Rank in Naruto: ranks, description, interesting facts

Rank in Naruto: ranks, description, interesting facts
Rank in Naruto: ranks, description, interesting facts

17 years of the release of the anime "Naruto" did not pass without a trace - this world has long become part of our reality. Even those who are not into Japanese animation have heard of the ninja world and know what the story is about. It would seem that this topic has been studied far and wide, but from time to time topics still appear that require more detailed study. For example, the ninja ranks in Naruto.


In the hidden villages, all ninjas have a certain skill level that determines their rank in Naruto. The most talented shinobi in the village is the Kage, the head of the Hidden Settlement. In contrast to his talent and abilities, there are ninja who are just beginning to comprehend the sciences of genjutsu, ninjutsu and taijutsu - these are students of the academy. In addition to the main ranks, there are groups in the world of Naruto that do not have their own level in this ranking. For example, ANBU. We will talk about all these subtleties and nuances today.

Academy students

If we consider the ranks in "Naruto" in order, then on the first (and lowest)level will be students of the Shinobi Academy.

Academy is an institution like a school where would-be shinobi gather. They are not yet accepted as ninja until they have completed their training. At the academy, future ninjas study combat tactics, shinobi rules and teamwork on missions, jitsu (jutsu), and train physical endurance.

Shinobi Academy Shikamaru and Choji
Shinobi Academy Shikamaru and Choji

Also, children have the right to use and carry kunai and shuriken (and this, for a moment, melee weapons). They are taught to use elemental techniques such as creating shadow clones or the replacement technique. The training ends with an exam, which consists of two parts: written and practical. At the written exam, future ninja must write a test, and at the practical exam they must demonstrate basic techniques, only then graduates receive a new shinobi rank in Naruto. As a sign of this, they are given headbands with a metal plate - "hitai-ate", with the symbol of their village.

By the way, chakra control is at the core of using techniques. It is believed that if a person cannot use chakra, he by definition cannot be a ninja. But, there are always exceptions to the rule - Rock Lee, the ninja of the village of Hidden in the Leaf, could not use chakra, but successfully graduated from the Academy and learned how to masterfully use taijutsu.


Naruto's next rank is genin. Literally translated, it means "lower ninja". Genin are usually referred to as those who have just graduated from the Academy and are part of a team of three, led byjonin teacher. Such teams are formed so that the ninja can gain experience in completing missions and improve their own combat skills. Groups are formed based on individual qualities. Genin are selected for the team in such a way as to balance the forces.

team seven with jonin mentor
team seven with jonin mentor

Genin go on the simplest missions (level D), where they complete tasks without any risk. Occasionally, high-profile teams may be assigned to a Level C mission, which has minimal risk and is vaguely reminiscent of real ninja work.


The title of Chunin in Naruto, like any other, must be earned. This is a mid-ranking ninja whose duties include leading other small groups of ninja. Shinobi of this level possess leadership qualities and tactical prowess. Some chunin teach at the Academy (Umino Iruka), some are in charge of small teams and lead groups of ninja on missions (Shikamaru Nara).

Chūnin must make decisions and issue commands to those under their command as efficiently as possible. Upon receiving the rank of chunin, shinobi are given a dark green identification vest. It's great for storing extra warscrolls. They usually complete B and C rank missions.

chunin exam
chunin exam

To become a chunin, a genin and his team must pass a special exam. But he can get on it only on the recommendation of his jonin mentor. Such exams are held twice a year, in one of the villages.ninja. Genin from various hidden villages take part in it. At the exam, the genin must show their strength, agility, ability to gather information and survive in difficult conditions. First there is a written exam, then a survival task and the last round - two-on-two fights. It is worth noting that victory in the finals does not guarantee the assignment of this rank of ninja in Naruto. Much more important is how the genin behaves in different situations. Judges monitor the progress of the trials and decide who is promoted and who is not.


