Where was Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, buried?

Where was Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, buried?
Where was Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, buried?

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution that the brilliant poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin made to the treasury of Russian literature. Although contemporaries did not consider his talent, and this man was repeatedly ridiculed, but the descendants were able to appreciate the power of his word. Therefore, it is so important for many admirers of the poet to know where Pushkin was buried in order to pay tribute to him by laying flowers on the grave.

where Pushkin was buried
where Pushkin was buried

Even during his lifetime, Alexander Sergeevich decided on the place of his last refuge. He did not want to be buried in St. Petersburg, because he considered this city a swamp with nondescript graves. The poet wanted his ashes to be transferred to the Pskov region, to the village of Svyatoye Gory (now Pushkinskiye Gory), where his mother rests. For this reason (less than a year before his death), he contributed money to the treasury of the Svyatogorsk monastery and secured a piece of land for himself.

Despite the fact that a crypt with a coffin on whicha monument was erected, but no one can say exactly where Pushkin was buried. During the life of Alexander Sergeevich, they did not really complain, they did not leave him alone even after his death. There is every reason to believe that, by order of the emperor, he was secretly buried in St. Petersburg, and a completely different person rests in the Pushkin Hills.

where Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich is buried
where Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich is buried

In addition to the fact that no one can say for sure where Pushkin's grave is, his old enemy, the head of the gendarmes, Alexander Benkendorf, had a hand in it. According to some studies, it was this person who was directly involved in organizing the murder of the poet, which means that it was beneficial for him to hide the body. The funeral service was more like a military operation, since the church was changed at the last minute, the coffin was carried out at night, they were not even illuminated with torches, and the chamber, in which the prayers for the deceased had gathered, was cordoned off by gendarmes.

A memorial service was sung over a boarded-up box in which there was a coffin, and then the "cargo" was sent along with the pleasing emperor Turgenev to the Pskov province. The question of where Pushkin was buried was also raised in the first months after his death. All sorts of rumors and speculation circulated in society, but no one dared to express their opinion directly. Over the years, several times the opportunity has been given to open the coffin and exhume the body, but so far this has not been done.

At first, no one got to the bottom of where Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich was buried, because they did not dare to challenge the authorities. After the end of World War II, the director of the Pushkinskiye Gory Reserve, S. Geychenko, under the guise of capital work, which the crypt and monument really required, excavated and opened the coffin. This man did not dare to express his thoughts directly, but only in a very cautious and encrypted form said that the body did not resemble the great poet.

where is Pushkin's grave
where is Pushkin's grave

If then the preserved hair had been sent for examination, a mystery would have arisen: where was Pushkin buried for real? And I didn't really want to solve it. Geychenko sent to the museum fund only a piece of wood that had broken off from the coffin and a nail, but he did not touch his hair. After the exhumation of the remains, it would be possible once and for all to resolve the question: “Who is buried in the village of Pushkinskiye Gory?” There are a lot of white spots in this story. Whether there are answers to numerous questions, only time will tell.
