"There was a blue fire." Analysis of the poem by S. Yesenin

"There was a blue fire." Analysis of the poem by S. Yesenin
"There was a blue fire." Analysis of the poem by S. Yesenin

Sergey Yesenin surprisingly described nature and feelings in his poems. In his lines, one can hear the sound of the wind in the fields, the ringing of spikelets of wheat, the howl of a blizzard. And at the same time, the laughter of a free soul and the cry of a broken heart.

These pearls include "A blue fire swept up". We will present an analysis of the poem, the history of its creation below.

fire swept blue analysis of the poem
fire swept blue analysis of the poem

About the poet

Sergey Yesenin was the brightest representative of that period of Russian poetry, when many talented masters competed in their gift. His direction was called the complex word imaginism, but in verse the amazing simplicity of words was woven into a lace of landscapes and feelings, everyday life and lofty dreams.

The poet lived only thirty years, but left a rich legacy. Sergei Yesenin was born in 1895 in the Ryazan province into a family of peasants. At the age of 17 he left home and went to Moscow. There he had to change many jobs, live from hand to mouth. After several years of wandering around Moscow, his poem was first published in the Mirok magazine.

In 1916Yesenin was called up for war, but thanks to his friends he was sent to the Tsarskoye Selo Medical Regiment. The poet traveled a lot, was in Asia and the Urals, in Tashkent and Samarkand. Together with his wife Isadora Duncan, the poet traveled to many European countries.

After the divorce, the poet led a wild life, which he openly spoke about in his cycles "Moscow Tavern" and "Love of a Hooligan", which opened "A blue fire swept" - a verse dedicated to the poet's new love.

Shortly before his death, the poet was married to the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy - Sophia Tolstoy. But even with her he did not find happiness. After the death of her husband, the woman devoted her life to preserving and publishing the poems of the great poet.

Sergey Yesenin died in 1925, the official version of his death is suicide by hanging. But many reasons for his premature death were put forward, including murder.

fire swept blue verse
fire swept blue verse

"The blue fire swept": the history of creation

According to biographers, the marriage and relationship with Isadora Duncan brought the poet a lot of suffering and worries. He could not find a common language with his wife and, having met the actress Augusta Miklashevskaya, fell madly in love with her. This happened after his return to his homeland, to Moscow. They say that after the first meeting with this fragile girl with a meek character and sad eyes, literally the next day, "The Blue Fire Was Swept Away" was created. An analysis of the poem would be incomplete without this backstory.

The poem opened a new cycle "Lovehooligan" and was included in the anthology of Russian poetry as one of the best examples of intimate love lyrics.

“The fire was rushing…” - a direct appeal to a woman who charmed the poet with just one look. He expressed his feelings in the best way he could - in poetic lines.

fire swept blue Yesenin with a
fire swept blue Yesenin with a

"The blue fire swept": analysis of the poem

The theme of the poem is love. The feeling that covered the poet with his head. The first lines are about the look, about the blue eyes of the hero, in which sudden feelings are reflected. The word "swept about" shows mental rushing, surging experiences.

A poet who broke many women's hearts and was married talks about first love. And the fact that he considers this love the first speaks of the strength of the feeling, its freshness and purity.

He talks about the waste of his life before meeting Augusta and about how he is ready to change for the sake of his beloved, if only she wants it.

fire swept blue story
fire swept blue story

Poem idea

"The blue fire swept" - a verse-appeal to the lady who won the heart of the poet "the eye of the golden-brown whirlpool". He tells her how he feels. Here he describes his past mistakes and wild life, promising to leave it all for the sake of one look and touch of the hand of his beloved.

It would seem that the lyrical hero repents of his past way of life, temptations and worries. He compares himself to a "neglected garden" and believes that he can become different just for the sake of being withbeloved. He is ready to change his life and worldview for the sake of his beloved eyes.

This is the main idea of the poem "The blue fire swept". Yesenin S. A. puts into the lines all his faith in real sincere and bright love, which will completely change him, give him a desire to live and create. Although the poet is ready to refuse even versification, if only to be in the power of these happiness-giving feelings. That is, for the sake of his beloved, he is ready to sacrifice the dearest thing he has - his gift and talent.

In closing

Sergey Yesenin was able to create surprisingly subtle lyrics, on the lines of which the strings of the reader's soul responded. The simple, soaring style of the poet contained a range of feelings without burdening perception.

The work "The blue fire swept up" (we presented the analysis of the poem above) is not in vain recognized as one of the best examples of love lyrics. In short, capacious lines, the poet described his whole life before meeting his beloved and what she could become if they were together. He is ready to renounce past mistakes and lifestyle, completely change. And Yesenin describes all this in a few lines, thus showing us his greatest talent.
