Igor Svinarenko: biography, activities, books

Igor Svinarenko: biography, activities, books
Igor Svinarenko: biography, activities, books

Igor Svinarenko is mainly known as a journalist, but he is such a talented and versatile person that a whole book is not enough to tell about all the talents of a man. The article will describe: biography, social activities and his books.


Igor Svinarenko was born in 1957 in the city of Donetsk. Igor's parents were still students when he was born. The man is most often silent about his family, but in one of his essays he once mentioned that his father, it turns out, was a fairly straightforward, slightly rude man, who often used obscenities in his speech. He also collected magazines and interesting articles, later passing his passion on to his son.

igor svinarenko
igor svinarenko


Igor Svinarenko studied very well at school and graduated with a gold medal. After leaving school, he left for Moscow, where he entered the Lomonosov Moscow State University to study journalism. For two years after graduating from university, he worked at a publishing house that published anti-Soviet and Christian literature. He was never afraid of work. I always thought about helping my parents and providing for my family. The expression "money doesn't smell" is very close to him.

When Igor Svinarenko left the underground publishing house, he was offered to become a correspondent for one of the Domodedovo newspapers. He liked to work, it was interesting. But soon a tragic event occurred in his family, and he was forced to return to his native Donetsk, where he also devoted himself to work in major newspaper publications. But there was not enough money, and he worked part-time as a concrete worker, and a janitor, and a bookbinder, and a bricklayer, in a word, he was not afraid of work, he tried his best.

Then things went uphill, and the man, returning to Moscow, received a lucrative job offer - to hold the position of his own correspondent for the magazine "Capital" in the United States. It was simply impossible to refuse such an offer.

Now he positions himself as a freelance artist.

Svinarenko Igor: books

He wrote about 10 books and essays during his career. All of them reflect modern world events that concern humanity and the citizens of our country in particular. The article will consider the most popular books among readers.

Well America

Based on the reviews, this work cannot leave anyone indifferent. The blame for everything is a huge number of well-placed jokes, interesting details, moments, and this, despite the fact that the book has 600 pages of text. But what! Alive, "human".

Svinarenko Igor Nikolaevich
Svinarenko Igor Nikolaevich

Svinarenko Igor Nikolaevich wanted to write the funniest bookabout America, and he succeeded. Issues such as:

  1. National psychology of Americans.
  2. Reasons why this country is the world leader.
  3. What unites us.
  4. How the psychology of our peoples differs.

Donbass to

The author dedicated this book to his small homeland - Donbass. In it, he discusses why exactly this territory, which, it would seem, was the most economically developed in Ukraine, became the site of an armed conflict. To do this, he uses the memories of his parents, friends, the older generation, conversations with fellow countrymen. But in the book, the author reflects not only on the causes of the war, but also tries to understand by the method of analysis when it will stop and what awaits these lands after it ends.

svinarenko igor books
svinarenko igor books

In order to convey the realism of the story, the cover of the book has cuttings shaped like bullet wounds.

It can be said that Igor Svinarenko, whose books are presented above, is not just an author striving to make himself known, but also a “worthy son of the fatherland”, worried about the future of his state.
