Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography in brief

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography in brief
Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography in brief

In the old bureaucratic district of Moscow, on Malaya Ordynka, at the beginning of the 19th century, the famous writer and playwright A. N. Ostrovsky was born, whose biography is filled with participation in the bright events of the theatrical and literary life of Russia at that time.

Ostrovsky biography
Ostrovsky biography

Childhood and youth

biography Ostrovskiy an
biography Ostrovskiy an

The exact date of birth of the writer is April 12, 1823. His childhood and youth were spent in Zamoskvorechye. Nikolai Fedorovich, the father of the future writer, although he was the son of a priest, served as an official in court. Mother, Lyubov Ivanovna, died early. Father remarried a noblewoman when Alexander was 13 years old. The successful judicial career of Nikolai Fedorovich brought him a noble rank and a decent fortune, for which he acquired several estates and, having moved in 1848 to the village of Shchelykovo, Kostroma province, became a real landowner.

After graduating from the gymnasium in Moscow in 1840, the young man enters, at the insistence of his father, the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. However, he studied jurisprudence for only three years. Theatrebecame his true passion. He drops out of university. In the hope that he will be able to correct the theatrical inclinations of his son, his father attaches him as a scribe to the Moscow conscientious court. After working there for two years, Ostrovsky is transferred to the office of the commercial court. The years spent in legal practice did not pass without a trace for the future playwright. Many plots of literary works were borrowed by him from real life.

A. N. Ostrovsky: biography of the early period

This period covers the life of the writer after graduation. From the moment he entered the university and met with the theater, the biography of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky began to change in the direction of literary activity and dramaturgy. He took up literature in earnest. The essay "Notes of a Zamoskvoretsky Resident", the uncomplicated comedy "The Picture of Family Happiness" and two scenes from the future comedy were published. The comedy "Our people - let's settle" was released in 1849. In the same year, against the will of his father, he marries a simple bourgeois. His father refuses him financial support.

A. N. Ostrovsky: biography of the "Muscovite" and "pre-reform" periods

Ostrovsky's drama is gaining momentum. During the period 1852-1860, the following events take place:

  • Staging the play "Do not get into your sleigh."
  • The release of the play "Poverty is not a vice".
  • Ostrovsky is a member of the young editorial board of the Moskvityanin magazine.
  • Since 1856 - cooperation with the Sovremennik magazine. Acquaintance with L. N. Tolstoy and I. S. Turgenev.
  • 1856 - participation in the literaryethnographic expedition along the Volga. The richest material for future works has been collected.
biography of Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich
biography of Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Ostrovsky: biography of the "post-reform" perioda

  • 1865 - he founds a theater circle, a school for talented theater lovers.
  • 1870 - on his initiative, a school of playwrights was created.
  • Successfully translating Cervantes, Shakespeare.
  • Total number of theatrical productions reaches 54.
  • In 1872 he wrote the verse comedy "Comedian of the 17th century".

About how rich and fruitful the writer's life was, his biography testifies. Ostrovsky A. N. died on June 14, 1886 in the Zavolzhsky estate Shchelykovo.
