Personal life and acting biography of Alexander Mikhailov

Personal life and acting biography of Alexander Mikhailov
Personal life and acting biography of Alexander Mikhailov

The biography of Alexander Mikhailov begins with his birth in October 1944 in the small Trans-Baikal village of Olovyannoye. His childhood fell on the post-war famine. The future artist did not have a father, only his mother, Stepanida Naumovna, raised him. She did everything to make her Sasha grow up to be a good person. She had to take on the hardest work: to be a nurse, a laundress, a dishwasher, to carry sleepers and bricks. But it was she who managed to instill in her son a sense of beauty. Stepanida Naumovna, despite her hard lot, loved and often sang folk songs and ditties, while she accompanied herself on the balalaika.

biography of Alexander Mikhailov
biography of Alexander Mikhailov

From a very early age, Sasha not only dreamed of the sea, he raved about it and wanted to connect his life with the Pacific Ocean. After graduating from 7 classes, he convinces his mother to move to Vladivostok. His only desire is to enter the sailor. Only because of his age he does not go there and enters a locksmith at a vocational school. After graduation, the work biography of Alexander Mikhailov begins. At first, he worked as an apprentice minder on the Yaroslavl diesel-electric ship, and after gaining experience in the profession, he switched to the Kurgan diesel-electric ship. For two years, the future actor sailed the seas of the Pacific Ocean, he even went to Alaska in Bristol Bay. Only his mother was against his sea trips, and at her insistence Sasha goes to work as an electrician at one of the factories. And who knows what the biography of Alexander Mikhailov would have been if he had not accidentally got into the play "Ivanov", which was staged by the student theater of miniatures of the Far Eastern University. It was this production that turned his life upside down, he "fell ill" with the theater.

A year later (1965) student Alexander Mikhailov appears at the acting department of the Institute of Arts (course of Vera Sundukova). The actor, whose biography is subsequently associated only with theater and cinema, receives a diploma in 1969 and goes to work at the Gorky Primorsky Drama Theater. His debut was the play "Crime and Punishment", where he played Raskolnikov. A year later, Mikhailov transferred to the Academic Drama Theater of the city of Saratov. There, for 10 years, he successfully plays roles from the classical repertoire. This is Konstantin in the play "Children of Vanyushin", Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's "The Idiot", in the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk" he plays Shamanov. In 1980, the actor moved to Moscow and began working at the Yermolova Theater. But the peak of his theatrical success falls on the period from 1985 to 2006, when he is already working in the troupe of the Maly Theater.

alexander mikhaylov actor biography
alexander mikhaylov actor biography

The biography of Alexander Mikhailov as a film actor begins in 1973 with the film "This is stronger than me." The first notable work was the film "Arriving", where he played the village driver Fedor. The role of Pavel in the film "Men" brought him real popularity, but he received popular love for his roles in the films "Lonely people are provided with a hostel" and "Love and Doves". In the 90s, the actor performs in concert programs, he sings romances, Russian folk and Cossack songs. In 2006, Alexander Yakovlevich left the regular theater actors, he began to play in private performances, where his partners are Inna Churikova, Igor Sklyar, Zinaida Sharko and Nina Usatova.

alexander mikhaylov biography children
alexander mikhaylov biography children

The actor met his first wife Vera while still studying at the institute. They got married in 1968. A year later, their son Konstantin was born. Today he hosts music broadcasts on the radio. In 1991, Mikhailov's illegitimate daughter Nastya was born, currently a student at VGIK. In the early 2000s, he decides to leave his wife. His new wife's name is Oksana, today she heads the actor's production center. And in 2002, when he was already 58 years old, another daughter, Akilina, was born. Alexander Mikhailov himself, the biography, the children of the actor - all this is somehow connected with creativity, because even the youngest Akilina sings folk songs with pleasure. And he has nothing to regret: about 60 roles in the theater, in the cinema - 70 roles, and we hope that this list is not closed yet.
