Vitaly Gogunsky: filmography, biography and songs of the actor

Vitaly Gogunsky: filmography, biography and songs of the actor
Vitaly Gogunsky: filmography, biography and songs of the actor

This young and talented actor became known to many viewers after the series "Univer". Vitaly Gogunsky brilliantly played the role of the good-natured and somewhat close-minded student Kuzi. His image turned out so colorful and bright that he became one of the most beloved in the series.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Gogunsky
Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly Gogunsky was born in the glorious Ukrainian city of Odessa on July 14, 1978. His father is a politician. The boy's childhood passed in the Poltava region, in the city of Kremenchug.

From an early age, he played sports and attended a local music school, where he learned to play the piano and other keyboards.

Everyone who knows Vitaly Gogunsky notes his amazing diligence. At each musical lesson, he gave all the best not one hundred, but two hundred percent.

Vitaly from the age of twelve did not take pocket money from his parents. He earned them himself - he worked in a nearby store as a loader and a cleaner in the post office. As a teenager, Vitaliy Gogunsky tripled as a host on one of the Ukrainian TV channels. The young man really liked this job, and hebegan to think about the profession of a TV journalist.

Choice of profession

Vitaly Gogunsky biography
Vitaly Gogunsky biography

After graduating from school, Vitaly Gogunsky decided for himself that he would become an actor. But at some point, the father intervened in the fate of his son. He strongly recommended getting a "more serious" profession first. After this conversation, Vitaly Gogunsky, whose biography could have turned out completely differently, did not object to his father and five years later pleased him with a diploma in process engineering.

The thought of the profession of an actor did not leave the young man, he still dreamed of a theater university. Having collected the necessary documents and things, he went to conquer Moscow. In the first year, easily, Vitaly Gogunsky entered VGIK.

First film roles

The young artist graduated from high school in 2007. But his film career began a little earlier - in 2004. His debut work was the film "Farewell Dr. Freud", in which he played the president of a large holding company with serious psychological problems.

In his first role, Vitaly showed himself as a talented and promising actor. In addition, he wrote the main song for this film, which became the soundtrack for the Think of Me project.

A completely different image was created by Vitaly Gogunsky, whose photo you see in this article, in the drama "The Irrevocable Man". He played a guy who chased easy money and lost a lot.

Over the next two years, Vitaly Gogunsky, whose biography was already inextricably linked with cinema, starred in three more films:"Bear Hunt", "The Heiress" and in a cameo role in the series "Storm Gates". By the time he graduated, he was already a professional actor with some filming experience behind him.

Vitaly Gogunsky photo
Vitaly Gogunsky photo


Vitaly became truly famous in 2008, when he appeared before the audience as a resilient student Kuzi in the series "Univer". After the appearance of this hero on the screens of the country, the audience began to recognize the young talented actor on the streets. He, of course, was flattered by such popularity, but did not like that in real life they began to call him Kuzey. In total, Gogunsky worked in the Univer project for three years. The series has become a good school for the actor. In addition, he became friends with many of the actors who starred in it.

Vitaly Gogunsky and Maria Kozhevnikova became more than just good friends. They still maintain a creative relationship. Often they can be seen at festive events as hosts.

He decided to leave the project only in 2013. The actor says that he is tired of the role of Kuzi and wants to work in more serious films and projects.


Despite the fact that the clips of Vitaly Gogunsky are well known, it was a discovery for many that the popularly beloved Kuzya is very musical and has a great voice. Spectators who follow the project of the TV channel "Russia" "One to One" are happy to watch how the young actor reincarnates. This is an interesting and exciting spectacle, as a young man gets used to the created image.

Not everyone knowsthat Vitaly Gogunsky writes songs himself. True, he rarely demonstrates his works on the stage. Recently, Gogunsky and Maria Kozhevnikova performed the patriotic song "Who, if not us", which has become the youth anthem of our time.

In between filming Univer, the actor is working on creating his debut disc, which will include jazz compositions written by Gogunsky.

One to One

daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky
daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly impressed the admirers of his talent with the reincarnations that he demonstrated in the popular television show. He got very complex images. He showed the star of the nineties Shura. In a fur coat and high heels, he surprisingly accurately copied the appearance of a popular singer. By the way, Shura himself was present at the shooting of this program, who was amazed that Vitaly was able to accurately repeat his gestures, gait, dance movements.

