Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?

Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?

The question of which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey is of a historical nature, because these works are not only the first monuments of ancient Greek literature, but also the first in European literature.

Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey? Who was able to create such grandiose works? They contain

Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and Odyssey
Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and Odyssey

in itself quite a large number of different legends, claiming to be historical. Moreover, these works are quite large, which casts doubt on the authorship of the same person.

Yet the generally accepted answer to the question: "Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?" - is the statement that the author is Homer, who was blind from birth.

If we assume that these two works were written by the same author, then he wrote based on centuries-old folk art. Modern science has seen in these works a reflection of variousperiods of historical development of Greek culture.

The Iliad and the Odyssey were first written down in the second half of the 6th century BC. However, the material for the poems was created even earlier, at least three centuries before the first recording, because the Homeric poems reflect even earlier periods of Greek culture. That is why historians and linguists often argue about which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. But ancient Greek history, except for Homer, does not distinguish equally outstanding and brilliant masters of the literary word. Therefore, it is believed that Homer wrote down the poems after all. Not being a witness to the historical events described, he described them based on existing legends and myths.

Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad
Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad

Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad? Aftermath of the Trojan War

The plot of the Homeric poem "Iliad" is based on various events of the Trojan War. The Greeks for quite a long time waged war in Asia Minor. But it was the period of the war with Troy that began to occupy a special place in the hearts of the ancient Greeks. The three began dedicating many different literary works.

For quite a long time, the events described in Homer's poems were considered simply fiction, colorful myths and legends, which were clothed in magical verses that had absolutely no p

Homer Iliad and Odyssey
Homer Iliad and Odyssey

real basis.

Homer. "Iliad" and "Odyssey"

The efforts of many archaeologists, historians and philologists are producing results. After several attempts, they completely recreated the picture of the life of the ancient Greeks during the pre-Homeric and Homeric eras. However, in Homer's poems one can find references to some iron weapons that were unfamiliar to Mycenaean culture. Most likely, the epics of the ancient Greeks developed gradually, based on the historical events of several eras, and ultimately took shape in writing in the eighth century BC. But none of the many literary works of antiquity that have come down to us has such a strong impact on the further development of human culture as the Iliad and the Odyssey.
