Vladimir Naumov: biography, films, personal life

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Vladimir Naumov: biography, films, personal life
Vladimir Naumov: biography, films, personal life

Video: Vladimir Naumov: biography, films, personal life

Video: Vladimir Naumov: biography, films, personal life
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Beautiful, glorified by poets, the city on the Neva, 1927. It was at this time that the son of Vladimir was born in the family of the famous cameraman Naum Solomonovich Naumov-Strazh and his charming and talented wife, actress and teacher of VGIK Agnia Burmistrova.

Vladimir Naumov
Vladimir Naumov

Doomed to succeed

The boy was doomed to success from childhood, because he was brought up in an atmosphere of constant filming, script discussions and rehearsals. Famous actors, films with the participation of which made the entire Soviet people cry and laugh, were aunts and uncles for Vladimir, who happily fiddled with a smart kid and predicted a great future for him. Vladimir Naumov, whose biography was already predetermined from the outset, did not disappoint the expectations of his relatives, he brilliantly graduated from the directing department of VGIK and became an assistant to his teacher Savchenko on the films "Taras Bulba" and "Third Strike".

On the set, he met Alov, a creative union with which will bring him worldwide fame in the future. During the filming, a tragedy happened, and the main director died suddenly, Naumov becameat the head of the group and managed to brilliantly finish the picture, which immediately fell in love with a multimillion-dollar audience.

Alov and Naumov

Vladimir Naumov biography
Vladimir Naumov biography

After such a successful debut, Naumov became very popular, he was elected head of the Soyuz studio. He, along with his co-author Alov, starts shooting epic revolutionary films. This topic was very popular in those days and almost all famous directors turned to revolutionary themes, but not everyone managed to shoot as realistically and at the same time with such a romantic touch, as Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov managed to do.

The picture "How the Steel Was Tempered" turned out to be a true masterpiece, included in all world cinema anthologies. The well-known work sounded in a new way, a wonderful choice of young talented actors made this film truly popular. The creative tandem was gaining momentum, the films of Vladimir Naumov were eagerly awaited, kilometer-long queues lined up in front of the cinemas. This is true popular recognition.

General recognition of the master

Director Vladimir Naumov
Director Vladimir Naumov

Abroad, the directors became famous after the film "The World to the Incoming". Critics reacted very favorably to Soviet directors, the film received a large number of international awards and prizes.

Despite such fame and understanding on the part of the Soviet authorities, Vladimir Naumov remained a true master, far from politics and filming what he saw fit. ProofThis is served by Dostoevsky's adaptation of "Bad Anecdote" with Yevstigneev in the title role. The film turned out to be very realistic and cinema officials considered it rebellious and anti-Soviet. For a long time the picture lay on the shelf, only in 1987 it saw the light and was appreciated by the audience. Vladimir Naumov proved himself to be a true master of a psychological film, whether it is a film adaptation of a famous work or just a modern script. His characters are bright and memorable, the tragedy of situations always turns out to be so vital that viewers often recognize themselves in on-screen characters.


Alexey Naumov, son of Vladimir Naumov
Alexey Naumov, son of Vladimir Naumov

The most significant in the fate of the tandem was the adaptation of the famous novel by M. Bulgakov "Running". It must be said that Bulgakov was not particularly welcomed in those days, he was hardly published, and blind copies of the hand-printed novel The Master and Margarita walked around the country. Therefore, the bold decision to make a film about the Whites, who are shown as ordinary Russian worthy people with their suffering, love for the motherland, ideals and life tragedies, was a kind of challenge.

The creative team of actors was chosen perfectly, the mystery of great literature was happening on the set. The usual patterns were forgotten, because the White Guards were presented as such bandits, oppressing and destroying their compatriots. The main tragedy of a whole generation of brilliant officers who have become toys of the regime and the revolution makes us cry and laugh. PremiereThe movie was like a bombshell. Director Vladimir Naumov completely crossed out the hackneyed stereotypes of Soviet cinema and reached a different level of skill.

Legend of Thiel

The most important thing in the union of two like-minded people was the desire to create films for everyone, but not ordinary films and adaptations, and in each new picture the personality of the directors themselves was more and more revealed. "The Legend of Til" was filmed for the first time, before Naumov, no one thought about the most interesting storyline of the great work. Young people appreciated this picture, and the film became very popular. The older generation, who remembered the revolutionary patriotic films of Alov and Naumov, reacted to the film more coolly and accused the directors of flirting with the West and creating non-Soviet, ideologically consistent films, but this did not affect the creative plans in any way, because Tehran-43 was already ahead. Vladimir Naumov, whose biography is rich in interesting significant achievements, worked on the film with particular interest, he was already an experienced director, and he wanted innovative ideas and an original approach to a well-known topic.

films by Vladimir Naumov
films by Vladimir Naumov


Problems of the individual in world history and the ability of an individual to influence the course of history were not usually raised by Soviet directors, because from childhood they spoke of a person as a cog in a huge state machine. Personal qualities were not welcomed, and therefore the film "Tehran-43" can be considered the first in generala number of paintings on this topic.

Constant time jumps, parallel plots, a historical theme and a completely unusual cast made this picture a masterpiece of cinematic art. Young Belokhvostikova and Alain Delon looked like creatures from another planet, the film also fascinated by the fact that the story was not fictional, there were prototypes of the main characters. It was an absolute victory.


Director Vladimir Naumov created a film for centuries, people of different ages still watch it with interest. The second wife of Vladimir Naumov, Natalya Belokhvostikova, became the director's muse. In addition to exceptional beauty, the young actress had remarkable talent and flair, she played many scenes as she saw fit, and subsequently Vladimir agreed with the vision of his wife. Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov were an ideal couple of two talented people who completely complemented each other. It is impossible to list all the titles and awards that they received for their work. The constant muse of the director always brought new nuances to the joint work, these interesting discoveries made the films even more interesting. Alexei Naumov, the son of Vladimir Naumov from his first marriage to the famous actress Elsa Lezhdey, did not follow in his father's footsteps, he became an artist and eventually gained great fame both at home and abroad. In the second marriage, Naumov had a daughter, who, at the insistence of her father, was named after her mother Natalia.

In general, an unexpected meeting of the eminent maestro and a young girl proves love at first sight and the fact that marriagesare made in heaven. Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov met on the plane when the director was flying to present his film at the next festival, it turned out that Natalya was also heading there as the leading actress nominated for the award in the film By the Lake.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov
Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov

Family Happiness

They each received their awards, and the relationship began to develop rapidly. Many dissuaded 18-year-old Natalia from this marriage, but she firmly stood her ground and turned out to be right. Their family turned out to be strong, and they lived very happily for many years, until the death of the director. Vladimir Naumov, whose biography was originally predetermined, left an invaluable mark on Russian cinema, his films are alive and still delight the audience.
