Eduard Radzyukevich: a loving husband, a caring father and a talented actor

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Eduard Radzyukevich: a loving husband, a caring father and a talented actor
Eduard Radzyukevich: a loving husband, a caring father and a talented actor

Video: Eduard Radzyukevich: a loving husband, a caring father and a talented actor

Video: Eduard Radzyukevich: a loving husband, a caring father and a talented actor
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Eduard Radzyukevich is the same actor from the well-known humorous program “6 Frames”, in which he reincarnates from a janitor to a banker and from a drinker to a professor. But he is no less famous as the director of the advertising agency Boris Innokentevich from the film "Three Half Graces", Eduard Raduevich, the director of LLC "PPP" from "Daddy's Daughters" and the photographer of the modeling agency of their "My Fair Nanny". Who is he - actor Eduard Radzyukevich? First things first.


Little Edik was born in July 1965 in Petrozavodsk (Karelia). His father was a military man, and his mother was a professional skier Anfisa Popova. The little boy was only five years old when his mother passed away. Since dad often went on business trips because of his work, he could not spend much time with his son. Yes, and take it with you - too. Therefore, Edik moved to his grandparents, who were engaged in his upbringing,to Moscow. Thanks to his grandfather, the boy began to play sports - athletics. Grandmother cultivated independence and integrity in him. In addition, it was she who taught him how to cook well.

Eduard Radzyukevich
Eduard Radzyukevich

Even in childhood, Edik had to undergo a rather serious operation, the consequence of which was a ban on any physical activity. The boy had to give up a lot of his favorite games and entertainment. Gradually, he turned into a short, strong man. Because of his weight, as a teenager, Eduard Radzyukevich became a "whipping boy" among his peers. And the girls did not pay much attention to him, preferring other, prettier boys.

From dream to reality

As a child, Edik was not going to become an actor. His dream was a military career. The boy wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. And this despite the fact that his artistic abilities manifested themselves at school, during classes. For which he often received scolding from teachers.

And yet, six months before graduation, the boy submits documents to the school under the KGB. He believed that he would pass the selection with ease. But at the last moment he was diagnosed with diathesis, which was the reason for the commission. Young Radzyukevich Eduard did not give up and entered the MIER, the evening department. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked part-time at the factory. The boy realized early on that money is not given just like that. They need to be earned on your own. That's why he tried. At the plant, he had to master eight working speci alties, which were useful to him many years later when arranginghis home.

Russian actor Eduard Radzyukevich
Russian actor Eduard Radzyukevich

Edik studied for three years, but realized that he cannot live without creativity. And he doesn’t want to spend his whole life behind the machine either. Therefore, he leaves the institute and leaves the factory.

In 1987, Radzyukevich, having brilliantly coped with all the entrance tests, became a student at the Moscow Art Theater. But for some reason, according to his personal convictions, he refuses to study at one of the most prestigious universities. Eduard enters the Shchukin School - the course of the People's Artist of Russia Yuri Avsharov.

Career start

After the end of "Pike" Eduard Radzyukevich, whose biography has been of interest to fans of his talent for several years, in the company of his friends - Alexander Zhigalkin and Viktor Bakin, founded the "Scientific Monkey" theater.

And after a while he was invited to the TV show "The director himself" by Alexei Lysenkov, its presenter. For almost ten years, Eduard, along with other talented artists, composed and voiced the texts of the stories shown in this program.

Eduard Radzyukevich roles
Eduard Radzyukevich roles

On TV screens, the actor first appeared in the early nineties. These were "Ballad for Byron" and "Dashing Couple". But the roles were episodic and they did not bring much fame to Radzyukevich. That period of his life was not very easy, but the actor managed to endure it.

Things got off the ground in the 2000s when he was invited to become the host of the Telecocktail for Three program (TNT channel). Then there was the main role in the comedy of Matvey Ganapolsky "From the point of view of an angel", in whichEdward was able to show himself well. Later there were other paintings: "Trajectory of the Butterfly", "Time of the Cruel", "Theatrical Romance" …

His stage roles

Eduard Radzyukevich was not only an actor in the theater, but also a director. In 1986, he staged the play "Korokodile", based on the work of Korney Chukovsky. For many years he collaborated with the Quartet I. At the Theater of Satire, he not only staged the play "Schweik, or Hymn to Idiocy", but also appeared on stage in the title role.

The actor managed to try on the image of Carlson from Carlson who lives on the roof, Falk from The Bat and Farukh from Night 1002.

How was "6 frames" born?

Eduard Radzyukevich has long been a real star of theater and cinema. Films with his participation are broadcast on television with enviable constancy. But, perhaps, most of the viewers know him as an actor in the sketch show "6 Frames".

Sketch show "6 frames"
Sketch show "6 frames"

The actors with whom he plays various funny scenes have been working together since 2005, when “Dear Show” was released on TV screens on April 1. But soon the producer Vyacheslav Murugov switches from REN TV to STS, where the beloved “6 frames” was born with the same actors - Fedor Dobronravov, Eduard Radzukevich, Irina Medvedeva, Galina Danilova, Sergey Dorogov and Andrey Kaikov.

The success of this TV show lies not only in the witty sketches, designed more for a family audience, but also in the fact that there is not the slightest hint of vulgarity here. In addition, actors never joke about serious topics.


Eduard Radzyukevich, whose personal life is of interest to many of his fans, talks very little about himself, and the share of information about his relationship with the fair sex is minimal on the network.

He met his first wife, actress Elena Lanskoy, back in Pike. The romance was very stormy, the young people got married just two months after they met. But a year later, they came to the realization that the routine of family realities prevents them from fulfilling themselves. They got divorced.

His second wife was a student (and, moreover, his own) Elena Yurovskikh. The acquaintance took place at GITIS, where Eduard Vladimirovich taught. He did not dare to approach her for a long time, because the girl is 17 years younger. He watched her for two years before taking the first step. But one day Radzyukevich nevertheless decided to take her home after class. It was then that they had a heart-to-heart talk for the first time and the artist realized that his feeling was stronger than ever before.

Eduard Radzyukevich with his second wife and son
Eduard Radzyukevich with his second wife and son

In the summer of 2003 they got married, and in the winter their son George was born.

Eduard Radzyukevich, whose personal life is still being discussed by many viewers, is a loving husband and caring father. On those days that he is free from filming, he does all the housework himself, giving Lena a little rest and unwind. If necessary, he repairs broken household appliances or cleans a clogged drain.

Now the actor continues to act in TV shows and enters the stage of the theater. One of his lastfilms is "Graphomania", in which Eduard Vladimirovich played one of the graphomaniacs.

Recently, viewers were amazed at how much their idol recovered. They feared that his he alth had let him down. But Radziukevich hastened to reassure everyone, explaining his excess weight by the fact that he quit smoking.
