Who played Kelly Capwell? Actress Robin Wright: photo, biography, filmography

Who played Kelly Capwell? Actress Robin Wright: photo, biography, filmography
Who played Kelly Capwell? Actress Robin Wright: photo, biography, filmography

The name of this series has already become an aphorism. "Santa Barbara" is listed in the book of records as the most "long-running" series, and its characters are loved and remembered by many. Among them is the gentle romantic Kelly Capwell, the youngest daughter of the very head of the serial family, Cece Capwell. Everyone remembers Kelly, but not everyone can remember the name of the actress. To fill the gap, we will tell below about the biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of Robin Wright, who, besides Kelly, has played many worthy roles in the cinema.

kelly capwell
kelly capwell

Who is Kelly Capwell: photo, actress name

Lovely romantic Kelly fell in love with many viewers. Still, with such a long period of time the heroes flickering on the screen, they became almost family. We remember their names and adventures (misadventures), novels and dramas, but we cannot remember who played them.

Hint: Kelly playedRobin Wright. Kelly Capwell is not the first and not the last role of the actress. Thanks to filming in the longest soap opera, the girl gained her fans and was able to find her place in the world of big cinema, which she dreamed of from a young age. Also on the set of Santa Barbara, Robin met her first love and got married.

Biography of Robin Wright

Robin is one of the few "Santa Barbara" artists who managed to get out of the frame of an actor of one role, or rather, one series.

Kelly Capwell was a good starting role. The full name of the actress is Robin Virginia Gale Wright.

One of the youngest actresses in the longest running soap opera was born April 8, 1966 in Texas. Her parents were ordinary people, her mother was the director of the representative office of the Mary Kay company, her father was the manager of a small pharmaceutical company. The actress's parents divorced, and her mother tried to drown out the pain and dissatisfaction with her life by constantly changing places. Little Robin dreamed of a quiet life and her corner. At a fairly early age, she already dreamed of her family and a cozy family nest.

Even during her school years, the girl earned money for new toilets and other girlish joys, working as a fashion model. In this field, the young girl succeeded quite well, she was invited to France and Japan for photo shoots. The girl conquered the catwalks of many states. But her dream was to become an actress.

At the age of eighteen, the future Kelly Capwell played a cameo role in the series "Yellow Rose". Then there was the role of the princess in the filmin the genre of romantic fantasy "The Princess Bride" and in less than twenty years debut in a big movie - a role in the movie "Hollywood Vice".

kelly capwell actress
kelly capwell actress

Santa Barbara

In 1984, Wright was invited to the set of what would become the longest-running TV series ever.

With the role of Kelly Capwell, the actress will cope with a bang and will be remembered by us with her languid look of a cute doe. For this image, Wright's candidacy will be nominated several times for the Emmy film award.

Robin Wright played the role of the youngest daughter of the Capwell family for four years. The image of her character fell in love with the audience and fans of the series so much that most of them stopped watching the soap opera after Wright left. However, the young actress had a bright future filled with dramatic films, fans, awards, and a turbulent personal life with dramas as good as Santa Barbara.

Life before and after Santa Barbara

After giving four years to the series, in 1989 Robin left the set of the longest series. The reasons for her departure were not disclosed, one of the "working" versions was that the actress simply outgrew the "soap" and wanted more.

Immediately after leaving the series, the actress, whose face was remembered for her role as Kelly Capwell, almost ended her dizzying romance with actor Dean Witherspoon, who also starred in "Santa Barbara". Her new chosen one was Sean Penn, who at that time was in search of herself after her divorce from Madonna. Life after SantaBarbara" does not get boring, the actress is in demand, she is invited to series and films. But the girl dreams of a real, not soapy, drama. Her breakthrough into the world of real cinema is the picture "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks. For her supporting role in this movie, Robin will be nominated for a Golden Globe Film Award.

kelly capwell behind the scenes
kelly capwell behind the scenes

Biography. Continued

In 1996, the girl marries actor Sean Penn, known for his scandals and debauchery. Their marriage is destined for a short but eventful existence. The couple stayed together for fourteen years, and many spiteful critics of the actress said that Wright achieved success in the cinema thanks to her famous husband.

Whether it's true or not, it's hard to say, besides, the personal life of "Kelly Capwell" is behind the scenes. Be that as it may, the actress is talented and beautiful, she knows how to act, as evidenced by her filmography and crowds of fans.

Together with her husband and John Travolta, Robin played in the film "She's Beautiful".

santa barbara kelly capwell
santa barbara kelly capwell

Robin Wright with and without Sean

In 1991, a real gift for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the actress was the birth of her first child - daughter Dylan Francis. Two years later, the second baby appeared in the Wright and Pen family - a boy who was named after Jack Nicholson and Denis Hopper - Hopper Jack. Three years later, the couple will finally enter into an official marriage. It is worth saying that Sean is not in vain known as the most inveterate villain in Hollywood. His nasty temper brought a lot of bitter moments to Robin. Howeverthe girl sincerely loved her second husband and until the last tried to save their feelings and marriage. But everything comes to an end. Penn once stated in an interview that he was bored to death with Robin. As expected, this was the last straw. Robin did not tolerate such an attitude for a minute, she packed her things and left Sean's house with the children, never to return there.

