Remembering the classics. Summary "Village" Bunin

Remembering the classics. Summary "Village" Bunin
Remembering the classics. Summary "Village" Bunin
summary of bunin village
summary of bunin village

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a famous Russian writer, Nobel Prize winner. In his works, he reflected the impoverishment of the Russian countryside after the revolutionary events (1905), the oblivion and loss of the moral foundations of people's lives. The author was one of the first to catch what changes are coming in Russia, how they will affect its society.

The cruel face of the Russian village is painted by Bunin in his works. "The Village", the theme of which is "the life and way of life of the peasants after the abolition of serfdom", is a story about the fate of two brothers. Each of them chose their own path in life. They were descendants of serfs. Here is a summary.

"Village". Bunin – acquaintance with the Krasov brothers

The time of the story is the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The main characters are two brothers,Kuzma and Tikhon, born and raised in the village of Durnovka. Once they had a common business - they were engaged in trade. Then there was a quarrel, and the paths of the brothers parted. Tikhon rented an inn, opened a shop and a tavern. He bought land and bread from the landlords for next to nothing and soon became quite a we althy man. Having become rich, the merchant bought the manor.

The second brother, Kuzma, went to work for hire. By nature, he was very different from his relative. Since childhood, Kuzma gravitated toward literacy, read books. He dreamed of becoming an educated person, he liked to take part in literary disputes. Literate dreamed of becoming a great writer and poet. Once he even took up writing and published a simple book of his creations. The product was not in demand. Kuzma had no money for the further development of his writing career. He spent many years in a fruitless job search. Life did not work out, and he started drinking.

Brothers together again

Bunin village summary
Bunin village summary

After several years of long separation, Tikhon decided to find his brother. His life also cannot be called happy. We alth did not bring him joy. The wife was sick and gave birth only to dead girls. He had no one to leave his large household. He found consolation from the village everyday life in a tavern. Tikhon began to drink slowly. At this time, he is looking for his brother, and offers him to take over the management of the estate.

In a difficult time for Russia, Bunin wrote his story "Village". Summary cannot convey the tragedy of fateformer peasants who could not find themselves in the new post-revolutionary world.

Kuzma's life in Durnovka

Kuzma accepted Tikhon's invitation and moved to live in Durnovka. During the day he read the newspapers and took notes on everything that was going on around him. And at night he went with a mallet - he guarded the estate. Tikhon now rarely appeared. At first, Kuzma liked such a quiet life.

But, soon he was overcome by boredom from the fact that there was no one to even say a word to. Avdotya, the cook, was the only living being in the house. But she was always silent. And even when Kuzma fell ill, she went to sleep in the servants' room, leaving him in a helpless state. We are not destined to understand the loneliness and abandonment of Kuzma, having read only a brief summary. Bunin's "village" shows us a deep image of a sympathetic, but useless person.

bunin village theme
bunin village theme

Tikhon "takes care" of Avdotya's fate

As soon as Kuzma recovered from his illness, he went to his brother. He received him cordially, but showed no interest in his brother's life.

The fact is that Tikhon's thoughts were occupied with arranging the fate of the cook Avdotya. Many years ago, he took possession of her by force, thereby disgracing her in front of the entire village. After that, the girl got married, but her life did not work out. Her husband severely beat her, apparently in retaliation for her disgrace. When the tyrant died, Tikhon decided to help Avdotya remarry and appointed Deniska, a mismanaged and cruel peasant who beats even his own father, as his suitor. Thus, the master hoped to atone for his sin of youth.

All the uselessness andthe stupidity of this ridiculous undertaking can convey even a summary. Bunin's "village" shows us the death of centuries-old moral principles in a post-revolutionary society.

Avdotya's wedding

Kuzma, having heard about his brother's intentions, tried to dissuade Avdotya from this undertaking. She herself was in no hurry to get married, but it was inconvenient for her to refuse this. After all, Tikhon Ilyich had already incurred the expenses. No one wanted a wedding took place. Kuzma with tears blessed the woman to the crown. Avdotya sobbed bitterly, lamenting her unenviable fate. Drunk wedding guests sang and danced. And outside the February blizzard howled and raged.

Here is a summary. "The Village" by I. A. Bunin was written over 100 years ago. Since then, a lot has changed in our lives. But moral values remain the same. Therefore, the story does not lose its relevance even today.
