Good family comedies: list
Good family comedies: list

Video: Good family comedies: list

Video: Good family comedies: list
Video: Top Gear References Since Clarkson, May and Hammond Left Compilation 2024, June

When loved ones manage to get together, watching a movie together is a good way to pass the time. A good solution is comedies for family viewing. The list of such films is quite impressive, and it is almost certain that you can find a film that will appeal to all family members. The advantage of these films is that they are aimed primarily at children, which means that there will be no scenes of violence or obscene moments in them.

Good comedies for family viewing, the list of which we present to the attention of readers, will help you have fun with your loved ones and give you precious moments of communication with your family. The selected films included both cult films of past years, which have not lost their relevance even today, and modern films that received high ratings from the audience.


Good family comedy starring Robin Williams.

Judy and Peter find a mysterious Jumanji board. Without reading the rules and recklessly deciding to play it, the brother and sister awaken dangerous powers and find themselves drawn into an incredibly exciting, butrisk game.

family comedies
family comedies


Fleeing from their enemies, the Gorgs, the Boov race seeks shelter throughout the galaxy. They find a new home on Earth. People are quickly resettled in Australia, and the planet is undergoing a transformation. One of the Boovs, named Oh, sends everyone an invitation to a housewarming party and accidentally sends a message to the Gorgs. He is declared a criminal and O is forced to flee. Hiding in a store, he runs into a girl, Dar, who is looking for her mother. Runaway Bouv promises to help her. On the way to distant Australia, Dar and O begin to get to know each other better, and the nascent friendship between them grows stronger.

good family comedy
good family comedy


Good family-friendly comedies (a list of all pictures can be seen below) continues the animated film by Pixar.

Emotions play a huge role in human life. It's great if they are in balance, but sometimes the environment upsets the fragile emotional balance. And that's when something bad can happen. Riley, a girl, is confused and angry because of her family's move to another city. This negatively affects her emotional state. Five basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, disgust and fear are trying to help the girl in a difficult life situation.

good family comedies
good family comedies

When Joy and Sadness accidentally fall out of the command center and fall into the labyrinths of the girl's deep memory, her personality begins tocollapse. Emotions need to learn how to work together and understand the importance of each in order to return the familiar world to Riley.

Larger than life

This is a wonderful family comedy in which the main character Jack gets an unexpected inheritance - the elephant Vera. What to do with such a gift of fate, the hero does not know. He decides to find her a new owner. Vera is ready to be taken away, but Jack will have to take care of transporting the elephant to Sri Lanka, her new home, on himself. The task of transporting a four-ton animal is not an easy task. On the journey, the main characters get to know each other better and learn to exist side by side. Jack realizes how smart and talented Vera is, and the elephant begins to develop affection for her new owner and learns to trust him.

Miraculous Shop

The owner of a magic shop with wonderful toys is about to retire - he is 243 years old and has been running the shop for over a hundred years. During this time, the shop has become a favorite place for children. He hands over his affairs to 25-year-old assistant Molly. She is going through a difficult time and sinks deeper into depression. The magic of the magic shop reacts to her depressed state, and until recently the colorful and bright toy store becomes a gray and boring place. Dissatisfied customers leave the store. Molly decides to put her up for sale. A favorite store is trying to save the boy Eric, who is developing a plan to persuade the girl to refuse to sell.

Russian comedies for family viewing
Russian comedies for family viewing

Chef on Wheels

A funny comedy about the talented chef Carl Kasper. Because of their boldexperiments and unrestrained character, he loses his job as a chef in a prestigious restaurant. Friends help him with a new job, and Carl becomes the owner of a small food truck. He bets on Cuban cuisine and embarks on a journey along the roads of America. Gradually, such a life begins to bring him joy, and his culinary muse returns to Karl. He improves the recipe for his signature sandwiches and comes up with ever more sophisticated sauces. The business thrives, and soon there are three eateries working for Carl. One day, he sees the restaurant critic, whose devastating reviews caused Carl to lose his job as a chef, gobbling up his sandwich. The critic is delighted with his culinary talent and offers cooperation.


Chemistry teacher Philip Brainard has long been working on the creation of a special substance - this is the only way he can find money and save his native college from closing. After many unsuccessful attempts, he creates a flubber - a jelly-like substance that concentrates energy. The absent-mindedness of the professor leads to the fact that the flubber falls into the wrong hands. But the criminals who stole the invention do not yet know what it is capable of.

funny family comedies
funny family comedies

Night at the Museum

Larry Daley, after a desperate job search, accepts the position of night caretaker at the Museum of Natural History. On the very first night, he makes an incredible discovery - the museum exhibits come to life. As it turned out, the reason for this is the magical Egyptian gold plate - it revives at nightskeleton of tyrannosaurus rex, ancient people, Attila, toy cowboys and stuffed animals. Larry manages to befriend the inhabitants of the museum and help them save the magic plate from being stolen.

funny family comedies
funny family comedies

Fluffy Revenge

A fun family-friendly comedy starring Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields.

According to the plot of the picture, the developer Dan Sanders receives from his boss the task of cutting down part of the forest. The previous developer failed in this task as local animals actively defend their home. Now Dan is their target, and defeating a team of bear, raccoon, skunks and prairie dogs is next to impossible. The developer soon learns that the company he works for does not care about the preservation of nature at all, but wants to use the territory freed from the forest to build houses.

funny family comedy
funny family comedy

Family Movies and New Year's Comedies

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya"

A wonderful story about how schoolchildren Masha and Vitya go to a fairy tale to help the Snow Maiden in trouble. She was kidnapped by Kashchei the Immortal to arrange a New Year for his henchmen. Having learned that children are hurrying to help the granddaughter of Santa Claus, he sends Leshy, Matvey the cat and Baba Yaga to meet them. Wit and school knowledge help Masha and Vitya cope with them. On the way to Kashchei, the guys will also meet good characters - the Apple Tree, the Stove and the Old Man-Lesovichka.

New Year'sfamily comedies
New Year'sfamily comedies

Shaggy Christmas Trees is a hilarious family-friendly comedy that tells the story of two bosom friends: the mutt Pirata and the thoroughbred Yoko. Their owners were going to go to St. Petersburg for the New Year. It was decided to leave the pets in a special hotel for animals, which the dog owners learned about from an advertisement on the Internet. Who could have known that the employees of the elite shelter are clever robbers. Knowing that the owners of the animals were away, they climbed into empty houses and robbed them. Pirate and Yoko, having learned that the criminals are planning to break into their house that night, escape from the hotel. They intend to protect the property of their beloved owners to the last.

family comedies
family comedies

Funny family comedies can't be listed without arguably the best film in the genre, Home Alone.

The story of a young Kevin, accidentally forgotten at home by his parents, has become a cult picture, and the leading actor Macaulay Culkin has received incredible popularity.

Good family comedy "Home Alone". This is an incredibly funny and exciting story of confrontation between 5-year-old smart Kevin and two robbers.

good family comedy
good family comedy

Best Russian Comedies for Family Watching


A famous aircraft designer dies in a car accident. Unfinished business causes him to remain on Earth as a ghost. No one sees or hears Yuri Gordeev, except for a quiet and notorious schoolboyVani. For an aircraft designer, he is the only chance to complete the work of a lifetime.

Russian comedies for family viewing
Russian comedies for family viewing


A meteorite that hit the house endowed the Bobrov family with incredible abilities that only manifest themselves if the family is together. But instead of committing heroic deeds, they decide to use their new skills to rob a bank.
