The film "Skyline": reviews, plot, genre, actors and roles

The film "Skyline": reviews, plot, genre, actors and roles
The film "Skyline": reviews, plot, genre, actors and roles

The film "Skyline", reviews of which we will learn in this article, tells about the invasion of aliens in the city of Los Angeles. The motion picture appeared at the box office in November 2010 and earned a PG 13 rating. Skyline was shot in the space fantasy genre by the Strauss brothers. They are also known to viewers from the films "2012" and "Alien vs. Predator". As we can see, the Strauss brothers filmed not only Skyline in the fantasy genre. Reviews about their work are different and not always positive. They are the 5th worst director in Hollywood.

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skyline reviews

The movie "Skyline": the plot

A group of young people wakes up at night after a party from a bright light that hits them through the window. One of the young men comes to the window, and his face is covered with blood vessels. Suddenly, some force pulls the guy out into the street. Frightened, friends lock all the blinds. Nothing works: no phones, no TV, so it is not clear what is happening around.

Terry and Jerrod, leaving the girls, go up to the roof to look around. From above, they see that the inhabitants of the city are drawn into pillars of light emanating fromsky. Then huge alien ships appear in the sky, and they begin to take people by the hundreds. The guys decide to hide on Terry's yacht. On the way up, they meet an old neighbor from whom they want to take a car, but the neighbor is killed by aliens. Friends still put forward on the road in two cars. But as soon as the first car leaves the road, a huge monster steps on it and immediately kills Denis, and then Terry. The friends go down to the garage, but on the way they are attacked by another monster that kills Colin and Jen. The rest of the survivors are rescued by a concierge named Oliver.

The next morning, the US military tries to exterminate the aliens. But they are powerless against the aliens. And although a nuclear warhead manages to shoot down one ship, it self-repairs. The monsters begin to attack the inhabitants of the city with greater fury, cope with a detachment of the military and pull Candace out. Oliver opens the gas and blows up the apartment in which the alien is located. And friends run to the roof, where they see how the monster shoots down a military helicopter. One alien attacks the survivors, Elaine stuns him. But when the enemy comes to his senses, he attacks her. But then Jerrod's face suddenly darkens, and in a fit of rage he tears the monster's mouth and tears out the organs from it.

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skyline movie

Jerrod and Elaine draw a beam of light into the ship, and there they see that the aliens are taking the brains out of people. Some of them are eaten, while others are transplanted into humanoid carriers. Elayne is sent to another compartment, as the aliens find out that she is pregnant and want to extractembryo. At this time, Jerrod's brain is rearranged into a host, it turns out that the brain can completely control the body. He is trying to save the girl and her unborn baby. At the end, the credits alternate with freeze-frames of Jerrod carrying Elaine in his arms.

Skyline is an inexpensive spoof of blockbusters like War of the Worlds and Independence Day. Although the picture paid off in its first week of release, Skyline (2010) cost its creators only $10 million, including all computer-generated effects and advertising. Filming took place in a residential California complex. In 2017, the second part of the film "Skyline" was released, reviews of which are also not very enthusiastic. Critics and viewers were in solidarity on this issue.

skyline actors
skyline actors

The film "Skyline": actors and roles

If you pay attention to the budget of the film, it becomes clear that you should not wait for Hollywood stars. Next, consider the actors who played the main roles.


The role of Jarrod was played by American actor Eric Balfour. The guy played the first roles known to viewers in the projects "Dawson's Creek" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". And since 2010, he has been joining the cast of the series "Haven". But the melodrama "Sleep with me" brought him the greatest fame. Balfour sings in the rock band Fredalba.

He starred in films such as Detective Nash Bridges, What Women Want, The Customer Is Always Dead,"NYPD Blue", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "The Lonely Hearts", "Hawaii", "Far From You", "Big Son", "The Avenger", "Camera 213". And in the film "Skyline" the actor played the main role.


The role of Elayne was played by American actress Scotty Thompson, who was born in 1981 in Virginia. From childhood, the girl showed a disposition to dance. Since 1994 she has been involved with the Richmond Ballet. Scotty then left for New York, wanting to start her career as an actress. In 2016, Thompson received the Best Actress award for her role in the film "37".

Performed roles in such films: "Law &Order", "Ugly Girl", "Shark", "NCIS: Special Forces", "Bones", "Snoop", "Trauma", "Nikita", "Castle ", "Very bad teacher", "Grey's Anatomy".

skyline 2010
skyline 2010


In the film "Skyline" the role of Terry was played by American actor Donald Faison. The actor was born in 1974 in Manhattan. He became famous after filming the movie "Clueless" in 1995. But he is best known for his role as Christopher Turk in the TV series Scrubs.

Played characters in movies such as Clueless, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Remember the Titans, Felicity, The Hangover, City Girls, Exes,Kick-Ass-2.


The role of Candice was played by American actress Brittany Danielle. She was born in 1976 in Florida. Brittany is the twin sister of actress Cynthia Danielle. The girl first became famous for her role in the film "Diary of a Basketball Player", where she played with Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg.

Featured in films: Horror Club, White Chicks, Naughty, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Hamiltons, The Game.

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skyline plot


The role of concierge Oliver was played by American actor David Zeyes. He was born in 1962 in Puerto Rico. After moving to New York, David joined the police. This allowed him to get used to the role of not only officers, but also criminals. Familiar to viewers from such films: Law & Order, Force Majeure, NYPD Blue, Oz, Dexter, The Expendables, Shadowboxing, Gotham.


The role of Denise was played by American actress Crystal Marie Reed. Marie was born in 1985 in Michigan. Since her school years, the girl was attracted to the theater, she took part in school productions. Crystal's iconic role is Alisson in Teen Wolf. She starred in such films as "Possessed", "Too Late", "Deathly Beautiful", "Gotham", "Signs of Compatibility".


The role of Ray was played by actor Neil Edward Hopkins. Edward was born in 1977 in New Jersey. The actor most often plays roles in television series. He took part in such films: "Body Parts", "Lost", "Dirty Wet Money", "Think Like a Criminal", "Ghost Talker", "Terminator: Battle for the Future", "Strong Net", "Charmed ".

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skyline genre


The film "Skyline" received a disapproving ratings result. It was criticized for an unfinished script, a banal plot and poor acting.

Almost all publications that have written reviews of this film complain about the hackneyed and unoriginal script, which did not stand out from a number of other films about the alien invasion of the earth. According to reviews, there is little dynamics in Skyline, and for the first half hour you can fall asleep at all. For the audience, the main character was still not clear. Who is he? Where did he get the superpower to tear apart the alien? And why was his mind able to control the carrier? These questions remain unanswered. And the open ending of the film hints at a sequel, which is also not to everyone's taste.

The only thing the critics praise is the special effects. They turned out to be truly bright and grandiose, which cannot be said about the film as a whole.
