Popular Russian TV series: "Stop on Demand"

Popular Russian TV series: "Stop on Demand"
Popular Russian TV series: "Stop on Demand"

Table of contents:


The film "Demand Stop" was released in 2000. The director was Janik Fayziev, who graduated from VGIK in 1991. He participated in the creation of such projects as "Kinopanorama", "Interception", "The Other Day", "Ten Songs about Moscow" and "Lord of Taste". The series was filmed at the TRITE studio. Genre - melodrama. The audience liked the story so much that in 2001 a sequel was filmed - "Stop on Demand-2". Around the same time, Kommersant Vlast commented on the series as follows: "Its plot is the clearest example of an office romance in the tradition of Russian cinema." Filming was partially conducted in the small town of Zarechye near Moscow.

request stop
request stop


In the first season, the viewer follows the vicissitudes of the life of a simple man in the street Smirnov. He is a typical "average person" (even his last name indicates this): work, home, sweet but unpretentious wife Natasha. On a rainy day, the couple quarrel over some trifling matter, and Smirnov decides to visit his mother - fortunately, he has not done this for a long time. So, the province, drizzling rain, melancholy, the outskirts of the city; stop on demand (that is, a place where the bus driver stops only ifask him about it).

The hero is patiently waiting for passing transport, not too hoping for luck. And no wonder - in such a disastrous place you can hang around for hours. However, luck suddenly smiles at Smirnov: the beautiful Irina is hurrying somewhere in an expensive car along the same road. Of course, she is not like the quiet Natasha: strong, courageous, independent, independent - in general, a real business woman. Thinking, Irina douses Smirnov, who is standing alone at the edge of the road, with dirty water from a puddle. It would be logical to assume that the arrogant lady would only smile and go on, but conscience wakes up in Ira. She stops and picks up the man, covered from head to toe.

So stop on demand radically changes the fate of both. Feeling guilty, Irina takes Smirnov to her home, to a luxurious apartment. There she patiently listens to his confused outpourings, then they part - as it turns out soon, for the time being. Soon they meet again, then again and again. Before the eyes of the audience, a real story about Cinderella unfolds, only turned upside down. The action includes Irina's ex-husband, who, ironically, falls in love with Smirnov's wife. "Stop on Demand" is a film about a love quadrangle that overturns the usual way of life of the characters.

film stop on demand
film stop on demand

Second season

The continuation of the series turned out to be no less exciting and exciting. Andrei Smirnov breaks up with Irina - her beauty and sophistication no longer seduce the jaded hero. Having earneda fairly large amount of money, he again converges with Natasha, his ex-wife. What remains for Irina? Just take on the ex-husband, Klenin. A businesswoman finds herself forced to save him from an ongoing series of failures and troubles.

series stop on demand
series stop on demand


Demand Stop has received many awards. In particular, Olga Drozdova was awarded the prize for the best female role at the Fiction Telecinema Festival “Spolohi-2001”. Anatoly Maksimov and Konstantin Ernst were awarded TEFI for the best production work.
