Alexander Korol: biography, creativity, best books, reviews

Alexander Korol: biography, creativity, best books, reviews
Alexander Korol: biography, creativity, best books, reviews

Alexander Korol is a young man whom many call “indigo”. During his short life, he has already written several books that have collected multiple reviews, both positive and negative. In them, he conveys his worldview and vision of various situations. There is also a personal website with information that Alexander Korol (author) is trying to convey to people. The book (Alexander Korol wrote more than one) is written in the form of questions or reflections, which allows the reader to think independently and give answers to questions in the same way.

alexander king
alexander king

Some information from the author's biography

Alexander Korol (author of books) was born on September 12, 1990. His hometown is Leningrad. According to relatives and everyone who surrounded the child at that time, the boy had differences from his peers and already attracted attention. However, there is very little information about Alexander's childhood. He first gained fame in 2008, when his first book, en titled The Answer, appeared on the Internet. At that time, he was eighteen years old.

When you look at what he did as a teenager, it's hard to talk about great spirituality. In 2009, Alexander worked as a producer at PMI Corporation. The work continued until 2010. At the same time, he received the position of CEO of the advertising agency SPICED HAM. In 2010, Alexander worked as an assistant to the chairman of the parish council, which was located in the church of St. Catherine the Great Martyr. Perhaps this is the only position that is somehow connected with spirituality.

In 2011, Alexander held two positions at once. He worked at the International Center for Contemporary Art, which was located in St. Petersburg, as an advertising and public relations director. He also worked in the media project “About Life” as a producer and presenter. Alexander began writing books in 2006 and continues to do so to this day.

alexander king books
alexander king books

Alexander's worldview

Despite what many people say about the difference between little Alexander and other children of his age, he became interested in esoteric knowledge only at the age of sixteen. Then he became interested in philosophy and psychology. Alexander believes that many events, people's actions are calculated mathematically. He also believes that he can scientifically prove the human superpowers of people. Whatever it was, but some people are consideredfollowers of his philosophy and create entire fan clubs based on his books.

Alexander's first book - “Answer”

The first book written by Alexander Korol is considered to be a work called “Answer”. It was published in 2008 and to some extent is a biography of a man, and also conveys his outlook on life. The book was created on the basis of the author's personal diary, it reveals his personal path, the disclosure of abilities, meeting people like him.

But the book itself is ambiguous. Despite the fact that it talks about the impossible for an ordinary person, sometimes even about deep things, it itself repels in some places. The style of writing is rude, sometimes the pride of a person who can and knows more than others shows through. But be that as it may, people find in the book what they personally need, change and read further or put it aside. It's a matter of choice.

alexander king author book alexander king
alexander king author book alexander king

Second Book - “The Way”

This book is the second in a row, its author - King Alexander. It was written in 2010. It tells those concepts that have long been known and described, so it is difficult to judge whether personal experience is conveyed in it or is it just a generalization of known truths. The work tells about the development of man - physical and psychological. Everything is transmitted with the smallest details and facts.

Also, from it you can get an understanding of energy and God from the point of view of the author. The theme of Masons is also touched upon, what kind of organization it is, who is in itis included. Alexander talks about the influence of society on the personality of a person. A. The King believes that this is what makes a person an individuality, and if he turns out to be weak in character or spirit, then personality breaks.

Third book - “Attention Management”

Alexander Korol wrote the third book “Attention Management” in 2012. In it, he describes the formula for controlling attention, with the help of which a person can get everything he wants in this life. Hidden manipulation of others, right? Although in the work the author primarily focuses on self-management, namely actions and, which is very important, thoughts. But after Alexander in the book he talks about managing other people.

The following is about gaining freedom after understanding the control of one's own attention. Here the author means that at this moment he is disconnected from society. Also, special attention is paid to human capabilities, namely those that are inaccessible to everyone, but quite possible after some practice. Alexander believes that in order to realize all abilities, it is necessary to give an impetus to the personality or stimulation to improve oneself.

alexander king reviews
alexander king reviews

Fourth book - “Corridor”

This book, authored by Alexander Korol, was written after the previous one within six months. This is a rather strange piece. It talks about overcoming the barrier to move into a new life in another dimension, but all this is literally painted on a couple of pages. At the very end, the author suggests “go outget in touch with him”, if you want to change your life. Those. pay some amount of money and start practicing his alignment.

In the same book, Alexander talks about material things - about beauty, about work, about interesting people and acquaintances, about family. Also refers to knowledge and discoveries. He received all this thanks to his truth of life, the fact that he did not submit to the karma of his family, but created a new one for himself. And now he can give it to you, because he has already achieved a lot and became successful. In general, drawing conclusions from this book, it is difficult to talk about spirituality, rather, about success in material life.

new book alexander king
new book alexander king

The author’s book “The Language of Circumstances”

The next work is “The Language of Circumstances” (book). Alexander Korol began writing it in 2014 and finished it pretty quickly. It covers various issues. This book is written in the form of short phrases, often with ellipsis at the end. It seems that the author was thinking while writing. This book is the writer's most popular work.

language of circumstances book alexander king
language of circumstances book alexander king

Videos of Alexander Korol

There are also many videos that Alexander Korol recorded. The books, he says, do not contain some explanations. Also, in the process, readers may have questions, and it is these that can be covered in the recording. Today Alexander has a video presentation on the topic “How the world and man works”, in another video he talks about how to manage energy and meditate. There is another video aboutdifferences between developed people and stupid people.

Reviews of books and their author

Many readers consider the author a new guru and bearer of esoteric knowledge. It is from them that Alexander Korol receives positive reviews. His books helped these people see the world from a different perspective, determine their values, change their thinking and worldview. Many sign up for individual consultations, wanting to personally talk to the guru and ask him about what interests them. Alexander is actively going to meet them, though for a lot of money.

However, there are also negative reviews (and there are quite a lot of them). Several groups have been created on social networks that denounce his activities, argue and argue that some of his books, for example, a work called “Frequencies” (one of the latest), are simple plagiarism. In addition, they discuss his private life (conclusions about it are made on the basis of activity on the pages of social networks and the analysis of his friends).

One of the main reasons for the negative attitude towards the guru is the exorbitant fees he charges for his services and advice. Some people who talked with him for a long time speak of the exorbitant pride of a person who has abilities and does not put other people in anything, believing that his consciousness is higher than theirs. There is information (it is not known how true) that Alexander simply does not allow really wise and knowledgeable people to his pages on social networks, blocking their accounts and deleting comments.

author alexander king
author alexander king

A couple of words inconclusion

It should be noted that Alexander continues to write books, give paid consultations (but to go for them or not is a personal matter for everyone), share his opinion with those who want to listen to him. A new book (Alexander Korol released it quite recently) “The Frequency of the Mind”, although it caused accusations of plagiarism, still interested a certain audience. In any case, each person decides for himself whether to follow the proposed path or not, whether to consider those who preach certain truths as their gurus or not. But it should be borne in mind that in our time, when there is so much information and it is so diverse, you need to carefully filter everything that you hear and see. Don't let your mind be cluttered with superfluous, choose only what you really need. Good luck!
