American actor Christopher McDonald: biography and creative life

American actor Christopher McDonald: biography and creative life
American actor Christopher McDonald: biography and creative life

Christopher McDonald is a famous American actor. Very often he appears in the pictures in the form of negative characters. The most successful works of the actor are roles in such films as: "Lucky Gilmore", "Prairie Dogs", "Requiem for a Dream".

Actor biography

Christopher McDonald was born in mid-February 1955 in America's largest city - New York. The actor's parents were not connected with the world of show business: his father worked as a teacher, and his mother worked as a real estate agent. In addition to Christopher, the family had six more children. After graduating from school, Macdonald entered Hobart College, and later became a student at the theater academy in London. A photo of Christopher McDonald can be seen in this article.

The beginning of an acting career

actor in youth
actor in youth

In 1978, the actor made his first film appearance. However, Christopher's debut did not bring him much success. It took the actor about 7 years to finally be noticed by the directors and allowed to play a prominent role in the film.

Christopher McDonald did not give up his attempts to break into the world of cinema, and in 1985 he,finally, luck smiled. He played a prominent role in the crime film The Boys Next Door, appearing as a detective.

In 1988, the actor played one of the main roles in the comedy film The Helpers. This is a story about two paramedics. The main characters not only save people's lives every day, but also reveal a criminal organization of doctors who were engaged in the sale of human organs. The role of one of the orderlies was played by Christopher McDonald. He played a character called Mad Mike.

Christopher McDonald's best movie roles

film frame
film frame

1996-1997 were very successful years in Christopher's career. He appeared in 9 films, in two of which he played quite prominent roles. In 1996, the actor played a role in the film Lucky Gilmore. In this film, the actor appeared to be short of the main villain of the story named Shooter McGavin.

The plot of the picture tells about Happy Gilmore. His grandmother is in a difficult situation and her house is about to be sold at auction. In order to help her, Happy is ready to do anything. The protagonist begins to professionally engage in golf with an experienced mentor. He wins many victories and soon becomes quite a popular player. However, in order to win the main prize, he will have to fight Shooter McGavin, who is the most successful golfer. In the film project Lucky Gilmore, the famous American actor Adam Sandler became a colleague of Christopher McDonald on the set.

In 1997, the actor played the role of the father of the main character indrama film Prairie Dogs. This is a story about a 10 year old girl named Devon. The main character is very lonely, her parents are busy all the time and do not pay attention to her. Devon's only friend is a 20 year old boy named Trent who mows the lawns. McDonald got the role of Morton Stockard, Devon's father, in the film. The picture received a large number of positive reviews from viewers.

Actor in the film "Requiem for a Dream"

actor biography
actor biography

In 2000, the actor appeared in the famous drama Requiem for a Dream. This picture shows how terrible a person's addiction to drugs is. The main characters of the film are several characters at once: a young man named Harold, his elderly mother Sarah, the girl Marion and friend Tyrone. They all become addicted to drugs for various reasons. Sarah dreams of taking part in her favorite TV show. She begins to take pills, which subsequently cause addiction and severe hallucinations. Harold, Marion and Tyrone are drug addicts who constantly need a dose, and they cannot live without it.

In this picture, Christopher McDonald played a minor role - he appeared in the image of Tappy Tibbons, who hosts Sarah's favorite program.

Actor's personal life

Christopher's personal life has developed quite happily. He is married to Lupe Gildi and has four children. In addition to filming a movie, the actor leads a fairly active lifestyle. During his free time from work, McDonald likes to ski or go fishing. Also Christopher isan avid pilot.

Actor now

the life and work of the actor
the life and work of the actor

Currently, Christopher McDonald continues his acting career in cinema. He has about 200 roles in various films. One of the last works of the actor was roles in such films as: "Capsule", "Swamps", "Point of Return".
