2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is a prince who occupies a special place in Russian history. In ancient Russian history, he is the most popular character. The description of Alexander Nevsky says that he was a defender of the Fatherland, a fearless knight who dedicated his life to his homeland.
Alexander was born on May 30, 1219 in Pereyaslavl. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was a just and believing prince. Almost nothing is known about Princess Theodosia Mstislavna - his mother. According to some chronicles, it can be said that she was a quiet and submissive woman. These chronicles characterize Alexander Nevsky: he was dexterous, strong and hardy, and he mastered the sciences very early. His character traits are also mentioned in the story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky".
In the book of Borisov N. S. "Russian commanders" characterization of Alexander Nevsky is given from early childhood. The author used many quotes from ancient historical sources, which makes it possible to feel the spirit of that era.

In 1228 the first information appearedabout Alexander. Then Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was a prince in Novgorod. He had a conflict with the inhabitants of the city, and he was forced to move to his native Pereyaslavl. But in Novgorod he left two sons, Fyodor and Alexander, in the care of trusted boyars. The son Fedor died, Alexander became the Prince of Novgorod in 1236, and in 1239 he married Alexandra Bryachislavna, the Polotsk princess.
A short description of Alexander Nevsky
During the first years of his reign, Nevsky fortified Novgorod, because he was threatened by the Mongol-Tatars from the east. Several fortresses were erected on the Sheloni River.
Great glory to Alexander was brought by the victory on the banks of the Neva at the mouth of the Izhora River on July 15, 1240 over the Swedish detachment. He personally participated in this battle. It is believed that it was because of this victory that the Grand Duke began to be called Nevsky.
When Alexander Nevsky returned from the banks of the Neva because of the conflict, he had to leave Novgorod and return to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. At that time, Novgorod was in danger from the west. The Livonian Order gathered German crusaders from the B altics, and Danish knights from Revel, and attacked the lands of Novgorod.
Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received an embassy from Novgorod asking for help. He sent an armed detachment to Novgorod led by his son Andrei Yaroslavovich, who was later replaced by Alexander. He liberated Koporye and the Vodskaya land, occupied by the knights, and then drove the German garrison out of Pskov. The Novgorodians, inspired by these successes, broke into the territory of the Livonian Order and ravaged the settlement of Estonians and tributary crusaders. After that, the knights left Riga, who destroyed the Russian regiment of Doman Tverdoslavich and forced Alexander Nevsky to withdraw troops to the border of the Livonian Order. The two sides began to prepare for a decisive battle.

April 5, 1242, the decisive battle began, which took place near the Raven Stone on the ice of Lake Peipsi. This battle in history is called the Battle of the Ice. As a result of the battle, the German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order was supposed to make peace: the crusaders abandoned the Russian land and transferred part of Latgale.
In 1246, Alexander with his brother Andrei visits the Horde at the insistence of Batu. Then they went to Mongolia, where the new khansha Ogul Gamish declared Andrei the Grand Duke, and gave Alexander Southern Russia, but he refused and left for Novgorod.

In 1252, he visits Khan Mongke in Mongolia and receives permission for a great reign. Over the following years, he fights to maintain conciliatory relations with the Horde.
In 1262, Alexander made his fourth trip to the Horde, during which he managed to “pray” the Russians so that they would not participate in the Mongol conquests. But during the way back, he fell ill and died on November 14, 1268 in Gorodets.
In honor of Alexander Nevsky, Peter I founded a monastery in St. Petersburg in 1724 (today it is the Alexander Nevsky Lavra). And during the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky was established: they were awarded to the bravecommanders.
A brilliant commander, a talented diplomat and a skillful politician - all this is a characteristic of Alexander Nevsky, who will forever remain immortal in the hearts of Russian people.
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