Another complex image in which the actor had to reincarnate was Tina Turner. Vitaly had to wear a short dress, and, of course, high heels. The entire body of Gogunsky was covered with brown make-up, which accurately imitated the appearance of a dark-skinned star. The most amazing thing is that the young actor managed to completely copy Turner's husky voice.

Private life

Several years Vitaly lived in a civil marriage with the famous model Irina Mairko. She has such titles as "Miss Perfection", "Miss Magnificence" and others. Daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky and Irina - Milan. The couple lived in Moscow. Vitaly very carefully hides the details of hisfamily life. However, he also failed to hide the birth of a child. Milana is a copy of her famous father. Vitaly and the beautiful Irina raised the girl on their own, without the help of grandmothers and nannies. In 2013, the couple broke up. The reason is rather banal - misunderstanding between the spouses. Milana is already four years old, the actor tries to meet with the child at least twice a week.

Vitaly Gogunsky songs
Vitaly Gogunsky songs

Secret wedding

In the same year, Vitaly secretly married for the second time in Italy. Even the parents of the newlyweds did not know about this wedding. The new darling of Gogunsky is a student Anna, who is twenty-one years old, he met her in a cafe four years ago. For two hours they talked, and then each went his own way. Their next meeting took place a year later. Then there was another pause for two years. Having met again, the lovers spent three days together and decided to formalize their relationship. Today, Vitaly and Anna have a son, Pavel.


The actor has been planning to open his own theater for children for a long time. He's had this idea for several years now. Vitaly dreams that his little spectators will not only passively observe what is happening on the stage, but also take an active part in the performance.

clips of Vitaly Gogunsky
clips of Vitaly Gogunsky

Working in movies

Today we offer you to get acquainted with the film roles of Gogunsky.

"Farewell Dr. Freud!" (2004) comedy

There are problems in the family of the oligarch Panin. Nobody can handle a fifteen year oldson, practically uncontrollable due to the transitional age. The ex-wife of the oligarch advises to invite a psychoanalyst for consultation. Under the guise of a psychologist, tax inspector Pyatakov enters the house. As it turns out, serious psychological help is required for all members of this strange family…

Stormgate (2006) action movie

A film about the fate of people in the war. Each hero of the picture remembers the story of his life. All of them become very different in combat conditions, when a former schoolboy and an experienced combat commander are nearby. The film is bright and true.

The Irrevocable Man (2006) Drama

The story of several families from a provincial town. These people do not know each other, but their destinies turn out to be interconnected. Each of the twelve heroes struggles with their problems in their own way, but they all strive for ordinary human happiness, peace of mind and love…

"Bear Hunt" (2007) action movie

Big politics and big money, love and betrayal, death and life - everything is intertwined in this picture. Oleg Grinev, who works on the stock exchange, has an incredible financial sense. An experienced broker starts a big game, the purpose of which is to revive the Russian economy and avenge the death of his father. He could not even imagine how much this venture would turn his life upside down…

Univer (2008-2011), comedy series

The story of five students who live next door in a university dorm. They share a bathroom, kitchen and toilet. They communicate so closely that they can not remainnothing else but to truly fall in love with each other…

"Univer. New hostel "(2011-2014), comedy series

University Vitaly Gogunsky
University Vitaly Gogunsky

No one is immune from great love. In the new episodes of their favorite picture, students have fun and, of course, fall in love. Fifth-year students Kuzya and Anton are left for the second year. Their old dormitory is being demolished, and in the new building they are placed in the same block with the girls. New heroines Masha, Kristina and Yana become neighbors of unlucky students. Michael returns to his native university as a graduate student. The guys have matured and become more romantic. Now, not only sex and parties are important for them. They are waiting for real feelings and serious relationships. But calling them on beautiful ladies is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance…

"Univer. Sasha and Tanya (2013), comedy

Events unfold in Sasha and Tanya's one-room apartment, located in a remote area of South Butovo. Strange neighbors settled in the neighborhood with the guys…

Today the hero of our article is Vitaly Gogunsky. The biography of this young but very talented person is of interest to many fans of his talent. We hope that in the future the actor will have new interesting roles.
