What are the books and why read them

What are the books and why read them
What are the books and why read them

If the classics of literature heard the question, what kind of books are, they would probably be upset. After all, such questions did not arise before. Books were the only source of new knowledge. They studied with books, they rested with them. Now these functions have been taken over by the Internet in a variety of media. But can he replace books? We will answer this question after we find out what books are in the library. What can we find in them?

what are the books
what are the books

What are the books?

To classify, you need to select criteria. Most often, books in the library are arranged by content, by subject, by author, by “age”.

So, what are the content of books?

It's simple, they highlight:

  • scientific publications;
  • popular science;
  • fiction (referred to as fiction).

We will take out fiction in a separate section and classify it into many more types,for now, consider the remaining two types.

Scientific literature is books that describe a particular branch of science: treatises on chemistry and medicine, works on engineering and mathematics, works on philology and logic. This is literature for a narrow circle of specialists, its purpose is to teach new knowledge and improve old ones. Textbooks for schoolchildren and students should probably also be included here.

Non-fiction also teaches. But she does it in a simpler way. Scientific and popular science literature is easy to distinguish even without opening, by name. If a scientific book about religion will be called "Religion of European Peoples" or "Religious Studies", then a popular science book will be called "Interesting Facts about the Religion of European Peoples". Or if a scientific book about programming is “Creating HTML-based websites”, then a popular science book is “Creating websites in HTML without the help of a professional”. We will not delve into the authors, everything is clear here. Go to the library and you will see a number of classics - Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, and mass literature, for example, Daria Dontsova.

By "age" books are divided into modern and obsolete. There are also originals and translations.

what are the content of books
what are the content of books


What are the books in the "Fiction" section? Here we will distribute the folios according to their genres and genera. There are only three kinds of literature: epic, lyric and drama. This is how Aristotle divided the books in his work Poetics, which philologists call the mother of literature.

Epos are historical and folkloreworks in general. Lyrics is poetry (poems, songs, poems, novels in verse). It can also be divided into intimate, philosophical, civil.

Drama - dramatic, mostly prose works.

Now on the topic, this is:

  • detective;
  • fantastic;
  • romance;
  • books for children;
  • historical works, etc.
what are books for children
what are books for children

Books for children

Let's dwell separately on books for children. What are books for children? Here we single out textbooks separately (scientific literature, for example, "Physics. Grade 8"), developing ("How to learn to draw in 1 day"), entertaining (stories, fairy tales, children's stories and collections), applied ("Crochet for children").

In any library there are at least a couple of books that can attract attention, interest a child. The main thing is to immerse him in this world of words, teach him to perceive and think. Therefore, be sure to take your children to the library, instill an interest in books from an early age. Children's memory is as pure as white snow, and let the first steps into science or adventure literature be better reflected on it than primitive statuses from social networks or phrases from movies and TV shows.

What can reverence for books give me?

This is a question your child might ask you. We learned what books are. But this did not give us an answer, why read them? The clue is hidden in the books themselves. Apart from modern "masterpieces" of literature, it is very difficult to find a book that would nottaught. Books teach, explain, warn, warn and captivate. And this is only a small part of their capabilities. Empty libraries will gladly open their book arms to you: come in, see with your own eyes what books are in the library, choose, study, relax, feel. So why deprive yourself of learning something new or plunge into a completely different era and new emotions? Enjoy your books while they last.

what books are in the library
what books are in the library

He who reads develops, enriches vocabulary and knowledge in many areas. It is much easier for a person who reads a lot to express his thoughts and feelings. People will be drawn to such an interlocutor, they will listen and hear him.
