Sandra Brown in literature and cinema

Sandra Brown in literature and cinema
Sandra Brown in literature and cinema

The most famous American writer, world bestselling author, novelist Sandra Brown hails from Texas, from the small town of Waco. Mrs. Brown spent her childhood years in Texas. Before marriage, she studied at the University of Texas as a linguist with a degree in English. In 1968, Michael Brown, the host of a local talk show, became the husband of the future writer. She did not immediately become a writer: she worked as a model for a long time, her face could be seen in many commercials. She was a TV presenter and perfume boutique manager.

Sandra Brown
Sandra Brown

Test pen

The husband introduced Sandra to his friends, many of whom were representatives of culture and art. One of them advised the young model to go to the writers' conference at the University of Houston. This trip impressed her - she decided to try herself as a book author. Sandra Brown writes romance, crime, adventure novels. She began her work under various pseudonyms: Laura Jordan, Erin St. Clair, Rachel Ryan. Work under pseudonyms is a requirement of the publisher. It was necessary to write at least 6 books a year and under different names. Brown's first manuscripts are short love stories andnovels - published in 1981. The two first-born of the writer - "Wedding Wreath" and "Reckless Love" - enjoyed considerable popularity among women. Over the next 6 years, such works as "Priceless Gift", "Park of Temptations", "Second Attempt", "Awakening", "Kiss-Tempter", "Secret of Charm", "Difficult Choice", "Women's Whims" and many more.

Free swimming

Sandra Brown
Sandra Brown

Until 1987, the author worked under a contract, and after the completion of his term, she began an independent writing career - over the following years, Sandra Brown's novels became world bestsellers. “Like two drops of water” is the first work of the author, which was included in the list of the best books according to The New York Times. So the writer became popular all over the world. The main areas of creativity were love, adventure novels and stories, detective stories and action-packed thrillers. Since the start of her independent writing career, even the first, reprinted works of Brown became bestsellers.

During 1987-1992, the author received prestigious awards several times, became a member of associations of authors and literary committees. Over the years of creativity, the writer has developed a recognizable style. She writes no more than one novel a year. Her works are characterized by intricate storylines, a fascinating plot, and rich content.

About love and danger

Sharp-plot romance novels are the main direction of the writer's work. "Crossing All Boundaries" was released in 1985 - one of the works of the periodcooperation of the writer with the publishing house on a contract basis. The story is about a young woman who was separated from her beloved - he went to war, but he was not destined to return. The work is permeated with real, genuine feelings of love, despair, grief. In 1986, Bound by Honor is released - an action-packed detective story about the love of a carefree girl and an escaped prisoner.

Sandra Brown novels
Sandra Brown novels

At the end of the book contract, Sandra Brown continues to write in the crown genre - this is how the novels Secret Secrets, French Silk, Like Two Drops of Water, Chief Witness, American Kidnapping appear. The most famous works are "Ricochet", "Smokescreen", "Sin's Day", "Screenwriter". The common features of the plot are ardent love against the backdrop of an unusual detective story.

The circulation of the published books of the writer exceeded 70,000,000 copies, they were translated into more than 30 languages.

Love is beautiful

Romance novels are a constant success - Sandra Brown began her writing career with them. After "Reckless Love" and "Wedding Wreath" several famous works came out. It is worth noting that for the first 10 years of her work, it was precisely such books that the novelist wrote. The storyline is built on the contrasts of the main characters - a sophisticated lady and a rude farmer, a pretentious, rich business woman and an unsociable, cruel police officer. The most famous novels of the genre are Thirst, Silk Web, Flame of Passion, Awakening, Eloquent Silence, Secret of Nobility, Gray Mouse, Tiger Prince,"Women's whims", "The heat of heaven", "On the limit", "Night with a stranger" and many others.

In 2001, one of the author's last works in the genre of a love story, Envy, was published. It tells about the daughter of a publishing house owner who decides to find the author of an amazing manuscript. Of course, young Maris will have unforgettable adventures and an ocean of passion.

The writer became the owner of the prestigious award - "For fidelity to the genre".

Not just about books

Films based on the novels by Sandra Brown
Films based on the novels by Sandra Brown

The works of the writer live not only on the pages of books. Film adaptations of Sandra Brown's novels - "French Silk", "Ricochet", "Smoke Screen".

In 1994, the film "French Silk" directed by Noel Nozzek was released. The author of the book also participated in the creation of the film version - Mrs. Brown acted as one of the screenwriters. The story follows the sudden passion of a strict police detective and the prime suspect in a murder case. The film was not released in cinemas, little known.

The next film adaptation appeared 16 years later - in 2010, Harry Yates directed "Smokescreen", and the world-famous writer again tested herself as a screenwriter. Jaime Pressly played a journalist who had to get involved in a dangerous investigation into the murder of a police officer. The novel that formed the basis of the movie is one of Brown's most famous works in the action-detective genre.

And a year later Ricochet was filmed - a detective about the investigation of a mysterious crime in the house of a young, attractive lady. And again the heart of the uncompromisingThe investigator is in danger - he is driven crazy by a beautiful suspect.

sandra brown books
sandra brown books

Films based on the novels of Sandra Brown are filled with all sorts of emotions, different dynamics.
