Horror film "Mist": reviews, impressions

Horror film "Mist": reviews, impressions
Horror film "Mist": reviews, impressions
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haze reviews

At its core, the horror film "The Mist" is a free adaptation of the novel by the outstanding Stephen King directed by Frank Darabont. Everyone knows that the writer, with almost every creation and all his work, emphasized the fact that the main monsters in his works are precisely people. So the story "The Fog" makes a special emphasis on the relationship of the main characters, and not on bloodthirsty monsters. Nevertheless, he was not categorically against the fact that F. Darabont chose to change the ending of the original, making it darker in the film. This liberty caused a real resonance: the scale of the tragedy can be fully appreciated if you are not too lazy and compare the original (book) and the film "Mist" - the reviews will be very contradictory. Most moviegoers going to see the movie expected to see some sort of survival horror, but they saw something else.

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haze movie reviews

About the plot without spoilers

The main action of the picture takes place in a limited, closed space, where a rather motley company turned out to be locked up against their will - everyone is scared to death and sees no way out of this situation. Traditionally, there is a leader among the company, often a real madman, who will definitely find religious overtones in the events taking place. The film "The Mist", reviews of which are very contradictory, brings to the fore the effect of fear on people in an extreme situation, when horror turns respectable citizens into animals, and this turns out to be much worse than the threat posed by an arriving alien monster. Therefore, not only the film "Mist" (reviews of the film in particular), but also the general atmosphere gives food for thought.

The hopelessness of the general atmosphere is the main moral message of the film

Continuing to carefully study the film "Mist", reviews of the film, we can draw the simplest conclusion that human naivety, unshakable faith in the best in the blink of an eye can turn into a kind of cult with a completely unacceptable, devoid of common sense ideology. The heroes of the movie experience such changes in the psyche due to pessimism in the belief that there is nowhere to wait for help. However, even among the characters distraught with horror, there are individual heroes who have retained their sanity and who have not irretrievably lost the spark of hope for salvation, therefore they are trying to act. As for the atmosphere of the film, it is a cocktail of fear of the unknown and complete hopelessness.

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movie haze reviews

Here, the mysterious fog played an important role in forcing the general atmosphere: the heart stops in a poignant foreboding, when a white veil inexorably covers the whole city and brings with it fear and death. But the ending of the picture is simply shocking. Having previously read the article “Mist” - reviews of film critics in the media, many could not even think that it would all end like this. Personally, when I watched the final scene, I was put into a depressed state, for a long time no film has shocked me so much. The final episode sounded in unison with the musical composition of Dead Can Dance and seemed to turn inside out. In King's short story, the ending is open and invites the reader to independently guess the fate of the main characters, but the creators of the picture went the opposite way, dotting the "i". Many films, especially psychological thrillers, leave different feelings after watching, but not this one. And it’s useless to read opuses on the topic “Mist” - the reviews will not convey how emotionally devastating this picture is, and, leaving nothing inside, it simply plunges you into shock. There is no anger, no longing, no pity, nothing, just a dumb question: “Why?..”
