Film actor Igor Stam: biography, filmography and interesting facts

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Film actor Igor Stam: biography, filmography and interesting facts
Film actor Igor Stam: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Video: Film actor Igor Stam: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Video: Film actor Igor Stam: biography, filmography and interesting facts
Video: Lenin & The Russian Revolution Documentary 2024, June

The star of Russian TV series Igor Stam from early childhood dreamed of a stage and popularity. And she came to him - after the release of the crime series "Karpov". A bright, memorable role attracted a lot of attention to the actor. You can learn about the biography and personal life of Igor Stam from this article.

Actor biography

Igor Stam biography and personal life
Igor Stam biography and personal life

The actor was born in Kaliningrad on December 18, 1983. Like many children, the boy wanted to be a movie star or theater artist. At a young age, Igor was enrolled by his parents in a school theater group. Later, the boy began to work hard in the youth theater group "Bravo-Bis", which worked in the local House of Officers. There, the acting talent of the future artist began to appear. In this studio, Igor studied acting under the guidance of Prudnikova, who noticed a talented young man. Before finishing school, Igor Stam appeared on stage several times in productions of the Bravo-Bis Theater.

The beginning of an acting career

igor stam movies
igor stam movies

After high school, Stam is still onremained in his native Kaliningrad for a year, being busy with performances. But then it was time to go to college, and Igor had already decided on a profession and in 2001 he went to Moscow. There, the young man successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student at the famous Shchepkin Higher Theater School.

While still a student, Igor began his career in cinema. In 2003, Stam played a small episodic role in the TV series Poor Nastya. No one in the film noticed the modest adjutant. Before the release (in 2005), the actor was approved for one of the key roles in the comedy project “Lyuba, Children and Plant”. In this film, Igor Stam played the role of Misha, the son of the main character. The artist also appeared in the series Black Goddess, where he played a small but prominent role, despite the fact that the events of the series unfold on the screens after the death of the character. Acting skills for Igor at the institute were taught by Beilis and Ivanov. Stam's mentors appreciated his talent and at the end of the course in 2005 helped Igor get a job at the Lenkom Theater.

Work in the theater

The artist worked at the Lenkom Theater for about two years, playing minor roles in such performances as "Juno and Avos", "The Hangman's Lament", "Tartuffe" and "The Marriage of Figaro". The performances were a success. Work in Lenkom brought the actor a lot of invaluable experience, and here he met his future wife, artist Maria Utrobina.

In 2007, Igor Stam got a place in the Russian Academic Youth Theater and for two years played roles in productions of Scarlet Sails, Tom Sawyer and others. Several times talentedthe artist tried to leave the stage for the sake of cinema, but could not, because he appreciated the special atmosphere of a live performance too much. After Igor collaborated with the Moscow Historical and Ethnographic Theater. In 2008, the main director Mikhail Mizyukov invited the artist to play the role of Delvig in the production of "Student of the Lyceum", and since then Stam has been playing in other theater performances.

Movie roles

Igor Stam in the title role
Igor Stam in the title role

In the same period, Stam gets roles in the Russian TV series "Race for Happiness" and "Judicial Column", but the serial project "Love in the District" became more successful for the actor, where he played the role of the main character Kostya. For Igor Stam, the main role was a breakthrough in his acting career, his character turned out to be noticeable. But despite the fact that the series quickly found its audience, its ratings were quite low. In the Pyatnitsky project, the actor got the role of investigator Shchukin. The character came out so multifaceted that he gradually became one of the key figures of the series. Stam played Shchukin for all four seasons. The real popularity of the artist begins with this series.

Further film work

Simultaneously with work in the TV series "Pyatnitsky" Igor Stam receives the role of Konstantin Shchukin in the detective series of the NTV channel "Karpov". This project was released in 2012 and immediately gained popularity, and for a long time Stam was associated with the audience exclusively with Kostya Shchukin. The promo video for the Karpov project was even awarded a festival award in Los Angeles. Around the same period, the actor played the role of Karataev in a medicalTV series "Land of OZ" and the role of Maxim in the four-episode project "A Riddle for Faith".

The theater in the life of an actor

Igor Stam personal life
Igor Stam personal life

The theater was and remains an important part of the actor's creative biography. Having settled in 2007 at the DOC Theater, Igor is currently working in a troupe and playing diverse characters. In his arsenal there are even female roles, for example, in the theater production together with the Center for Drama and Directing "Life is Successful" Stam plays a minibus driver, mother of heroes and an old woman with a dog.

Igor Stam realizes his directorial potential at the DOC Theatre. His work called "Casting" evoked a response from the audience, they write and talk about the performance. Igor himself played one of the main roles in this performance. In 2018, together with Mikhail Ugarov, Stam was nominated for the Golden Mask award for directing the production of The Man from Podolsk.

Recently, Igor tried his hand as a film director and transferred the play "Casting" to film. It turned out to be a festival movie with great potential. Of the latest theatrical works of Stam, the author's performance “Hamlet. Confrontation” according to Shakespeare. The production is on the stage of the Vysotsky Center on Taganka. Igor Stam plays the role of Hamlet. He also acted as a guest director at the Saratov Slonov Drama Theater in Dmitry Danilov's play with the original title "Seryozha is very dumb".

Igor Stam's personal life

actor Igor Stam
actor Igor Stam

Not much is known about the actor's personal life. To himattributed a romantic relationship with actresses - partners on the set. For a long time there were rumors about his affair with Alina Kiziyarova, with whom the actor took part in the filming of the serial film "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens." Also, many were sure that Igor Stam was in a relationship with his colleague Sandra Eliava. However, the actor did not comment on these rumors.

Today it is known that Igor's wife is Maria Utrobina, a theater artist. There are two children in the family - Vanya and Kostya. The actor tries to devote a lot of time to his sons, makes music with them and communicates with pleasure.
