Profession. How to find your purpose in life? Profession Quotes

Profession. How to find your purpose in life? Profession Quotes
Profession. How to find your purpose in life? Profession Quotes

Everyone must, one way or another, earn their living. This is inevitable, because time runs inexorably fast. Sooner or later, everyone has a question: "How will I work? Who would I like to work?". This is one of the most crucial moments in our life. And today we will try to find out how to make it easier for you to choose your future profession, based on famous and interesting quotes about professions.

Reasons for difficulty in choosing a job

Everyone, of course, wants to get a higher education, and then - a well-paid job, preferably in their speci alty. Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to find a job to your liking. This is due to the economic state of the world.

Also, modern school education is arranged in such a way that a child, while studying at school, cannot reveal himself. In general educational institutions, all children are taught the same way, without taking into account their talents, preferences, purpose in life. It's great if a child is engaged in self-development in parallel and knows exactly what he wants in life. But, often, after more than ten years of a strict regime, a graduate is given a certificate and with the words "goodbye" they relieve themselves of all obligations - and with a sense of accomplishment they leave the life of a former student. So yes, the school fulfilled its duty, but in doing so, it hammered deep into the heart of the child his talent and inclinations. Accordingly, it is very difficult to find yourself in adulthood.

It is certainly very difficult to choose a job. Whichever option to consider - everything is difficult. Key Quote on Career Choice:

We always start to respect people more after we try to do their job. © William Feder

There is no job that does not have all sorts of difficulties. There will always be obstacles on the way to success. They won't let you relax. The main thing is that the work, one way or another, like it. Otherwise, a person will work without enthusiasm, which has a lot to do with success. Another quote about the future profession says:

The proof of the truth of any calling is the love of the hard work it requires. © Logan Pearsall Smith

Without this condition it is impossible to feel at ease. Truly lucky is the one who has found his calling in life. After all, every year it is harder and harder to do it.

On the importance of work

For young and promising guys, it is very important to start finding a job; not necessarily on a permanent basis, it is most convenient when it is seasonalside job. Thus, the young man tempers his character - he becomes really a man, and not a freeloader on the shoulders of his parents. The boy should eventually become a support for his parents and be able to support his future family.

Successful worker
Successful worker

It is also now popular for girls to work on a par with men. Everyone can, of course, have their own opinion on this matter. Many believe that this is a personal matter for every woman. One can only advise them not to overstrain, and remain feminine and beautiful, for which men, in fact, love and appreciate them. Here is the opinion of one good family psychologist Sergey Yakovlev on this matter.


P. S. This is by no means a guide to action, but only food for thought; no one forces busy girls to quit their jobs.

In confirmation, there is another quote about the profession:

Probably only one person in a thousand is passionately absorbed in his work as such. The only difference is that they will say about a man: “He is passionate about his work”, and about a woman: “She is kind of strange.” © Dorothy Sayers

Hard work
Hard work

Benefits of having a profession

Anyone you don't ask will say they don't enjoy their job (at least most people). Nobody likes to work for some reason. Most likely, they chose poorly or did not strongly strive to grab the bull by the horns. This is not speculation now, because, as they say, nothing is impossible, the main thing is desire and hard work. Profession QuoteMurakami Haruki reads:

Profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience.

Most people don't realize how lucky they are to be able to work. Because there are a lot of those in the world who, for one reason or another, cannot get a profession.

homeless without profession
homeless without profession

Also, the presence of a profession opens up a huge field of activity for a person for his development. A man without duty, without duties, is not a man at all. The worst thing that can be for a person is the absence of any useful activity, which leads to complete degradation to the level of an animal.

Quotes about the profession of great people

The price you pay for mastering a profession is getting too familiar with its unpleasant sides. © James Baldwin

Over time, people become less and less competent in a profession for which they were first well prepared. © Paul Armer

There are no bad professions, but there are those that we give way to others. © Miguel Zamacois

Find a job you love and you'll win five days a week. © Jackson Brown Jr.

job options
job options

As a result, we can say that all professions are good and benefit humanity. You just need to always be on the lookout for a new job. Even when we have already settled down somewhere; look ahead for possible options in case something happens. I would also like to wish readers to find their place in life anda profession that will bring happiness five days a week.
