M. P. Mussorgsky. Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary
M. P. Mussorgsky. Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary

Video: M. P. Mussorgsky. Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary

Video: M. P. Mussorgsky. Opera
Video: Major Vs. Minor Chords. What's the difference? 2024, September

Opera "Khovanshchina" (a summary of which is given in this article) is a folk musical drama by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. It consists of five acts and six scenes. From the opera, such musical numbers are very famous: “Dawn on the Moscow River” (introduction); “Secret forces, great forces (II act, the scene of Martha's divination); “The Baby Came Out” (III d., Marfa’s song); “The archer’s nest is sleeping” (III d., Shaklovity’s aria); "Golitsyn's train" (intermission to the IV d.); "Persian Dances" (IV d.).

Libretto of the opera "Khovanshchina". Summary

Something fatal weighed heavily on Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky.


None of his operas was completed by the composer himself. Marriage, Boris Godunov, Sorochinskaya Fair were completed and orchestrated by M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Ts. A. Cui, D. D. Shostakovich and other composers. The opera Khovanshchina is no exception. It was completed and orchestrated by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

The libretto was written by the composer himself. He took the historical events of 1682 as the basis of the plot. This was the short reign of Prince Ivan Khovansky in Moscow, who was appointed by Sophia after the Streltsy revolt. At that time, Peter was ten years old. The composer, wishing to show the transfer of power from the princess to the new ruler, adds and skillfully intertwines the events of 1689. In music, he tries to convey forces hostile to Peter. This is:

  • Streltsy led by Prince Ivan Khovansky.
  • Sophia's favorite is Prince Golitsyn.
  • Old Believers led by Dositheus.

Prince Khovansky wants to achieve royal power. Archers are presented as a dark mass, used in the interests of others. The Old Believers are shown as courageous and fearless people who are ready to burn themselves for the sake of faith.

A big role in the development of action assigned to the people. Choirs are very diverse. Individual images are vividly personified:

  • Golitsyn is narcissistic and crafty.
  • Ivan Khovansky is domineering and arrogant.
  • Dositheus is majestic.
  • Martha is passionate, strong, ready for a feat.
  • Andrey Khovansky is weak and restless.
  • Fyodor Shaklovity is patriotic.
  • Kuzka is a reckless and cheerful young archer.
  • The clerk is selfish and cowardly.

Characteristic of the firstactions

Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary I e.

In Moscow, on Red Square, there is a stone pillar with copper plaques with inscriptions on it. On the right is the Podyachy's booth. The opera begins with the orchestral introduction Dawn on the Moscow River. To the sounds of this excellent symphonic picture, the inhabitants of the Kremlin wake up, the life of the archers, Kuzka and other inhabitants is shown. The clerk appears and sits in his booth. Boyar Fyodor Shaklovity comes to him with a proposal to scribble a denunciation, while warning of punishment if he blabs.


The clerk craves pay and agrees without much hesitation. They make a denunciation of the Khovanskys to Peter, after which Shaklovity leaves the stage. People come and ask to read the inscriptions on the recently appeared column. The clerk rudely refuses. But when people lifted and carried the booth to the post with him, he agreed to read it. At this time, the sounds of trumpets are heard. It is archers who greet Prince Ivan Khovansky. From the depths of the stage appears the figure of Andrei Khovansky. He approaches Emma and wants to hug her, but the girl refuses him. She accuses him of killing her parents and exiling her lover. The schismatic Martha comes to Emma's defense. Andrei rushes at her with a knife, but the brave girl rebuffs him. Prince Ivan Khovansky appears. Because of the ladies, father and son begin to behave like rivals. Andrei, in anger, wants to kill Emma and swings at her with a knife. His hand is intercepted by Dositheus, who has entered. He sings his mournful monologue "The time has come."


Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary II e.

Prince Golitsyn is reading a love letter from Sophia in his office. He is overcome by a sense of anxiety about the future. The gentleman nobleman Varsonofiev enters him and says that the pastor is persistently asking him. He asks to stand up for Emma and build a church in the German Quarter. Golitsyn denies him two requests. Varsonofiev reappears and speaks of the arrival of the sorceress. It was Martha who came disguised as a fortune-teller. The divination scene begins. The well-known aria "Secret Forces" sounds. The girl predicts disgrace to him. The superstitious prince is afraid that she will let it slip and orders the servant to drown her. Martha overhears their conversation and hides. Suddenly, Ivan Khovansky enters Golitsyn. There is a dispute between them. In the midst of a quarrel, Dositheus appears and persuades the princes to make peace. The choirs of the people sound. Marfa suddenly runs in and asks Golitsyn to have mercy on her. Dositheus addresses her with words of consolation.


The voices of the Petrovites are heard behind the scenes.

Third act briefly

Opera "Khovanshchina". Summary III e.

The choir of schismatics sounds. They sing a fanatical hymn. The figure of Martha stands out from the crowd. She sings the lyrical song "The Baby Came Out". Dositheus reassures her. On the other side of the stage is Fyodor Shaklovity. He sings "The archer's nest is sleeping." Drunken archers wake up and continue to have fun. Wives run in and scold them. Behind the scenes, the cry of Podyachy is heard. He appears and says: "Trouble, trouble, the Reuters are close." Frightened archers call Ivan Khovansky and rush into battle. But he declares: "Tsar Peter is terrible." And leaves.

Characteristic of the fourth act

Summary of the opera "Khovanshchina". 1 painting IV d.

Mansions of Prince Ivan Khovansky. Rich refectory. Prince at the dinner table. Peasant women entertain him with songs and dances.


Before that, Golitsyn warned Ivan about the impending danger. But he didn't believe him. Khovansky orders him to serve various dishes and orders the girls to dance. Shaklovity appears and reports that Sophia is calling him to a secret council. The prince does not want to go at first. He is offended by the princess. But still he orders to bring him clothes. When Ivan Khovansky comes out, Shaklovity's mercenary kills him. He utters a terrible cry and falls dead. The peasant women run away. Shaklovity bursts out laughing.

Summary of the opera "Khovanshchina". 2 picture IV e.

The scene is the square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. Reuters are taking Golitsyn into exile. Martha appears. Dositheus asks her to take Andrei back. She agrees. Andrei Khovansky asks Marfa about Emma, does not believe in what is happening. When he sees the archers with his own eyes, then he realizes that he was mistaken. He begs to be saved. Peter's Preobrazhensky Regiment heads for the Kremlin.

Act Five

Mussorgsky's opera Khovanshchina. Summary V e.

Dositheus enters slowly. He is very thoughtful. He is overwhelmed by a feeling of grief for the doom of the schismatics. He does not want to surrender to enemies and calls on everyone to burn at the stake for their faith. Martha saved Andrei frompetrovtsev at that time. But now their death is inevitable. She tells him to get ready for her. Marfa lights a fire with her candle.


She is determined and not afraid to die for her faith. Peter's guards appear in the clearing, they see the flame. Marfa, Andrei, Dositheus and other schismatics burn in the fire. The alien people look at the fire and mourn for Russia.

Thus, Mussorgsky's opera "Khovanshchina" reflects the historical events of past years. Researchers compare this piece of music with a huge fresco. The composer managed to show the catastrophe of what is happening through the grotesque, symbolism and irrationality. There are no main characters here. None of them show up for a long time. Integrity is important here, the general idea.
