Salem witches - shocking facts

Salem witches - shocking facts
Salem witches - shocking facts

Witch-hunt is one of the most shameful pages of human existence. Witches have been persecuted for centuries based on accusations that are not supported by facts. About a hundred thousand innocent people were killed by Puritan ignorance. However, the events in Salem (USA) were recognized as the bloodiest court, where all Salem witches were subjected to cruel execution. About 20 women were executed in short order.

Salem witches
Salem witches

To see these facts, you can watch the movie The Witches of Salem. This film is a documentary. From it you can learn that the tragic events of Salem began quite innocently. According to the documentary The Witches of Salem, Reverend Parris's children, Betty and Abigail, spent long winter evenings in the care of a black slave, Titula, who was taken out of Barbados.

She brightened up the girls' leisure time, telling them about her homeland, about voodoo magic, and this so lured children's hearts that saw nothing butthe plow and the Bible that they decided to try some spells in practice. Together with a slave, they built a primitive magic ball by immersing an egg in a glass of water. They were caught in this occupation by their father, who did not know what to do next. The children, fearing reprisals, began to get nervous, which later turned into hysteria, which soon seized all the girls in the village. A friend denounced a friend, saying that his neighbor once upon a time did something strange. The girls blamed Title for their seizures. The doctor sent to treat the girls only shrugged his hands and said, “Bewitched.”

salem witches movie
salem witches movie

A witch hunt has since been declared.

About 20 people were sentenced based on children's testimony. Those who did not go to church, did not blend in with the crowd, and did not enjoy a good reputation were mainly blamed. Titula, along with two other women, were the first to be executed. Before the Salem witches went to execution, they had to languish for a long time in a Boston prison, where they were denied food. Title, by the way, not only confessed to witchcraft, but also betrayed two other women of the village. Who knows, maybe these three really wielded sorcery spells? However, all subsequent accusations were based on lies, prejudice and self-interest of neighbors. Everyone who even simply protested against undeserved violence and torture was shackled and convicted.

Before the end of the strange hysteria in Salem, 19 out of 141 people who were involved in this case were hanged, two more “Salem witches” died in prison. But mostthe death of Giles Corey, an eighty-year-old landowner, who refused to utter a word, knowing that his guilt would be confirmed, and then his lands would not go to his ancestors, was recognized as cruel. For his indomitable spirit, the court sentenced him to torture. The sheriff's people put the old man on the field, covered him with a board and gradually put stones on it, so the authorities wanted to “talk” the silent proud man. However, they failed, and instead of confessing, they heard Giles' death curse.

witch movie
witch movie

It wasn't until it came to blaming his wife that Governor Phips put an end to the madness.

Compared to all the inhabitants of Salem, the real "Salem witches" are presumptuous girls who decided that they could decide the fate of people. And how dark were the times if adults blindly trusted the instructions of juvenile hysterics? The world needs a lot of blood to finally heal its wounds…
