How to learn notes? Simple exercises

How to learn notes? Simple exercises
How to learn notes? Simple exercises

Memorizing notes is the first step in learning musical literacy. With it, the development of any musical instrument will be easier and faster. How to learn notes? The exercises below will allow you to learn them not only in the treble clef, but also in the bass clef. It will take literally forty minutes of time.

how to learn notes
how to learn notes

First exercise

First, learn the sequence of scale steps. Most people, even those not connected with music, know them from school: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.

Repeat this sequence of notes until you can name the entire row by heart without prompting. Then start memorizing in other directions.

Opposite direction (downward movement): do, si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do.

Ascending movement, skipping one step (this interval is called a third): do-mi, re-fa, mi-sol, f-la, sol-si, la-re, si-mi, do-mi.

Then the same in downward movement: do-la, b-sol, la-fa, sol-mi, fa-re, mi-do, re-si, do-la.

Then repeat the same, only skiptwo steps, then three and four. After memorizing these rows, take a "triple" step through the step. In an upward movement: do-mi-sol, re-fa-la, mi-sol-si, f-la-do, s alt-si-re, etc.

Repeat the same exercise in a downward movement.

how to learn music fast
how to learn music fast


How to learn piano notes? This becomes easier if you can easily navigate the note names and know their order. Perform the above exercises on the piano keys. This can also be done on any other musical instrument. Such actions allow you to quickly learn the location of notes directly on the violin, piano, guitar or other instrument.

On the piano, the white keys bear the standard names of the main notes - do, re, mi, and so on. Since there are 88 keys on a standard piano keyboard, these notes are repeated more than once, and each such repetition is called an octave. Simply put, an octave is the distance from one note to the second.

Where is up to?

Note C on the piano keyboard is not the only one. How to learn notes and find them easily? On the piano, black keys will help us. You probably noticed that they are grouped in twos and threes, this period is clearly visible. So the note C is always located to the left of the two black keys. Look at the example below. Knowing where the note to is located, you will be able to navigate in other notes. Come up with convenient guidelines for yourself. For example, to the left of the three black keys is the note F, and the note D isbetween two black keys. Do simple exercises again, and the question of how to learn piano notes will no longer be difficult for you.

how to learn piano notes
how to learn piano notes

On the staff

However, it is not enough to know only the name of the notes. How to learn notes and their writing? In order to quickly memorize their location on the stave, it is very useful to perform various written exercises. First, write down all the groups of notes you have previously studied. First, the ascending scale from to, then the descending, and so on in order. Under each note, sign its name below.

About keys

The stave has only five rulers, and this is very little. If you try to record a melody on it with a large interval, then it will be difficult for a musician to read such a score. For this, the so-called keys were invented. Even those who are not familiar with musical literacy have seen a treble clef at least once. The second, slightly less well-known, is called bass. It should be remembered that with different keys, different notes can be located on the same staff ruler.

For example, the treble clef is also called "sol-clef". The curl of the key is located on the second line of the staff and indicates that the G note of the first octave should be located on the same line.

The bass clef is also called the "F clef". Its curl is located on the fourth line and means that the note F of the small octave should be located on the same line.

Five staff lines are rarely enough, so the so-calledadditional. For example, the same note up to the first octave in the treble clef will be located on the first additional line from the bottom, and in the bass - on the first additional line from the top.

how to learn guitar notes
how to learn guitar notes


On such an instrument as a guitar there are no such clear guidelines for notes as on a piano. However, the exercises above work great on the neck of a guitar, but it does take a little preparation.

Guitar notes are lettered: A - la, H or B - si, C - do, D - re, E - mi, F - fa, G - s alt. Do all the exercises with the new symbols.

Guitar strings are tuned according to the notes E (mi), B (si), G (sol), D (re), A (la), E (mi).

There is an easy way to memorize this sequence. If you add up all the names of the notes, you get a phrase similar in sound to "knead the s alt with straps".

How to learn guitar notes? There are no black and white keys here, but moving up one fret will raise a semitone. Thus, if you play E (mi) on the open first string, then by holding this string on the first fret, you will get the note F. If on the second fret - F sharp.
