Full Metallica discography: how it was

Full Metallica discography: how it was
Full Metallica discography: how it was

The history of the band began in 1981, when two friends, Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield, began looking for other musicians to complete the band. To date, these two remain the undisputed leaders of the group.


The line-up ahead of the recording of the first album also included Cliff Burton, Kirk Hammett and Dave Mustaine. The friends played inspired by the repertoire of the English heavy metal bands that were all the rage in the early 80s. Their rehearsals included covers of other people's songs, but they soon began writing their own material.

The composing talent of Burton and Mustaine made it possible to create a slightly different music than that which was common in those years. Metallica's discography on the first albums included a lot of fast songs with lots of riffs and solos.

metallica discography
metallica discography

Debut recordings

Starting "Kill 'em All" ("Kill them all") made the group extremely popular among the underground and youth. It appeared on store shelves in 1983. High tempo and catchy melodies have become the hallmark of young guys. However, soon after the release of the record, Mustaine had a fight withcomrades and started his own band Megadeth.

The second album "Ride the Lightning" was released the following year, 1984, and earned even more success thanks in large part to the unusual song Fade to black. Its feature was the slow sad first part, unusual for the genre. Metallica's discography has, over time, received many such numbers, which are also called metal ballads.

The third disc "Master of Puppets" ("Puppeteer") has become a cult. Composer art honed to the ideal, many diverse episodes of songs, Hatfield's catchy manner of singing - all this brought the album a unique status.

metallica discography
metallica discography

Cliff's death

Usually, after the release, the band went on tour. This time it covered many countries, including Europe. It was there, on the way, that misfortune happened. The team's tour bus was involved in an accident that killed Cliff Burton, the band's main composer. After his death, Jason Newsted took over as bassist. However, he failed to gain as much influence in the band as his predecessor in Metallica. The members decided to continue their activities and began to prepare for the recording of a new record.

It was called "…And Justice for All" (Justice for all). It mainly had long compositions with a complex structure. Because of this, some songs were not performed at concerts. The texts received a sharp social tone (the justice system, relations with the state, etc.). The name was inspired by the eponymousmovie.

Black Album

The year 1991 took an unexpected turn for Metallica. The album of the same name received a lightened sound and was the most commercially successful in the career of musicians. It received the epithet "black" because of the dark impenetrable cover with the band's logo and the silhouette of a snake.

Many fans didn't accept these changes and still think that Metallica is over after the first four albums.

metallica discography
metallica discography


In the middle of this decade, the band released two studio LPs that were meant to be double releases. However, due to the inconvenience of the format, it was decided to split it in half and release each part separately. The albums were named "Load" and "Reload" ("Download" and "Reboot"). They continued the latest trends towards lightening the sound. Blues elements appeared, and references to the 70s slipped in some places.

In 1998, the compilation Garage Inc. was released. It was made up of covers of the songs of musicians' idols. These were compositions in the genre of punk and hard rock. Some of them were released as singles.

The following year a unique concert took place. On it, musicians played together with a symphony orchestra. New arrangements of old songs were written for academic instruments. The concert was videotaped and released on DVD under the title "S&M". It showed a new side of Metallica's creativity. The best songs got a second wind.

metallica discography
metallica discography


BAt the beginning of the new decade, the band took a break due to a hand injury to frontman James Hetfield. He crashed on his skateboard. Soon it was also announced that bassist Jason Newsted was leaving the project. He was replaced by Robert Trujillo in 2003. Since then, the composition of the group has not changed.

The eighth studio album “St. Anger" ("Righteous anger"). He was the most unusual in the band's discography. The recording was carried out in unusual conditions: the sound was reminiscent of a rehearsal in a garage. In terms of performance, the influence of young popular groups was felt. Responses to the new product were the most controversial.

Five years later "Death Magnetic" was released. It marked the return of the band to the style and sound of the 80s, when the musicians performed thrash metal. This recording ended today's discography. Metallica assures that the band's 10th album will be released in the coming years.

Recently, the musicians released a recording made together with the legendary artist Lou Reed, who was popular in the sixties. It was another Metallica experiment. The members wanted to play something brand new.

Also, don't forget the many bootlegs and fan-made compilations that make up their discography. Metallica, despite its age, remains on the crest of the wave.
