The series "You all piss me off": actors, roles, plot and reviews

The series "You all piss me off": actors, roles, plot and reviews
The series "You all piss me off": actors, roles, plot and reviews

"You all piss me off" - the provocative name of the new series from the STS channel. A light comedy will cheer up every person, and the cast will please even the most picky movie fan. The series includes twenty episodes of 25 minutes, each of which reveals unexpected, funny and exciting events.

you all piss me off series actors
you all piss me off series actors


The plot of "You all piss me off" revolves around journalist Sofya Bagretsova. Sonya is closed and unsociable, demanding of others and absolutely indifferent to the problems of other people. She doesn't greet her neighbors, doesn't get along with her co-workers, and finds a reason to chastise even the most helpful waiter.

Sophia's world is transformed after drinking a glass of wine. Knowing about her peculiarity, she avoids alcoholic libations, but the editorial task to write a review of a wine restaurant and the presence of the newly-made editor-in-chief forces Sonya Bagretsova to familiarize herself with the wine assortment of the restaurant.

everything infuriates me series actors and roles
everything infuriates me series actors and roles

This nightThe life of a closed journalist is transformed: she starts a stormy romance with a young editor, invites an unlucky manicurist who is going through a breakup with her beloved man, and a neighbor in the stairwell.

The next morning, Sonya's usual mood returns again, and the phrase "You all piss me off" does not leave the lips of the heroine, who is forced to interact with friends found on the ill-fated night, solve their problems and help them get out of the small ones, in her opinion, hardships of life.

A potential viewer may be interested not only in the plot, but also in the well-known director of the TV series "You all piss me off", actors and roles, as well as interesting facts about the filming that remained outside the series.

The main faces of the series

Sonya Bagretsova is a person with a bright and contrasting personality. Trying to deal with the internal conflict, she visits a psychotherapist who advises her to loosen her iron grip and try to go with the flow, developing in herself such qualities as responsiveness, gentleness, loy alty.

Sonya tries to follow the advice of a psychologist, but irritation and intolerance towards others significantly slow down the process of her transformation from a misanthrope into an ordinary person.

Manicurist Nelya is a sweet but unlucky girl. Unlike the main character Sonya, she is talkative and obsessive, loves to envelop those around her with her warmth and care. Unfortunately, due to her sincere simplicity, she has absolutely no idea that the other side may not be interested in such guardianship.

series you all piss me off 2016
series you all piss me off 2016

Continuingto reveal which actors and roles of the series “Infuriate me all”, it is worth telling about the male half of the cast. Sonya's neighbor Vova is a man in search of his calling. Throughout the series, he takes pictures, drives a taxi, enjoys writing, and even tries to become a detective. Vova likes the ingenuous Nelya, but he himself is not distinguished by innocence. He is afraid and respects his neighbor Sonya, although one of the reasons for respect is Sonya's refrigerator, to which Vova has illegitimate access.

Kirill is Sonya's newly minted boss, ambitious and purposeful, active and self-confident. Accustomed to female attention and admiration, Kirill remains discouraged by the indifference of the closed Sonya. The arrogance of a girl inaccessible to him reveals to others his vulnerability and vulnerability.


The actors of the series “You all piss me off” have been known to the viewer for years.

The main role of the series was played by actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, whose filmography can be envied by any domestic artist. Svetlana admitted that the role of Sonya was not easy for her, because, unlike the heroine, she is a sociable and open person who urgently needs the presence of close people nearby. But acting talent and extensive professional experience made it possible for Svetlana to truthfully play the role of a misanthrope-journalist.

The role of the manicurist was played by actress Yulia Topolnitskaya. Colossal popularity was brought to her by shooting in the video of the Leningrad group about Louboutins. It is noteworthy that both the 2016 series “You all piss me off” and the rock band’s clip offered girls similar roles: simple-minded, clumsy, butopen and kind girl.

series you all piss me off actors and roles
series you all piss me off actors and roles

The role of Sonya Vova's neighbor was played by actor Alexander Pal. Alexander stands up for his hero, calling the main reason for his failures the lack of ambition. The actor notes that he met a lot of smart people in his life who were left out of a successful life by chance, which is very difficult to influence.

Editor Sonya Kirill was played by actor Pyotr Fedorov. Piotr speaks warmly about the creative work in the series and even compares it to the famous Italian comedy of the eighties, The Taming of the Shrew.

The actors Yuri Kolokolnikov, Nikolai Fomenko and Alexander Petrov also took a direct part in the filming of the TV series “You all piss me off”. Artists are very popular both in film projects and in creative work on the stage of theaters.


It is not only the actors of the TV series "You all piss me off", but also the director that plays a huge role in success.

you all piss me off plot
you all piss me off plot

The series was filmed by the popular actor, director and screenwriter Oleg Fomin, who previously acted as a director in three seasons of the Next series, comedies The Best Movie 2 and Election Day. He has over 30 released films, over 50 film roles and 3 screenplays to his credit.

How was the series filmed?

For the filming of the series, two apartments (Sony and Vova), a psychologist's office, a cafeteria and a magazine editorial office were built in the pavilions.

The production designer of the series notes that the apartments of the characters reflect them wellcharacter. Sonya's empty and uncomfortable apartment, done in cold colors, contrasts with Vova's cozy but unkempt bachelor apartment.

Interesting facts about the series

  1. The series was supposed to come out under the name "Bitch".
  2. In order to play drunkenness, actress Khodchenkova spun around herself before entering the set.
  3. The cafe where the main characters spend time was inspired by the coffee house from the popular American sitcom Friends.
  4. The poster in Sonya's neighbor's apartment "The Big Lebowski" was chosen because it is the favorite movie of the actor who played Vova.
  5. The story takes place not in the capital, but in Yekaterinburg.

Movie reviews

Reviews on the TV series "You all piss me off" in 2016 are mostly positive. Firstly, the cast consists of popular and beloved by many artists. Secondly, the film is shot very brightly and qualitatively. And finally, the script is full of jokes and unexpected twists.

reviews of the series you all piss me off 2016
reviews of the series you all piss me off 2016

The target audience of the series is young people from 16 to 35 years old, mostly female. However, even the strong half of humanity will be able to get carried away with an easy and interesting plot. A red thread through the whole plot is the idea that any people with real existing shortcomings that annoy the main character still have a large number of positive qualities. That is why it is worth opening up to meet them. And the actors of the series “You all piss me off” perfectly conveyed this idea to their viewers.
