Benjamin Bratt: biography, filmography, interesting facts from the life of an American actor

Benjamin Bratt: biography, filmography, interesting facts from the life of an American actor
Benjamin Bratt: biography, filmography, interesting facts from the life of an American actor

This actor belongs to the category of Hollywood celestials who started their career in their youth and continue it to this day. Behind the shoulders of the hero of our article is participation in more than a hundred feature films and serials. Talent and hard work are appreciated - Benjamin Bratt has several prestigious film awards.

benjamin bratt
benjamin bratt

Charismatic since childhood

As is often the case with famous stars who have earned worldwide recognition, Benjamin was not going to become an actor. He was born in 1963 to a family of ordinary Americans, a nurse mother and a worker father. Benji could choose to continue any of the family professions, but he was not attracted to medicine, and even more so to the metal-rolling industry. From his parents, Benjamin Bratt received a fair amount of charm. Once upon a time, they, immigrants from other countries, came to the States in search of a better life. Brett's genes are of Peruvian, German and English blood. The parents divorced when the boy was four years old.

Love for complexity

At school, Benji was known as a real speaker. He was singled outeloquence ability. But in other disciplines, he did not lag behind. Participating in school productions, Benjamin Bratt understood that he easily enters into dramatic images, which, along with a comedic gift, are the most difficult even for eminent artists. Deciding that it is worth linking his future life with acting, Brett enters the University of California, where he graduates with a bachelor's degree.

movies with benjamin bratt
movies with benjamin bratt

Activity period

The actor played his first television role in Jeffrey Bloom's crime film Juarez. In 1989, the obstinate Bratt gets the key role of Eduardo Cruz in the action series Nasty Boys. His success was so huge that six months later the broadcast began shooting a full-length tape. A year later, the actor gets the image of detective Ray Curtis, whom he will embody in Law & Order, Cast Away and Homicide.

In the 90s, Benjamin Bratt literally fills the screens. In a year, one or two films with his participation are released. Best of all, he gets the role of a detective-criminal orientation. Among the most popular films is “A Clear and Clear Danger” with Harrison Ford, in which he played Captain Ramirez.

A new round of glory

Special popularity comes to Brett with the beginning of the new century. The first of the list of successful works is the comedy drama “Best Friend”. In it, Rupert Everett and Madonna became screen partners. This was followed by the fantastic thriller "Red Planet", which turned out to be a success in every sense.

benjamin bratt personal life
benjamin bratt personal life

Benjamin Bratt, whose filmography is replenished with the comedy "Miss Congeniality", often appears as boyfriends of the main characters. His professionalism is growing. The actor tries himself in different roles. In 2001, he starred in a small role in the Oscar-winning drug thriller Traffic. Participation with such stars of the first magnitude as Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas, Benicio Del Toro, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sandra Bullock, puts Benjamin on a par with them.

Eligible bachelor and female seducer, for a long time the hero of the yellow press is Benjamin Bratt. The actor's personal life is connected with an affair with the first beauty of Hollywood, Julia Roberts. And although they did not act together, they had a long-term relationship for a while.

Benjamin himself, he does not like to communicate with the press on this topic, in every possible way avoids questions about his personal life. The paparazzi did not believe that such a handsome man remained single, and constantly caught him on the streets or social events in order to capture some actress in the company. However, if this happened, Brett always brushed it off, saying that he was exclusively on friendly terms with his partners.

benjamin bratt filmography
benjamin bratt filmography

In 2001, Brett reincarnates as Miguel Pinero, a poet and drug addict who has risen from the poverty of the slums of New York. On the set of the biopic of the same name, he met Talisa Soto, who later became his wife. With a break of three years, the couple has two children, daughter Rosalind and son Mateo.

With the addition to the Talisa Soto family, almoststops acting career, devoting himself to raising children. The last film with her participation is the 2009 drama Mission District. In it, she played with her husband, and the director was Peter Bratt, Benjamin's brother.

Success and failure

The painting “After the storm” is followed by “Abandoned” and “Lumberjack”. Fantasy comic book adaptation of Catwoman fails at the box office without recouping its budget. Brett plays a police officer who is trying to figure out a mysterious stranger with a tail, putting things in order at night. Ironically, he falls in love with her. The main antagonist of the film was Sharon Stone. But even that didn't help Catwoman get the right rating.

The failure did not affect the actor's career. Films with Benjamin Bratt include the historical melodrama Love in the Time of Cholera, an adaptation of the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In subsequent years, the actor pays attention to long-term projects, starring in the series "The Cleaner", "Private Practice", "Modern Family". Bratt tried his hand at voice acting, providing the voices for the animation characters Despicable Me and Cloudy with a Chance of Rain….

actor benjamin bratt
actor benjamin bratt

Actor Benjamin Bratt today

Over time, Benjamin has not lost his charm. He still combines the role of tough guys and objects of romantic hobbies. In the coming years, the actor is scheduled to shoot in several films, designed in different genres. Brett is looking forward to interesting offers, and his fans believe that the name of one of the most sought-after residents of Hollywood will remain for a long time to come.on hearing. In the meantime, the actor tries to spend his free time with his family and beloved children.
