Barris Offee is a Star Wars character

Barris Offee is a Star Wars character
Barris Offee is a Star Wars character

Today, millions of people around the planet are fans of "Star Wars" and everything connected with them. Therefore, Barris Offee is quite a popular character both abroad and in Russia.

Biometric and other data

  • View (race) - Mirialan.
  • Gender - female.
  • Height - 166 cm
  • Hair (color) - dark.
  • Eyes (color) - blue.
barris offee
barris offee

Barris Offee lived in an era of historical change, namely the period when the Galactic Republic began to fade and eventually cease to exist. The changes led to the formation of the Galactic Empire. By status, Barris Offee is a Jedi Knight (healer), as well as a Jedi Master, and later a general in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Short biography

Barris had a rather difficult fate, like many characters in the Star Wars universe. Barris Offee was born on board a transport ship that drifted right into outer space. She did not know her parents.

Even in early childhood, her connection with the Force began to manifest itself. This contributed to her being taken to Coruscant for Jedi training. Despite her impatience, Barris was verya capable student, grasping everything on the fly.

star wars barris offee
star wars barris offee

Luminara Unduli became the teacher of the young Padawan Barris, to whom Barris was always faithful afterwards.

Barris Offee was loyal to her mentor and later commander throughout the Clone Wars. During this war, Offee carried out quite a few different raids and operations, including independent operations, including operations on Ansion, on icy Illum, and also on Drongar.

Ahsoka Tano and Barris Offee

While still a Padawan, Barris became friends with Anakin Skywalker's apprentice Ahsoka Tano. Although they had completely different characters, they still managed to find a common language with each other and become friends. Much of this was made possible by Offie's reserved and patient nature, who was forced to endure Ahsoka's blunt nature.

During the Clone Wars, Barris became disillusioned with the actions of the Jedi, believing that they had abandoned the Order's existing ideals by going over to the Dark Side. So she decided to blow up the Jedi Temple. The attack on the Temple caused dissatisfaction among many citizens, as clones died because of it, and this could be fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

barris offee inquisitor
barris offee inquisitor

To deflect suspicion from herself, Barris Offee framed Ahsoka Tano despite their friendship. She made it so that the suspicions of carrying out the explosion fell on Ahsoka. However, Barris was quickly exposed by Anakin Skywalker.

At the trial, Offi openly admitted tocommitted, and also expressed her position of disagreement with the actions and policies of the Republic and the Jedi Order, primarily predicting the death of the Republic and the Jedi Order.

Barris Offee - Inquisitor

At the end of 2015, there were rumors that Barris was an inquisitor, which, however, were not officially confirmed, so it is impossible to say anything for certain. According to the animated series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Barris died on Felucia, so the appearance of a female Inquisitor, like two peas in a pod similar to Offie, excited the public.

Fans began to build all sorts of theories, suggesting that she could survive and, angry, become an inquisitor. Be that as it may, no official confirmation of these fan theories has been received, so it is impossible to speak of one hundred percent reliability of this information.

Interesting facts

Initially, the creators planned to show the events associated with the incarnation of Order 66. However, these frames were cut from the picture along with the frames showing the death of Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti.

In the Star Wars films, Barris Offee was played by Filipino-born actress Nalini Krishan.

star wars barris offee
star wars barris offee

the keeper (2001).

"New Star Wars Guide - Characters" states that Barris Offee is not a Mirialan by origin, but a human.

The Illustrated Encyclopedia: Attack of the Clones, which was published in 1995, claims that Barris's tattoos are of Chalactan origin, but this claim was found to be incorrect in the Medstar duology. According to this dilogy, Offee's tattoos are considered traditional for the Mirialans. Most fans of this character and the Star Wars universe as a whole are trying to adhere to this version.


"Star Wars" is one of the most popular fictional universes, on which not only quite a lot of films have already been shot, but also comic books, novels and animated series are being released. The universe of this world has expanded so much that reference books and encyclopedias have been published on it, containing information about characters, events, etc.

Ahsoka Tano and Barris Offee
Ahsoka Tano and Barris Offee

Barris Offee, although not a key character in the Star Wars universe, plays a fairly significant role. The popularity of this heroine is quite high, especially in the West. In Russia, interest in this character is not so great yet.

Every year, hundreds of Star Wars fans copy the image of Barris at various cosplay festivals and events, which indicates quite a lot of interest in this fictional character. Even though she's not the most popular character in the universe, she has hundreds of thousands, maybe millionsfans around the world who create entire fan clubs of Barris Offee.
