The series "American Crime Story": reviews, plot, actors

The series "American Crime Story": reviews, plot, actors
The series "American Crime Story": reviews, plot, actors

Probably every fan of action-packed crime films has at least heard about the series "American Crime Story". He received the most positive reviews, not only from well-known critics, but also from ordinary viewers, which already says a lot. Therefore, if you do not know what to see in the evenings, then it is quite possible to spend several tens of hours to immerse yourself in the eerie and sometimes quite tense atmosphere of the most intricate and high-profile crimes of recent years in the United States.

Series structure

Before talking about the plot and the main characters, it is worth talking about the unusual structure of the series. It currently consists of four seasons. The first was released in 2016, and the fourth is scheduled to premiere in autumn 2019.

First season
First season

Each of the seasons tells a different story that shocked the American public. They are not related to each other in any way. Violent crimes, which were often never fully investigated, are shown from different angles, whichallows each viewer to decide for themselves what caused them, who is the real criminal.

Story Brief

Of course, first of all, the series owes excellent reviews about "American Crime Story" to a chic plot. They were written by experienced screenwriters who relied not only on eyewitness accounts, but also on police reports.

scene in court
scene in court

The first season was called "The People vs. O. J. Simpson". He talks about a sensational murder that took place in the summer of 1994. It was then that two bodies were found in the elite area of Los Angeles - Brentwood. They were Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman. The police immediately identified O. J. Simpson, Nicole's ex-husband, as one of the most likely suspects. A successful football player and movie star repeatedly beat her, which led to a divorce. For ten episodes, this case is being investigated, witnesses are being interviewed, and evidence is being collected. What verdict will the court come to?

2 season of "American Crime Story" reviews received no less positive than the 1st. He talks about the murder of Gianni Versace, a successful fashion designer. He was shot to death in his own home by serial killer Andrew Cunanan. It happened in the first episode. The following tells the story of fashion designer Versace. "American Crime Story" received excellent reviews due to the thorough reconstruction of everything that happened.

George Bush and actor
George Bush and actor

3 season is not tied to onehigh-profile crime. It was called "Katrina" and tells about one of the most destructive hurricanes in US history, as well as numerous crimes that were committed by marauders after he almost destroyed New Orleans. Also, a close-up shows President George W. Bush, who was head of state when it happened. All his decisions and actions taken to solve the problem are described in detail.

Main roles

The main role in the first season of the series - O. J. Simpson - was played by Cuba Gooding. Prior to that, he played in a variety of films, starting in the eighties. His filmography includes Gladiator, Doomsday, The Boys Next Door, Jerry Maguire, Pearl Harbor and many more.

Brown Sterling played Christopher Darden, the lawyer who defended O. J. Simpson in court. Before that, he had quite a lot of experience in filming TV shows and films. He played in "Boston Lawyers", "Third Shift", "Spy", "Supernatural", "Stay" and several others.

In the second season of the main character, more precisely, the anti-hero, Andrew Kunen, played by Darren Chris. He is familiar to viewers from the films and TV series The Flash, Chicago 8, Glee, Detective Rush, Supergirl and others.

Cunanan and actor
Cunanan and actor

Finally, in the third season, the main role - Dr. Anna Poo - was played by Sarah Paulson. Before filming in the series, she played episodicand key roles in films such as Mission Serenity, The Diggers, What Women Want, The Sopranos and more.

Interesting facts

All series are based on real events, the developers have tried to keep fiction to a minimum.

In order to capture the quality of the police chase after Simpson, the filmmakers had to close part of a busy highway in California twice. This was done on weekends so as not to disturb people rushing to work.

During the filming of the first season, the film crew watched the footage of the trial of O. J. Simpson in order to better feel its atmosphere and convey the spirit as tightly as possible.

Although actress Sarah Paulson doesn't smoke, she had to do so during filming in order to play Marsha Clarke's addiction as authentically as possible.

Reviews about the series

American Crime Story seasons 1 and 2 received mixed reviews. Some critics said that the creators approached the study of the issue very seriously, managed to show well-known crimes very objectively. Others, on the contrary, believe that, with all the objectivity, the film crew tried to present the material in such a way that the viewer formed a completely unambiguous opinion.

Second season
Second season

3 season received mostly positive reviews. If only because there is no high-profile crime as such here, everything happened through the fault of the rampant elements. And the fact that George W. Bush is not the most popularthe president, shown not from the best side, was to the taste of many viewers and critics.


This concludes our article. Now you know about the plot of the series "American Crime Story". And you can decide whether it's worth watching or if it's better to spend your free time in other ways.
