College Comedies: Execution Can't Be Pardoned

College Comedies: Execution Can't Be Pardoned
College Comedies: Execution Can't Be Pardoned

When you want to have a fun party with or without a reason, call your best friends and have fun with the whole company, you always have to figure out how to have a more interesting time. If you have absolutely no ideas, you can turn on a youth comedy and joyfully crunch popcorn under it.

college comedy
college comedy

Among films of this genre, college comedies are somehow the most popular. You don’t have to think about them at all, the characters are simple and understandable, the plot is linear, and the humor is most often either vulgar or very flat. With all due respect to Americans as a nation, it is impossible not to notice that it is America that shoots the standard not very intellectual youth comedies about college - American Pie, Pitch Perfect, Easily A student and others. Despite their simplicity, the box office receipts of such films are amazing, however, as is their popularity.

"American Pie" and singsong humor

Probably the most famous movie of this nature is American Pie. His success is so great thatthe creators were not afraid to make a whole bunch of parts, none of which failed at the box office. And this, frankly, sincerely surprises and awakens, especially among the generation over 40, the saddest moods on the topic “where are we going”. If you scroll through the advertisements on social networks, it is precisely those pages that promised solid comedies about school, college - the list of them impresses with the originality and specificity of the posters.

comedy high school college list
comedy high school college list

Practically all posters of such films depict from one to ten half-naked girls and fairly cheerful young people, whose fun does not look like natural. As a striking example, the poster of the film “Almost Legally” will serve, and the plot of this film is almost classic for this genre. Sometimes directors take the risky step and instead of making the usual college comedies, they create real musicals. For example, "Pitch Perfect", with a stretch received "two" from most critics, is a very unfunny comedy with a claim to a musical. The songs are, frankly, as bad as the acting, and the plot is utterly trite. The motives of the actors who give their consent to filming in such an orgy are completely incomprehensible. Any self-respecting servant of Melpomene, having received a script whose plot would be full of something along the lines of “after a dramatic monologue, the heroine gets rid of a poorly digested hearty breakfast with a disgusting sound”, should think about changing agents. But no, commercialism takes over.

college teen comedies 2013
college teen comedies 2013

What a generation, like a movie

The 2013 college teen comedies are fortunately far from diverse, leading to hope that the genre itself will gradually atrophy. To avoid complete collapse, it has now become fashionable to “dilute” ordinary comedies with elements of fantasy or action, which slightly increases the box office. This is not to say that it is better for this genre to disappear from the cinema without too much noise, because some people cheer themselves up only with its help. Still, hopefully there will be more college comedies, parties, and teen issues soon with high-quality, above-the-belt humor.
