The greatest sorcerer Salazar Slytherin

The greatest sorcerer Salazar Slytherin
The greatest sorcerer Salazar Slytherin

One of the founders of Hogwarts. The darkest and most ambiguous of them all. His house would remain with a double meaning for many years to come - purebloods would proudly call the name of their House, while others would only speak with disdain about "wyrmlings". What was he, this greatest sorcerer? And what lies behind his majestic name? Salazar Slytherin is the founder of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of the same name.

salazar slytherin
salazar slytherin

Basic information

Salazar Slytherin is a mage who is one of the four founders of Hogwarts. According to legend, each of the four, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar himself, after the establishment of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, decided to accept students to their faculty, given their outstanding character traits. Slytherin was willing to teach those who were cunning, purposeful and resourceful. These qualities are directly related toproperties of the symbol of the faculty of the same name and its founder - a snake.

Salazar Slytherin is known to be, among other things, the first recorded Wyrmtongue. He mastered the art of legilimency to perfection. The same abilities manifested themselves in his heir - Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort), who later transferred them to Harry Potter with the help of a particle of his soul.

Slytherin House Attributes

In addition to the fact that the symbol of Slytherin, as already mentioned, is a snake, Salazar, like the rest of the Founders, had his own colors. For this faculty, it is emerald green and silver. Salazar is often depicted in robes of this color, they are also the emblem of Slytherin.

salazar slytherin medallion
salazar slytherin medallion

Discord among the Founders

It's not for nothing that Salazar and his faculty are referred to as the Dark Side. Such fame has been preserved for them since ancient times.

Salazar Slytherin was an ardent supporter of pure blood. He did not want to accept half-breeds, and especially Muggle-borns, even if they fit his criteria, and the rest of the Founders initially put up with this order of things. But the tension between them grew. More and more passions began to heat up between Slytherin and his main rival - Gryffindor. Having gathered a joint council between Godric, Rowena and Helga, the three founders of Hogwarts forced Salazar to leave the school forever. The magician was forced to obey, but he could not leave at all meekly.

Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin
Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin

Those qualities that I appreciatedSlytherin in his students, fully manifested in himself. He was a proud cunning, power-hungry and treacherous. He left Hogwarts at the request of the other Founders, but could not resist leaving a small gift.

This gift was the Chamber of Secrets hidden deep in the castle. And in it, Salazar imprisoned his terrible monster, designed to kill half-blooded wizards within the walls of the School. Slytherin's nightmare - a basilisk, a huge snake born from a chicken egg hatched by a toad, could only be summoned by the Heir of Slytherin (the Heir of Salazar Slytherin is also being considered), and the Chamber of Secrets itself could also be opened only by him (her).

That's why the legend of were soon turned into a fairy tale, which frightened the kids. They tried to find the Secret Room more than once or twice, and could not. Salazar's spell worked flawlessly - only the Descendant of Salazar Slytherin could be a Wyrmtongue, and only he could open the Chamber and release the Horror of Slytherin to crawl around the castle, killing the unclean.

And so it happened when Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) not only fulfilled the prophecy, but used it for his own purposes. His plans, as always, were thwarted by Harry Potter.

Slytherin Relic

heiress of salazar slytherin
heiress of salazar slytherin

Salazar Slytherin's medallion, despite what an outstanding magician it belonged to, could have remained just an ancient decoration if it had not been used to create Horcruxes by Lord Voldemort on the way to immortality.

It is not known for certain whichthe medallion had the properties, but after the transformation, of course, it began to have all the characteristics of a horcrux.

For example, it was possible to destroy an ancient relic only with the help of very powerful means: Basilisk poison or a Wild Flame spell. In addition, Salazar Slytherin's locket contained a particle of the Dark Lord's soul. The decoration itself was already a threat - it influenced the will and mind, which Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley fully experienced when they wore it. This tiny part of the soul possessed a truly great power, subdued and broke.

Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin

descendant of salazar slytherin
descendant of salazar slytherin

The connection between The Boy Who Lived and the most famous and powerful Wyrmtongue is quite strong and easy to follow, among other things. Slytherin influence haunted Harry Potter from the first year - even then the Sorting Hat indicated how much the boy fit this faculty. There were enough qualities in him that Salazar Slytherin appreciated so much, but, as Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry correctly noted: "It is not the character trait that defines a person, but the choice he makes." Harry made a choice in favor of Gryffindor.

But the connection did not end there - it is not for nothing that it is called so strong. In his second year, Potter discovered that he was a Wyrmtongue, and for a time there was even a possibility that he was the Heir of Slytherin. In the end, it turned out that this was not entirely true, although the ability to speak Serpentargo was transferred to him precisely from the Founder, althoughit happened indirectly.

Another noteworthy property of Salazar is legilimency, but the Boy Who Lived did not possess it. Harry didn't have the zeal and effort to master it. Ultimately, legilimency ("the ability to read minds," as Muggles say) is not an inborn talent.

The strong connection between Potter and Slytherin is most likely due to the part of Voldemort that settled in the boy's soul when Tom Riddle inadvertently made him his Horcrux.

Myths and reality

The name of Salazar Slytherin is shrouded in many legends and tales. The magician lived so long ago and became famous for so many that it is difficult to say what really was and what was not. The article outlines who Salazar Slytherin was in the canon of the JK Rowling book series. Fanfiction of any authorship can offer even more clarifications that excite the minds of fans. Unknown relics, romances with the Founders - Rowena and Helga, sudden resurrections and even Merlin knows what. None of this will be true, but it could be quite entertaining.

salazar slytherin fanfiction
salazar slytherin fanfiction

In turn, you can add a version of the origin of the name Salazar Slytherin as a final result. Perhaps JK Rowling chose this name for a very controversial hero in honor of the Portuguese dictator António de Oliveira Salazar (tyrannical from 1932 to 1968). The writer, as you know, lived in this country at one time and, undoubtedly, was familiar with its history, including its bloody pages.
