Evgeny Bazarov - characteristics of the hero of the novel

Evgeny Bazarov - characteristics of the hero of the novel
Evgeny Bazarov - characteristics of the hero of the novel

Fathers and sons is an eternal topic that will never lose its relevance. Today we are children who do not accept the lifestyle of parents, and tomorrow we are fathers who do not understand the actions of children. This theme became the basis of Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. The conflict between generations and between the socio-political beliefs of the heroes of the novel is described. The novel was written in the 60s, now the century before last. And this is the time when the contradictions between democrats and liberals intensified in connection with the question of the removal of serfdom.

bazaars characteristic
bazaars characteristic

Ivan Sergeevich was born into a noble family. His mother, Varvara Nikolaevna, adhered to strict serf customs and orders in the family. She believed that corporal punishment is a universal measure of suggestion. It is clear that not only the guilty serfs were punished, but also her own children. They were flogged for everything: for an unlearned lesson, an incomprehensible joke, for the most trifling prank. In this cruel home school of life, Turgenev learned to sympathize, painfully sympathize with the suffering of others. But back to the topic of our article.

Bazarov - characteristics of the hero

"Fathers and Sons" tells the story of two friends - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. The characteristic of the latterthis is the description of the pragmatist. Man lives by constant work. He is not distracted by tenderness, does not recognize art, the beauty of music or poetry.

Evgeny Bazarov characteristic
Evgeny Bazarov characteristic

For him, nature is nothing but a workshop that satisfies human needs. He does not see the beauty in her. Freedom, strong will, constant work, honesty, sharp mind - this is the whole of Bazarov. The characteristic of his relationship with his parents reveals that he is not such a “cracker”, and is capable of such feelings as love and tenderness. Eugene loves his old people, but carefully hides it. The outbreak of love for Odintsova shows his passionate, and at the same time, strong nature. He was able to overcome himself in the midst of his passion. Pavel Kirsanov became the main ideological opponent of Bazarov.

Bazarov and Kirsanov - comparative characteristics

Pavel Petrovich is a true gentleman with the habits of an aristocrat. He is a follower of the old order. In his opinion, only the aristocracy is able to develop society. Therefore, Bazarov is alien to him, simply hated. The characteristic of their relationship is as follows: Kirsanov is an ardent defender of the old order, and Bazarov seeks to eradicate these orders.

bazaars and kirsans comparative characteristics
bazaars and kirsans comparative characteristics

Pavel Petrovich does not understand how one can ignore other people's opinions. He does not recognize nihilists, he considers them weak and unnecessary. And he constantly tries to challenge his opponent to a dispute. Bazarov, on the other hand, considers every dispute an unnecessary shaking of the air. But when he is nevertheless forced to go on this argument, he speaks outhard and straight.

Generally, Turgenev conveys the failure of both sides. A good old, but already frozen state is Kirsanov. An incomprehensible new, but living state is Bazarov. The characteristic of Kirsanov's failure is that one cannot remain in one state, one must move forward. And people like Bazarov are the harbingers of change. But they are not perfect yet, they understand that everything needs to be changed, but they do not know how to do it right. You cannot completely destroy the old without building something new. But in any case, the future belongs to people like Evgeny Bazarov.