This title in Naruto is not easy to get. The "Ultimate Ninja" can become a highly skilled shinobi with outstanding individual skills. Jonin perform missions of level A, sometimes - S (tasks of the highest difficulty), they can be military captains. They are often assigned to train teams of genin. This title can be obtained by passing a special exam. Jonin can use two or more types of elements, have genjutsu and taijutsu skills.

Hatake Kakashi - Jonin of Hidden Leaf Village
Hatake Kakashi - Jonin of Hidden Leaf Village

It's hard to get the rank of jonin in Naruto, but it's even harder to become Tokubetsu Jonin - "special top ninja". These are shinobi who have the level of jonin, but they were trained in only one area of military science. They are considered elite specialists, although they are often under the command of an ordinary jonin on missions, unless the job involves their speci alty. The elite jonin in Naruto was Ibiki, the master of interrogation; Ebisu is an elite teacher (the one who taught Konohomaru).


Those who received this title becomeheads of one of the strongest Hidden Villages. The Kage are the elite, their strength and wisdom know no bounds. But even so, over time, they can be defeated by younger ninja. A Kage can retire by passing his title on to someone else, but more often than not, he holds his position until he dies. Initially, Kage were chosen from among the strongest shinobi. Then there was a tendency to appoint relatives or students of the current or former Kage to this position. In the world of "Naruto", the viewer has the opportunity to get acquainted with the five kage of the strongest Hidden Villages:

  • Hokage is a Village Hidden in the Leaves (Land of Fire).
  • Kazekage - Village Hidden in the Sand (Land of Wind).
  • Mizukage - Hidden Mist Village (Land of Water).
  • Tsuchikage - Hidden Rock Village (Land of Earth).
  • Raikage - Hidden Cloud Village (Land of Lightning).
five great kage - gokage
five great kage - gokage

This concludes the list of ninja ranks in Naruto. In order, the ranks are divided in this way, but besides them, there are other ranks that are not included in the general list.


Like the kage, they are S-class shinobi who are far superior to the average jonin. But since skill level S is not an official rank, according to the documents, sannin are ordinary jonin.

great sannins Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya
great sannins Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya

Sometimes sannins can have even lower ranks or even do without it. For example, Naruto Uzumaki was not inferior in strength to outstanding ninjas (which are only worth his merits in the MCHMS), but heheld the title of genin for a time.


In a separate group, it is worth defining special-purpose teams, such as ANBU - the Kage's personal special forces. Squad members wear masks to remain unrecognizable. Their uniform does not stand out in any way - the armor is gray and black. Usually they pursue fugitives, destroy traitors or collect important information in other villages. The ANBU units are made up of experienced and strong shinobi, but their names and ranks are not known to anyone.

In addition to the ANBU, there are several other organizations in Konoha:

  • Military police - founded by the Uchiha clan. The organization makes sure that the laws are respected in the village, and no one violates the order.
  • Twenty Squad is a special task force created by the Fifth Hokage to search for and capture members of the Akatsuki organization.
  • Root - Initially, ANBU participants were trained in this organization. She is under the control of Danzō, who believes that it is not appropriate for a ninja to experience, much less show emotions.

Medics and Traitors

Even in the world of "Naruto" there are doctors and traitors. Medical ninjas specialize in healing. This position requires great knowledge and excellent chakra control, in addition to this, medical ninjas must be able to repel enemy attacks. If there is a Medic Ninja in the team, then the success of the mission is greatly increased and the death rate is reduced.

Sakura heals Naruto
Sakura heals Naruto

Traitor ninja are shinobi who willfully left their village. They are constantly watched because of the secrets they can keep. Other HiddenThe villages are willing to own these secrets and are willing to pay well. Traitors may have information about how to get a unique innate skill or tell about weak points in the defense of the Village. Therefore, they are pursued and, if possible, returned.

They say anime is for kids. But not every adult will be able to understand the variety of titles, ranks and classes of the Naruto world. Politics, military tactics, deadly missions, betrayal, forced killings - this is definitely better not to show children.
