Summary: "Russian Women", Nekrasov N. A

Summary: "Russian Women", Nekrasov N. A
Summary: "Russian Women", Nekrasov N. A
summary of Russian women Nekrasov
summary of Russian women Nekrasov

N. A. Nekrasov is a famous Russian writer, poet and publicist. He devoted his creations mainly to the common people, their sufferings and experiences. These are such works as "Frost, Red Nose", "Who Lives Well in Russia" and others. There is also a poem in the author's work dedicated to the feat of the wives of the Decembrists. Here is a summary of it. "Russian Women" (Nekrasov N. A.) is an ode to the selfless love and moral strength of our compatriots who gave up everything for their husbands.

“Russian Women”, N. A. Nekrasov. Princess Trubetskaya: departure from home

In the fierce winter of 1826, the young princess Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya travels to Siberia after her husband, convicted of an attempt on royal power. Her father begs her to change her mind. However, the wife of the Decembrist remains adamant. She mentally said goodbye to St. Petersburg, which she loved without memory, and loved ones, as she understood that she might never return here. Her father, the old count, carefully laid the bearskin in the cart, which was supposed to take his beloved daughter forever to the kingdom of snow and frost. Thus began the long journey of the princess towardsto her husband, a Decembrist, and now a convict of Siberia. To remember all the main points of the work, its summary will help us.

“Russian Women” Nekrasova N. A. Princess Trubetskaya: travel impressions

Nekrasov Russian women summary
Nekrasov Russian women summary

On the road, Princess Trubetskaya recalls her carefree childhood, serene youth, honeymoon trip to Italy. How far away it all is now! Ahead of her is captivity in the realm of a fierce winter. On the way, the princess only occasionally meets miserable towns, the population of which is not numerous. There is a terrible frost outside. But all this does not frighten the brave woman who dreams of meeting her beloved husband. This is how Princess Trubetskoy N. A. describes the journey through Siberia. Nekrasov. "Russian Women" (a summary of the work is given in the article) is a poem about great love and willpower of the Russian soul.

Princess Trubetskaya: visiting the Governor of Irkutsk

After two months of a difficult journey, Princess Trubetskaya arrives in Irkutsk. She is met by the governor himself, who assures the woman of his devotion and desire to help in everything. However, when the princess asks him for horses to Nerchinsk, the official is in no hurry to help her out. He appeals to her feelings, urging her to pity her aged father, tells about the horrors of Siberia that await her if she does not change her mind. He says that the woman will have to live with thieves and murderers in a common barracks. But this does not frighten Trubetskaya. The horrors of hard labor do not frighten her. “If only,” as she says, “to be near her beloved and die with him.”Then the official lays out the last trump card, offering the woman to give up her title and continue her path as a commoner. But even this cannot break the princess. Then the governor gives up and agrees to help his guest, who soon continues on her way. The historical events of that time will remind us of this work (its summary).

"Russian women". Nekrasov N. A. Princess Volkonskaya: married to a general

Childhood and youth of Maria Raevskaya passed near Kyiv, in the estate of her father. There she grew and matured, opening like a rosebud. At all the balls arranged in her father's house, the young beauty was the center of attraction for the views of both men and women. When Masha was 18 years old, her father found her a good groom - General Sergei Volkonsky, who was in honor of the sovereign. He was much older than his young bride, but this did not stop Mary from falling in love with him. The wedding took place soon after. The young people were happy. The only thing that upset the woman was that she rarely saw her husband, who was constantly on the road. More than 50 years after the Decembrist uprising, this poem was created. In 1872, Nekrasov finished writing it. "Russian Women" (a brief summary of the poem tells about its main points) and still remains for us one of the favorite works of the great master.

Princess Volkonskaya: the birth of her first child and the arrest of her husband

It soon became clear that Maria became pregnant. But General Volkonsky did not wait for the birth of his first child. He was convicted of preparing a conspiracy against the king. The valiant general was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia. Masha gave birth in her father's house. And as soon as she recovered after giving birth, she decided to immediately go for her husband. Her father begged her to think, to have pity on her little child. But the desire of the princess was firm. And soon Mary sets off on a long journey. This work (its summary) will tell us about what happened to her next.

"Russian Women" Nekrasova N. A. Princess Volkonskaya: hard road through Siberia

At the beginning of the journey, the woman stops in Moscow at the house of her sister Zinaida. Here she became the heroine of the day. She is admired and admired. Even the poet Pushkin was in love with her. Later he will dedicate lines to her in the poem "Eugene Onegin". The path of a woman in Siberia was not easy. Blizzards and frosts complicated it. In Nerchinsk, Maria catches up with Princess Ekaterina Ivanovna. They arrived at the husbands' detention center almost simultaneously.

Princess Volkonskaya: meeting with her husband

nekrasov russian women brief
nekrasov russian women brief

As soon as the women reached their destination, Volkonskaya went to the mines where convicts worked. The sentry did not want to let her in, but, taking pity on the sobbing princess, he nevertheless allowed her to go into the mines. Trubetskoy was the first to see Maria Nikolaevna. And then Obolensky, and Muravyov, and Borisovs ran up … Finally, the woman saw her husband. There were shackles on his legs, and flour on his face. The faithful wife knelt before her husband and pressed her lips to the chains. This is how the meeting between Princess Volkonskaya and her husband took place.
