Biography of Tatyana Snezhina. Tatyana Snezhina: list of the best songs

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Biography of Tatyana Snezhina. Tatyana Snezhina: list of the best songs
Biography of Tatyana Snezhina. Tatyana Snezhina: list of the best songs

Video: Biography of Tatyana Snezhina. Tatyana Snezhina: list of the best songs

Video: Biography of Tatyana Snezhina. Tatyana Snezhina: list of the best songs
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One of the most talented singers, a wonderful composer and poet Tatyana Snezhina once wrote that she could not come to terms with the regularity that such people, necessary for Russia, as Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Vladimir Vysotsky, are leaving from life so early. Apparently, her country also needed her too much.

tatyana snezhina
tatyana snezhina

Did the young girl, pouring her soul, her thoughts and feelings on paper, know that her work would live much longer than herself? That sometime collections of her poems will lie on the same bookshelf with the works of her favorite poets - Akhmatova, Yesenin, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak - and take their rightful place among them? Most likely, she didn't know. She just created. A photo of Tatyana Snezhina indicates that she was a simple open girl. How did she live, what did she strive for, what did she want from life? Read about what Tatiana Snezhina's biography contains in this article.

Childhood and youth

On May 14, 1972, in the city of Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) in the Ukrainian SSR, a daughter, Tatyana Valerievna Pechenkina, was born in a military family (the real name of the singer). To this girlI was destined to do a lot for my country, to say a lot. When she was only three months old, the family was forced to move to Kamchatka, where they transferred to the service of her father.

The first music lessons for a little daughter were taught by her mother, playing the piano. For the first time, Tatyana's talent manifested itself when she was four years old - she performed with inimitable skill in front of her relatives, sang, danced and already read poems of her own composition.

Tanya went to school in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In 1982, the parents again changed their place of residence, settled in Moscow. Tatyana Snezhina attended school No. 874, participated in the social activities of the educational institution, and was engaged in a drama club.

funeral of tatyana snezhina
funeral of tatyana snezhina

After graduating from school, Tanya entered a medical college in Moscow, but in 1992 she had to move again, this time to Novosibirsk. Over time, she transferred to the Novosibirsk Medical Institute.

The beginning of the creative path

Tatyana Snezhina started writing poetry and music in her school years. She recorded her first music albums at home. Her work was appreciated by Moscow and then Novosibirsk students, with whom she studied together.

Upon arrival in Novosibirsk, the young performer began to take an active part in various song contests. Tatyana wanted to convey the words pouring from her heart to the listeners, she was looking for any ways to release her solo album.

Once a cassette with her compositions hit the KiS-S studio, where in 1994 Tatyanaand recorded her first phonograms for twenty-two author's songs and released her debut album called "Remember with me." In the same year, she first performed at the Moscow Variety Theater. After some time, the work of the young singer was talked about on Radio Russia. At that time, Tatyana took the pseudonym "Snezhina" for herself.

Meet Sergei Bugaev

tatiana snezhina street
tatiana snezhina street

Then a streak of disappointments followed in the life of the aspiring artist. A year of hard work on the creation of a new album did not live up to her expectations, the quality of the material turned out to be not at all what she was promised at the studio. And she continued to search for a new team to implement her creative plans. In the process of such searches, she met Sergey Bugaev, director of the Studio-8 youth association, where at that time they were developing underground rock music. The songs of Tatyana Snezhina touched Sergey to the core, and he offered her cooperation. A few months later, they presented her new song "Musician" to the audience. One of the arrangers at Bugaev's studio recalled how easy it was to work with her material. He said: “What she writes does not require any serious processing. All her compositions must sound intact. This is what we have been looking for.”

Future plans

Despite the success that the first songs brought to Tatyana, the lack of free time due to vocal lessons, rehearsals, recordings, she did not allow herself to relax - she wrote everywhere: in cafes on napkins, in transport, in student notesat lectures, in libraries. She seemed to be in a hurry to say as much as she could.

photo by tatiana snezhina
photo by tatiana snezhina

Sergey Bugaev, after listening to Tatyana's home tapes and studying her notebooks with poetry, noticed that the material would last for twenty years of work. In September 1995, they planned to release the first magnetic album, shoot several clips, record a laser disc. And get married … Between Tatyana and Sergey, not only creative, but also strong personal relationships were established. They planned to get married on September 13th.

Tragic death

On August 18, 1995, a new production project by Bugaev and Snezhina was presented. Tatyana performed two hitherto unknown compositions “My Star” and “If I Die Ahead of Time”. The words of these songs turned out to be prophetic.

biography of tatyana snezhina
biography of tatyana snezhina

On August 19, Sergey borrowed a minibus from his friends and, taking his beloved Tatyana and some friends with him, went to the Altai mountains for sea buckthorn oil and honey. Two days later, on August 21, 1995, they were returning home. Apparently, it was destined to do so - the irreparable happened on the Cherepanovskaya highway. A Nissan minibus driven by Sergey Bugaev collided with a MAZ truck. All six occupants of the minibus were killed. So one of the most talented women in Russia passed away. The funeral of Tatyana Snezhina took place in Novosibirsk, later her body was transferred to the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Creative legacy

For her twenty-three years TatyanaSnezhina managed to write more than 200 poems and songs. Some of them, after the death of the author, were sung by such popular artists as Iosif Kobzon, Alla Pugacheva, Lolita, Nikolai Trubach, Lada Dance, Kristina Orbakaite, Lev Leshchenko, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Tatyana Ovsienko, Evgeny Kemerovsky and others, but many remained unknown general public.

Compositions by Tatyana Snezhina can now be heard in the form of soundtracks for films. Her poetry inspires other poets to create new masterpieces. In the repertoires of Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese performers you can find songs based on Snezhina's poems. Her literary works have become on a par with the most popular and best-selling poetry collections. Almost twenty years have passed since the death of the poetess, but her works still find their readers.

In memory of Tatyana Snezhina

songs of tatiana snezhina
songs of tatiana snezhina

In 1997-1999 and 2008 Tatyana Snezhina was posthumously awarded the Song of the Year award.

Alla Pugacheva was one of the first to receive the Silver Snowflake award named after Tatyana Snezhina (for her contribution to the development of young talents).

In Ukraine in 2008 the literary prize named after T. Snezhina was established. The best poets of the country receive it annually. In Kazakhstan, one of the peaks of the Dzungarian Alatau is named after Tatyana Snezhina. Since 2011, in Novosibirsk, you can find the address - st. Tatyana Snezhina. And since 2012, the participants of the Novosibirsk cycling club "Ryder" annually hold a "Bicycle ride in memory of Tatiana Snezhina".

In Moscow since 2012 annually on May 14 (on the birthday of the artist)"International Schoolchildren's Creativity Festival" is held. In the former Moscow school No. 874 (now school No. 97), a museum in memory of the artist has been opened. In Luhansk (Ukraine) in 2010 a monument was erected to her.
