"Hotel California" - the song of all time

"Hotel California" - the song of all time
"Hotel California" - the song of all time

Musical tastes and preferences, as you know, do not argue. There are many genres, and in each one can find songs about what touches us: serious lyrical songs, funny rowdy ones, and those that seem to have a subtle meaning - but in fact they just sound good. There are kings who were titled after only one song, and there are parasitic "beggars". And everyone can wake up famous just once by playing a new tune.

hotel california
hotel california

Hotel for Eagles

So, Hotel California was that lucky ticket for The Eagles. In the distant seventies, the guys became famous, and suddenly became famous. They played rock, soft rock, country and other soft music, obsessed with the Hollywood dream. And before settling into the charts for decades, before releasing diamond albums twice as big as Spears, before becominglaureates of the most prestigious awards and embark on a chic tour, the "Eagles" sang their "Hotel California". Inspired by the hits of US rock, the musician plucked the strings of the guitar - there was a heat, conducive to something unhurried and calm … The melody was born by itself - and has not died since then. Although The Eagles wrote many more hits, they are remembered precisely as the fathers of this iconic song. Which, however, was quite enough to be inscribed in history in golden letters.

hotel california chords
hotel california chords

"Hotel California" - text with a riddle

It was the words of the song that for a long time remained covered with a veil of unsolved mystery. Many puzzled over the hidden meaning, subtext, tried to get to the bottom of the truth, what the California Hotel really is. At that time, amateur musicians were already learning chords with might and main, some liked the melody itself or the associations that arise with it. But those who did not want to look at the text more simply, to see in it only rhyme and rhythm, desperately tried to reveal the secret. The lyrical hero is a traveler who saw a flickering light in the distance. An overnight stay is all he needs. A lot of empty seats - but the place hides many dangers and secrets. Entrance is free, but there is no way out! One version says that a prison or a psychiatric hospital is hiding under a strange hotel. Someone saw in the guise of a hotel a clinic for drug addicts - after all, drugs appear in the song, spreading their smell. But those who didn’t have enough mundane versions connected the legendary institution with castles of magicians and mystical places. And for someone -it's just a weird and creepy story, akin to Kubrick's The Shining.

hotel california text
hotel california text

So what is Hotel California really about?

Recently, the frontman made a statement that disappointed many hoaxers. It turned out that the song is still dark. It's about Hollywood, about broken American dreams and dreams, about a sold culture - about a hotel from which there is no way out. Be that as it may, the song still had a tremendous impact on the entire culture. Many creative people are inspired by it now. This work does not bother even after a long listening - and yet, I want to see something hidden in it, or at least mysterious and mystical. There are rumors that the song was connected with Satanists - why not an argument in the dark side?..
