Group "Secret". History of success

Group "Secret". History of success
Group "Secret". History of success

Domestic rock and pop music in the period from 1983 to 1990 was associated exclusively with the Secret group. This group was the most popular at that time. "The main group of the Soviet Union" - this unofficial title, which the audience and critics gave to "Secret", proved the great people's love for the work of the famous four.

Group formation

The Secret group in its final composition was formed in 1983. The band's entry into the Leningrad Rock Club and the release of the first album on magnetic tape "You and I" became significant events in the band's history and gave rise to the band's active creative activity. In less than a year (March 1984) the group was among the laureates of the II Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, which by the standards of that time was a resounding success. The beat quartet, consisting of four members, Maxim Leonidov, Nikolai Fomenko, Andrei Zabludovsky and Alexei Murashov, has become mega-popular.

group secret photo
group secret photo

First concerts

The Secret group, which rarely performs in public, made a splash at a concert as part of the International Festival of Youth and Students, which took place in the summer of 1985. It became anotherconfirmation of the band's cult popularity.

Soon, Maxim Leonidov, one of the best vocalists in the country, becomes the host of the musical show program for young people “Disks are spinning”. Each episode was marked by the appearance of "Secret" with a new song.

Around the same time, the guys are involved in the work on the musical eccentric comedy "How to become a star?". In this project, independent numbers are linked together by the main characters: Maxim Leonidov and Vaka the parrot. The film garnered many mega-stars of the time. In it, in addition to the members of the beat quartet, you can see the theater "Litsedei", Valery Leontiev, Viktor Reznikov, Larisa Dolina, Raymond Pauls.

In the autumn of 1985, the Secret group began to tour actively. Everyday performances at a variety of concert venues have always been a resounding success. A busy schedule forced Maxim Leonidov to refuse to work in the Spinning Discs program.

First CD

Already in 1986, at one of the best recording studios in Tallinn at that time, the band recorded their debut giant disc. This album was certified double platinum. The popularity of the guys has become simply fantastic. It was then that a fan club was opened for the first time in the Soviet Union. The fan club members organized meetings of numerous fans with the group members and carried out other promotional activities.

band secret discography
band secret discography

“Leningrad Time” is the second, no less successful album of the beat quartet, which was recorded in 1988. A few months after histhe release of the guys for the first time invited to foreign tours. They visited Germany, and after that they took part in a song contest held in the Polish city of Soplo.

Changes in line-up

However, soon the first losses occur in the team. In early 1990, the leader of the group, Maxim Leonidov, leaves for Israel to live and work there. In January 1990, the Secret group in the Swiss city of Schwyz performed for the last time in a legendary line-up. The remaining three members of the band continue to perform as a group, now being a trio.

The leader of the team for several years was Nikolai Fomenko. But in parallel, he actively participated in many television programs, acted in films. At this time, the group "Secret" (see photo below) is recording two more albums: "Orchestra on the way" (1991) and "Don't worry!" (1994), songs from which have become no less popular than those that were released when the band was a quartet.

group secret
group secret

In 1996, Fomenko left the group. He is no longer able to combine musical activities with numerous filming and performances at the Satyricon Theater. The Secret group, whose discography was replenished at that time with another Blues de Moscou album, existed for some time as a duet.

Soon a new guitarist Oleg Chinyakov appeared in the band. Touring activity was almost stopped, but the trio performed quite successfully in clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and also participated in various talk shows on television.

In 1998, the album "Secret Mania" was being prepared for release,which was to consist of acoustic versions of older songs. However, the crisis situation intervened on August 17 … The Secret group, the biography of whose members was inextricably linked with creative activity, ceased to exist as a whole.

But it should be noted that several times the guys gathered in the legendary line-up and gave many concerts dedicated to memorable dates in the band's activities.

group secret biography
group secret biography

Many songs of the "Secret" have not lost their relevance. They sound on the waves of radio stations and remind of the time when for ten years there was a cult of the group in the country.
