Summary of Gogol's "The Nose" - stories of the great hoaxer

Summary of Gogol's "The Nose" - stories of the great hoaxer
Summary of Gogol's "The Nose" - stories of the great hoaxer

Gogol wrote the work "The Nose" in an unusual way. The story, unfortunately, is still misunderstood by most fans of his work. Even experts mistakenly defined the genre as an absurdist story. In reality, this is a story-epigram, a story-cipher. In any case, it was not created for the school curriculum.

summary gogol nose
summary gogol nose

As a cipher table, the author used the extremely popular (repeatedly mentioned by Pushkin) "Dream Book" by Martyn Zadeki. Without the substitution of fact, introduced with his help, the story would never have been published. After all, Nikolai Vasilievich quite sharply ridiculed the vulgarity of a particular secular personality, a high official, well-known in St. Petersburg. The scoundrel allowed himself to do indecent things and at the same time had hopes for a brilliant marriage. The anecdotal disorder of these plans is evidenced by the summary of Gogol's "The Nose" presented by us. Indeed, wishing much from Fate, one muststay Human.

The text hidden by Gogol was so transparent to thinking contemporaries that his friends, the publishers Shevyrev and Pogodin, easily opened it and even returned the manuscript back, considering it "dirty linen". However, Pushkin liked the "fantastic", "original" "joke", he was completely delighted and personally published the work.

Let's begin to present to the readers the deciphered summary. Gogol Nos initially "attaches" to the main character - Platon Kovalev, a provincial, unencumbered intellect, with a career acumen.

summary of gogol nose
summary of gogol nose

He arrived in St. Petersburg after serving in the Caucasus. The reputation of the defender of the Fatherland compensates for education, knowledge, experience. All this we will learn from the words of the author. Well, we will learn even more using the above-mentioned dream book. Kovalev has high patrons, this is characterized by a starched collar (prestige, as well as social security), he receives a hefty salary - sideburns (profit). The service goes on as usual, the official "lives to the fullest", in his understanding, he does not limit himself even to moral conventions. But suddenly, quite unexpectedly, Gogol's brief summary of "The Nose" acquires the highest intrigue when, waking up in the morning, our hero peers into the mirror for a long time (the opinion of others about him) and discovers the absence of a nose (to divorce, loss). Those. the dream book indicates that the marriage he longed for as an option for prudent enrichment is upset.

Let's get back to the formal text. Culprit of the disappearancenose - a well-defined personality - hairdresser Ivan Yakovlevich. On the one hand, this character performs certain actions, and on the other hand, with the help of Gogol's hints, he helps to understand what obscene things the official does. He is a drunkard (accusations, shame). The dream interpretation interprets the haircut process as betrayal, shame, dishonor. Gogol repeatedly mentions his "stinky hands". Indeed, deceit and blackmail are the craft of the barber. But one day this low man just came into the hands of profit. He found the nose of the protagonist (good name and reputation) in bread (income). The barber decides to blackmail the official.

product nose gogol
product nose gogol

Is the "defender of the Fatherland" who fought in the Caucasus so impeccable? In the summary of Gogol's "The Nose", it is important not to forget to add an essential detail - the abundance of rings on Kovalev's hands (connections and relationships). Precious seals on the names of the days of the week indicate his one-time meetings with the "bad girls". In support of the foregoing, the police officer drops the phrase that decent people have a nose in place, correlating the main character with people "traveling in obscene places." In addition, from a letter from Ms. Podtochina's mother, we become aware of Kovalev's dishonorable act towards a young girl. Here is the hero of the Caucasian War, who dreams of getting married profitably!

Gogol's summary "The Nose" develops dynamically when the Barber tries to throw the found nose into the river (river - speeches, conversations), but the policeman delays him. Apparently, the blackmailer was arrested while spreading rumors. Unpleasant adventures become public. (Crowds, squares, wide streets mean scandals, trials, negative public opinion). The allegory is indicative when in the temple the Nose (good name and reputation), which has become an independent person, meekly prays. At the same time, the gaze of the official Kovalev in the church focuses on young women. This division testifies that the Good Name of the official is finally lost.

But still, fate favors him. The police chief returns his nose, the barber is recognized as a villain and caught. Ivan appears in the plot with a candle (a candle - to unexpected luck). A bright light pours through the closed doors (towards the luck, overcoming the resistance of other people). Why is Platon Kovalev so lucky? Is it because the story, fortunately for him, takes place on March 25, the day of the Annunciation?
