How the "Battle of Psychics" is filmed: speculation and fiction

How the "Battle of Psychics" is filmed: speculation and fiction
How the "Battle of Psychics" is filmed: speculation and fiction

The TV show "The Battle of Psychics" made a splash almost immediately after its release on the TNT channel. The love of the audience for everything strange and inexplicable has always provoked interest in such programs, because it seems to them that a veil of some kind of mystery opens up. There were a lot of similar programs on Russian television, but it was the “Battle of Psychics” that managed to become a leader and capture the attention of most of the population of our country.

how to shoot the battle of psychics
how to shoot the battle of psychics

Who is real and who is not?

Of course, among all those who trust every sorcerer, there are also skeptics who claim that all this is a hoax and fraud. But if they knew how they shoot the "Battle of Psychics", they would not think so. Today, quite often you can find ads offering services of a similar rank, but this does not mean at all that each of the magicians is in fact such. It was for this purpose that the TNT channel conceived this project, in which ordinary viewers will be able to learn how to behave with psychics, so as not to give out their own story, but to give them the opportunity toshow off your strength.

What do castings do?

Eyewitnesses who were directly involved in the casting of the show know exactly how the "Battle of Psychics" is filmed. By the way, a lot of charlatans are weeded out already at this stage. Due to the fact that the program gives rise to a lot of doubts, even ordinary journalists who pretend to be fortune tellers and sorcerers try to take part in the qualifying rounds, trying to find out how much this show is after all. However, the creators of the project are far from being stupid, and they have a fairly serious team - skeptics, psychologists, professors and other specialists who understand the human psyche. It is they who are trying to "bite" the charlatans even before the start of the entrance examinations. Of course, after the last events, the question of who is going to Moscow is decided.

where is the battle of psychics filmed
where is the battle of psychics filmed

What's next?

A logical question, but an invitation to the capital does not mean direct participation in the battle. Here there is a more thorough check of those wishing to demonstrate their talents, we can see these fragments in the first issue of each new season. After screening, a small group of participants from all over the country is determined, who, in the opinion of the jury and presenters, turned out to be worthy of being them. Those who did not pass the last test return home and can already tell with confidence how the “Battle of Psychics” is filmed and prove to everyone that everything here is for real! Although there are always those who continue to assure everyone of their dubious abilities, saying that the winner is determinedin advance.

how to film the transfer of the battle of psychics
how to film the transfer of the battle of psychics

Where is the Battle of the Psychics filmed?

The main place where participants gather at the end of each program and the winner is subsequently awarded is located on Novaya Basmannaya Street in Moscow. This mansion previously belonged to the Moscow merchant and influential man Nikolai Dmitrievich Stakheev.

How the "Battle of Psychics" is filmed: trials on the way to victory

Each new issue, selected magicians and sorcerers are subjected to serious tests, the cause of which can be anyone. That is, if you want to test the abilities of psychics, then you can send a letter to the editors of the program and offer your story in order to find a way out of an unpleasant situation as a result. Of course, the events you describe must be real.

Why should we believe?

No, no one owes anything to anyone, it's everyone's right. But it is worth noting that this show is created not only for the purpose of PR and financial gain. One of the conditions for the existence of this project is to help people, which is why over the years the program has not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum in popularity. If you still couldn’t answer your question about how the “Battle of Psychics” program is filmed, then go to Moscow and try to witness any of the tests. Believe me, your doubts will dissipate quickly!
