How to play the piano: tips for beginners

How to play the piano: tips for beginners
How to play the piano: tips for beginners

Virtuoso mastery of some musical instrument and absolute ear for music are not at all the conditions that may be required to learn how to play the piano at home. Rather, in order to master all the intricacies of playing the piano, you will need one thing and the main thing - the desire to learn.

Where to start?

Motivation is a really important thing, both educators and psychologists will confirm this. With the confidence that you are interested, you will overcome any obstacles that arise. After all, the reward will be the opportunity to select your favorite tunes, learn already written works or even create your own parts for a group that can be assembled. The piano is only one type of keyboard, and there are many electronic variants that add a special touch to the sound of both electronic and instrumental music. And besides, musical numbers are popular at parties, whether it's an electronic set or a song on a conventional instrument.

Pianist RichardDworsky
Pianist RichardDworsky

First steps

From what basics do you need to learn how to play the piano for beginners? From the understanding of one simple thing - the need for daily training. If every day to devote at least fifteen minutes of your time to training, the result can be really achievable. Required every day and at least the specified time. We will talk about the exercises later, at this stage it is really important to make a conscious decision - something like "yes, I am ready to devote time to this every day." And, as mentioned earlier, you should have the tool itself or its compact variants at hand.

Training options

Learning to play the piano at home will be much easier if you determine what you will rely on in the future. In other words, you will need to choose a source of knowledge. After all, a simple selection of melodies will not lead to the development of playing skills. Therefore, we invite you to consider ways to learn how to play the piano, right now - why put it off?

Pupil and piano
Pupil and piano


In order to get the information you need from the comfort of your home, you can download the electronic version of various tutorials explaining how to play the piano from scratch.

The advantage of this approach, of course, will be the possibility of learning without tiring trips to the other end of the city to a familiar teacher and, in principle, the ability to independently choose the right time for classes.

The main thing in case you study using an electronic or paper tutorial will bechoice factor. There are many textbooks en titled "Learning to play the piano" today, and it would be better to rely on the recommendations of music teachers. And finding these recommendations will not be difficult on the forums of musicians and music teachers.

"How to play the piano without problems and without wasting too much time" - let's say that about all the titles of benefits sound like that. Although they are similar in many ways, the very possibility of doing something yourself is worth a lot.

keyboard instrument
keyboard instrument

What are text-based piano tutorials? The two largest groups, which differ in the presentation of the material, are, of course, tutorials for adults and children. Tutorials for adults always turn out to be more voluminous and more serious in terms of the method and structure of the material. Only in such a tutorial can one find a quick transition from the introduction to the study of musical notation, keys, rhythm and melody. As a rule, everything is presented in the form of a lesson, with a minimum of game moments and changing the information to one that is easier to understand.

Children's tutorials are characterized by a special presentation of the material. For example, there is a tutorial for playing the piano in fairy tales, pictures, and even fairy tales in pictures. In any case, the material is always presented more easily and clearly so that the child is not frightened by a large number of incomprehensible words or names, and also does not get bored of the overloaded text. Also, some children's tutorials introduce only the basic concepts of music and prepare the child for a music school rather than give a complete piano course. Of course, it also plays a rolethe age of the child, for example, for the youngest - from five to seven - there is a category of textbooks. For those who are older - up to ten, you can also find separate textbooks.

In general, it depends only on the student what is more convenient for him to rely on for the most comfortable work with the material.

Video tutorials

A positively proven direction is educational videos that are posted on the Web.

You can also use video teachers at any convenient time, and an additional advantage of this method is visibility. After all, you will be able to see with your own eyes the appearance of new melodies, work with sound and, in general, the cheerful everyday life of musicians - many channel hosts present material tasty and not boring.

Inspiration behind the instrument
Inspiration behind the instrument

For example, one of the popular video tutorials was created to answer an unusual question. It sounded like this: “How to play the piano not just from scratch, but with the goal of jamming in interesting places in New York?” The creator of the channel improved his playing skills for three years and eventually assembled his own jazz band. The three musicians collaborate and perform together, and a young man once didn't even know what a keyboard looked like!

Private tutoring

About how to play the piano, most of all, of course, professional musicians will be able to tell you. And if you have free time, a tool and a desire, as well as the ability to pay for classes - why not try to learn in this way?

Tool Mastery
Tool Mastery

The only downside to private tutoring can be the high cost. But you should pay attention to the fact that you will not only be able to start playing much faster, but also put your hand, and this is very important for extracting sound. That is, when answering the question of how to learn to play the piano, it is better to answer: professionally. In the case of a tutor, this is exactly what will happen.

Of course, an additional bonus of classes with a teacher will be teaching musical notation. Whatever one may say, but this is a really important thing. Knowing the literacy, in the future you will be able to play not only the piano, but also any other instruments: guitar, drums, winds - everything that may seem interesting. And yet, it is the teacher who can advise you to choose a further path to study music and even recommend some kind of musical institution, if you suddenly decide to receive a specialized education. In any case, a music school or college can be suggested for sure.

Student and teacher
Student and teacher

Using the tutorial site

In addition to all the above methods, specialized sites can help you learn how to play the piano. Each of them is a collection of sequentially laid out lessons containing the necessary information on learning - most often written, but sometimes with video.

This kind of learning is like a mix of videos and tutorials in text formats. The creators of sites dedicated to learning to play instruments are usually musicians themselves orteachers, so they know perfectly well what they are talking about, and will easily help to make the section "Learning to play the piano" interesting and understandable.

A big plus of self-learning sites is in an integrated approach. Since they are compiled by professional musicians, with the right persistence, the result can be the same as from classes with a teacher.


Firstly, there are many different options for learning to play the instrument you are interested in. Secondly, all these options do not imply the need to travel around the city in search of a place for rehearsals. Thirdly, some of these options will also require almost no costs. In any case, there is always an opportunity to learn how to play.

Breath of fresh air
Breath of fresh air

The main thing is that you must definitely have not even the instrument itself or familiar teachers. You have to really want to learn new things, learn how to play the piano, in this case. And remember that you have every opportunity to obtain this knowledge.
