"Robinson Crusoe": did the author write about himself?

"Robinson Crusoe": did the author write about himself?
"Robinson Crusoe": did the author write about himself?

Today there is no consensus about the year in which Daniel Defoe, an English writer, known to our readers primarily as the author of the novel "Robinson Crusoe", was born. Some tend to think that in 1660, while other biographers and historians are sure that Daniel Fo was born in 1661 in London. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, there is no typo in the text. The real name of the famous writer is Fo.

Daniel dafoe
Daniel dafoe

Childhood and youth

Daniel's father was a meat trader and dreamed that his son would become a pastor, so young Daniel was enrolled in a theological seminary. At Morton Academy in Stoke Newington, the future author of Robinson Crusoe studied Greek, Latin and classical literature. But, after graduating from the academy at the age of 19, Daniel Fo begins to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Merchant and pamphleteer

He takes his first steps in commerce as a clerk at a hosiery merchant, where he learns the basics of trading. Travels for the first time, exclusively for commercial purposes, to Portugal, Italy, Spain and France. Subsequently, Daniel Fo will buy a factory for the production of stockings, then a factory for the production of tiles and bricks. An adventurer by nature, Mr. Fo invests in projects that were dubious for that time and, as a result, becomes bankrupt.

Failures on the commercial front don't cut the ground from under Daniel's feet. In addition to commerce, the future novelist is of great interest to the political life of the country. His political activities were directed against the reigning King James II, he wrote satirical poems and pamphlets in which he ridiculed the royal court and the ruling aristocracy. The most popular of them is written in 1701 "Pure-blooded Englishman". The pamphlet was so topical that the authorities sentenced the author to a pillory, a huge fine and imprisoned until the execution of all punishments. Tied to the pillory, the pamphleteer watched as the people of London gave him sympathy and support. Its production collapsed: the plant finally went bankrupt while the owner was in a prison cell.

Robinson Crusoe on the hunt
Robinson Crusoe on the hunt

In fact, Daniel Fo owed his freedom to the Minister and Speaker of the House of Commons, Robert Harley. The speaker pulled the writer out of prison and offered him a job as a secret agent in Scotland and England. In 1704, the particle De was added to the surname Fo, so the owner of the surname decided to emphasize his aristocratic origin. And in the same year he receives a position in the periodical "Review". Here he works until 1713, writes and edits articles, becomes a well-known political observer. In parallel with his work at the publishing house, Defoe writes literaryworks.

First book


In 1719 the first book of the writer - "Robinson Crusoe" was published. The author is a resounding success. The name of Daniel Defoe is included in the history of world literature. Popularity was gained not only by the writer, but also by Robinson Crusoe himself. The author endowed the main character with an unbending character and a lust for life. In the wake of the success of the first book, Defoe immediately releases a sequel about the life of the protagonist - "The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe", and a year later the author writes "Serious reflections during the life and amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, including his visions of the angelic world." But these works did not delight readers.

The whole world believes that the protagonist of the novel "Robinson Crusoe", authored by Daniel Defoe, is a real character. The work is really based on a story that happened to another sailor. Few people know that such wonderful works as “The Happy Courtesan”, “The Joys and Sorrows of Mole Flanders”, “The Story of Colonel Jack” and others came out from the master’s pen. But the main book was and is the book “Robinson Crusoe”. The author and his character went through life together after all.

The famous novelist died in poverty and oblivion, at the age of 71, in London.
