The latter is trying to establish contact with a relative in the absence of his wife.

In 1991, the philosophical film "Infinity" was filmed. This is a story about the search for the meaning of life, in which the main character often refers to memories of the past. In this difficult-to-perceive film, the director especially delicately presented the viewer with the image of Hope, without which life loses all meaning.

What is the main thing in the films of the maestro

What do the films of Marlen Khutsiev teach, the list of which includes more than twenty directorial works? Of course, he wants the viewer to think while viewing his paintings, since each frame is a multifaceted chord in which one instrument, without the support of others, can make the composition boring. The main characters of his films are in constant search for the meaning of life, they experience mental anguish and experiences.

Khutsiev Marlen Martynovich
Khutsiev Marlen Martynovich

The works of Marlen Martynovich have represented Soviet cinema many times at foreign venues and have been awarded various awards. But most importantly, they deserveviewers' love for the fact that their plots most naturally and simply show the facets of relationships between people.

For more than two decades, the director has been giving mastery lessons to students of the directing department of VGIK. Today, many of his pupils work in film and television.

Despite his advanced age, the maestro is busy in his profession. Currently, he continues many years of work on his new film - "Non-Evening". This is a story about how two geniuses met - Chekhov and Tolstoy. Making a film is not easy, but the maestro, with his characteristic deliberation, plans to see it through.
