Lesopoval group. Tanich and Korzhukov

Lesopoval group. Tanich and Korzhukov
Lesopoval group. Tanich and Korzhukov

Lesopoval group is familiar to many. The theme of her work was determined by the creator - Mikhail Tanich, who, after the end of the Great Patriotic War, experienced all the rigidity of the penitentiary system of the Soviet Union.

Tanich. Birth of "Lesopoval"

The band was founded in 1992. M. Tanich spent more than six years in various camps, exiles, worked at a logging site. It was these factors that influenced the name of the musical group. Tanich was released only after Stalin died.

The birth of this musical group took place at the poet's dacha, which was located in Asari. This event happened quite spontaneously, Mikhail himself did not even plan to create a group. However, all those experiences that he endured during the war and after it in the camps, he wanted to express to someone. Therefore, the author composed poems, placing in them part of the biography. Once he gave two poems to Sergei Korzhukov. A couple of days later, Sergey unexpectedly wrote music for them.

felling group
felling group

Song theme

It should be noted that, despite the theme of the group, except for Mikhail, none of the other members of thisthere was no collective in places of deprivation of liberty.

All the songs included in each album of the Lesopoval group were written by Tanich himself. When asked by journalists about the subject of his works, he replies that his work does not belong to the “blatnyak”, on the contrary, the author tries to show the completely opposite side of the coin. The purpose of his lyrics is to tell about the difficult life in the camp. Most likely, according to Mikhail, it would be to classify his songs as "antiblatnyak". The fundamental idea that Tanich is trying to convey to his listeners is that you can always end up behind bars, stealing is bad. The group "Lesopoval" sings not about how wonderful the thieves' life is, but about how difficult it is, how bad it can be if you are among people from the underworld.

Sergey Korzhukov

Korzhukov, born in 1958, was the first vocalist of Lesopoval. He was also a composer. In total, during his work, this talented person wrote musical accompaniment to more than 60 texts by Tanich. Fans of the musical group did not even suspect that Sergei had never been in prison. Moreover, they were sure of the opposite, so Sergei got used to his stage image. This was facilitated by the fear of the soloist and composer that fans could accuse him of insincerity. This fact forced Korzhukov to make the song image a part of himself.

logging band album
logging band album

In 1994, S. Korzhukov died after falling out of the window of his mother's apartment, which is located on the 15th floor. The investigating authorities put forward a version ofthat the fall was the result of an accident. Indeed, Korzhukov had no grounds for suicide, everything was going well for him at that time.


After Sergei's death, the musical group as such ceased to exist. However, fans literally flooded Mikhail Tanich with letters and telegrams with a request to revive the team. The Lesopoval group re-entered the stage in 1995. Sergei Kuprik became the new soloist of the band. The Lesopoval group also included other young musicians.

Critics characterize the group as professional. Live performances, always full halls, excellent arrangements and dances - these are not all the positive characteristics of the group. Musicians know the measure in everything, which is why they constantly dilute their songs with some lyrical digressions in order to give the public a little rest.

composition of the felling group
composition of the felling group

A distinctive feature that the Lesopoval group has is fans from law enforcement agencies, they are present in considerable numbers at many concerts.