Robin's life has become similar to the life of her Kelly Capwell, whose biography is full of personal tragedies and experiences. Sean still wins her heart again, this time shooting in the film "She's Beautiful." Together they will stay for fourteen years and divorce in 2010. Their relationship has never been cloudless. The constant rivalry between two talented and strong-willed people brick by brick destroyed their relationship. At the same time, Robin selflessly sacrificed her career for the sake of her family and husband, rejecting many worthy offers (including the main role in The English Patient and part of the Batman trilogy - Batman and Robin). After the divorce, the girl gained the long-awaited freedom of choice. The result was the films that made Wright's face and name famous all over the world.

kelly capwell photo
kelly capwell photo


Among the successful, memorable images of Wright is not only Kelly Capwell. The actress, whose filmography includes several dozen films, is talented and popular.

The films "Forrest Gump" and "White Oleander" brought fame and popularity to the actress.

The debut of the girl and her breakthrough on the wide screens of cinemas was the film"Hollywood Vice Police". After there was a bright and memorable role of a girl in "Princess Bride". This film is still on the list of the 50 funniest films according to the Bravo channel, popular in America. With his popularity, so did Robin Wright's fame.

In 1994, the dramatic film "Forrest Gump" was released. Wright plays Hanks' sweet girlfriend. She will then be nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.

In the following years, the actress starred in three films that gather full cinema halls. These are "White Oleander", "Message in a Bottle" and "Invulnerable". All three films were quite well received by the public, and Robin Wright did not go unnoticed.

Pippa Lee's Private Life movie - Wright's breakthrough

Played in the series "Santa Barbara" Kelly Capwell could not fully reveal the talent of Robin Wright.

The actress' next film, The Private Life of Pippa Lee, proved that Wright could do the lead role just fine. Her character was remembered by many viewers. The plot of the film is rather ambiguous and caused a storm of emotions and criticism from the audience.

Pippa Lee is an interesting and unusual woman. She is an exemplary mistress and wife of a man who is almost a third of a century older than her. Despite the difference in age, the couple lives in understanding and love until they move to a remote province, which was supposed to be a safe haven for a couple with her husband at the already advanced age of eighty. This is where things start to happenmetamorphosis with Pippa. It turns out that this woman was not always an exemplary family lady. Her past is quite turbulent, it included alcohol and one-night-long erotic adventures. Here, in the wilderness, a woman tries to fight her past, but it does not let her go. The first sign of a woman's "fall" is the first cigarette. And a meeting with a young attractive guy completely unsettles the yearning Pippa.

The picture is filled with very subtle psychologism, it raises many problems and questions, the answers to which would not hurt to look for many viewers and especially viewers.

The film owes its color and drama not only to the talented performance of Robin Wright, but also to a whole galaxy of stars such as Monica Belucci and Julianne Moore, Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder. Nevertheless, Wright managed to stand out and not lose face in such a stellar team, which once again proved that the girl deserves her awards and the love of her fans.

robin wright kelly capwell
robin wright kelly capwell

Filmography. Continued

The actress who played Kelly Capwell knowingly considered herself worthy of a big movie. From the wide screens of full-length films, she had something to say to the viewer. With each new film, Wright proved that she could perform truly dramatic roles.

The next film with her participation was "A Christmas Carol". Here Robin acted as the sister of Ebenezer Scrooge, played by Jim Carrey. Despite the episodic role, Robin perfectly embodied the gentle image of a sweet girl on the screen.

After there was a movie"New York, I love you." This picture is the continuation of the trilogy, which was started by the French director Emmanuel Benbii with the film "Paris, I love you". "New York…" is ten stories about love connected not only by the scenery of the city, but also by the general concept. The film was shot by different directors, each with their own story.

In the film "Beowulf", based on the ancient German epic, Robin Wright embodied on the screen an ominous, but very beautiful and mystical queen.

Best roles

For almost thirty years of film career, Robin Wright has embodied on the screen a lot of minor and main characters. None of her roles went unnoticed by viewers and critics.

Playing Kelly Capwell, Robin Wright laid the foundation stone for her meteoric but well-deserved success. However, this role did not reveal the full potential of the actress.

A young talented girl was noticed in the film drama "Forrest Gump". Playing the sweet girlfriend of Forrest, she has sunk into the hearts of the audience with her spontaneity and sincerity.

In "The Private Life of Pippa Lee" Robin Wright played the complex role of a woman who is looking for her place in life and trying to understand herself and the world around her. This challenging role showed Robin's ability to subtly create dramatic images on screen.

Of course, these are not all the roles of the actress, we have described only the most memorable ones.

kelly capwell biography
kelly capwell biography

In closing

Despite the fact that many film critics speak unflatteringly about the so-calledsoap operas, their huge advantage is that they give a start to many talented people. It happened with Robin Wright, whose Kelly Capwell became a portal to the world of cinema for the girl.
