Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. The book "Aromology. Quantum satis": reviews

Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. The book "Aromology. Quantum satis": reviews
Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. The book "Aromology. Quantum satis": reviews

The owner of an unusual beauty house, perfumer and aromatherapist, author of books and trainer, editor and blogger, designer and creative director, poet and performer of romances - all this is about Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. Her irrepressible energy allows her to succeed in everything she undertakes.


Being famous, Svetlana Mirgorodskaya nevertheless remains a mysterious figure. On the Web about her, you can find only the information that she herself wished to publish. She spent her childhood in Germany, where she was born. From an early age, Svetlana showed a talent for singing. There are many interesting moments in the biography of Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. So, having received a technical education after school, she did not stop there and also received a medical one, at the same time moonlighting as a singer in a restaurant.

Her love for aromatherapy and passion for naturopathy began with an acquaintance with the heir of STYX Naturcosmetic, Wolfgang Styx. This acquaintance became one of the milestones in Svetlana's life path. Thanks to cooperation with the company, she opened her beauty house "Efi",published several books on fragrances, essential oils and natural cosmetics and began working on the magazine "Ether World". Passion for music and poetry became the basis for Mirgorodskaya to release her album together with the composer Alena Akhnina, the album of urban romance together with Anatoly Zubkov and for the Modern Romance Theater project, in which Svetlana is now a soloist. In addition, Svetlana has a busy schedule of lectures and trainings related to aromatherapy and essential oils.

Creative person
Creative person


For Svetlana Mirogorodskaya, everything she does in life is a reflection of her creative nature. Her poetry and prose are full of the personal. In them, she seems to be talking to the reader, bringing him closer, and not fencing him off. This is her passion for natural, genuine, both in cosmetics and in words. Some readers consider her style pompous, pretentious, but for Svetlana it is important to achieve perfection in everything. And her work, whether written, broadcast, cosmetic, is aimed at people who are able to appreciate the high level of taste and quality. She herself developed the design of her beauty house, she herself composes perfume compositions, inviting her admirers and the curious to the world of aromas, she herself is the author of her own magazine. Svetlana speaks of herself as a person who is as self-critical as possible, for whom her own opinion is decisive. She does not know mercy for herself, therefore she constantly strives to achieve the bar that she has set for herself in her judicial severity. People inspire her, and for people shecreates.

Author and performer
Author and performer


In her love for music, Svetlana turned to romances as one of the facets of the human soul. She herself became the author of lyrics inspired by the music of Anatoly Zubkov, and stood at the origins of the Modern Romance Theater together with Sergei Kharin. Svetlana Mirgorodskaya sought to create a special place for her viewer, whom she calls a man with a delicate, vulnerable soul, compassionate and understanding. The modern romance, in her opinion, although similar to the old romance with the theme of loneliness, reveals it softer, more accurately so as not to scare away the unprepared viewer and penetrate deeper into the soul of the prepared one.

Modern Romance Theater
Modern Romance Theater

Beauty House

But beauty and fragrances have always been the main business of Svetlana Mirgorodskaya's life. Her beauty house "Efi" ("Aesthetics. Philosophy. Art. Fragrances") at the beginning of 1997 was a small shop. People came there to discuss fragrances and natural cosmetics. It was there that the idea was born to create a beauty salon specializing in natural products and aromatherapy. The idea materialized in 1999, when the beauty house opened its doors to the first visitors. Svetlana herself worked on the design of the premises, trying to create a special creative atmosphere in order to support her masters, on whom, by the way, she never skimped. According to Svetlana, it is precisely this, as well as the impeccable quality of materials, that have earned her house a reputation as a high-class institution.

beauty house
beauty house

Today,when Svetlana was captured by work in the theater and the creation of romances, her daughter Evgenia Nekrasova became the new director of the Efi beauty house. But Mirgorodskaya herself did not leave the ideas of beauty. Svetlana Mirgorodskaya's aromalogy originates in her philosophy and her beauty house.


As a person who is passionate and knows everything or almost everything about fragrances, Svetlana conducts trainings, master classes and trainings about cosmetics, aromatherapy and the use of essential oils. Biology and physiology are often mentioned in her training programs. Much attention is paid to the properties of natural cosmetics, simple recipes, practices and methods of use. At lectures and master classes, Svetlana not only tells, but also shows how to mix compositions suitable for a particular occasion, teaches how to perceive fragrances correctly and honestly talks about the disadvantages of natural cosmetics. Those who attended her seminars speak enthusiastically not only about the content of her programs, but also about Svetlana herself, admiring her frankness, style and sophistication.

Interview with Mirgorodskaya
Interview with Mirgorodskaya


Five books by Svetlana Mirgorodskaya are dedicated to fragrances. All of them are written in the manner of a personal story characteristic of Svetlana, elegantly and poetically. For example, the latest book, Quantum Satis: Fragrant Matters, is published in coloring book form. The author believes that in this way the book will bring not only pleasure, but also better allow you to remember the information.

The Book of Fragrant Matters
The Book of Fragrant Matters

One of the most famous books “Aromalogy. Quantum Satis tells just about essential oils and theiruse. The book itself is divided into four major sections. The first is devoted to general concepts in aromatherapy: myths and reality, raw materials and production, quality and cost. The same part deals with dosage, duration of exposure and precautions. The most interesting chapters are devoted to the psychological component of fragrances.

The second section is the ABC of an aromatherapist. From anise to eucalyptus, the author examines the properties, methods of exposure and the subtleties of using fragrances and essential oils. The third section is completely devoted to aromatic aesthetics. It talks a lot about personality, path, secrets and mysticism associated with fragrances. The entire fourth section has practical applications. It tells not only about fragrances for skin care, but also reveals the secrets of the healing power of fragrances, for example, for dermatitis or cosmetic defects. The author did not bypass such a popular topic as body shaping with the help of aromatherapy.

Aromalogy of Svetlana Mirgorodskaya
Aromalogy of Svetlana Mirgorodskaya

Reviews from readers

For many readers, the book “Aromology. Quantum Satis has become a guide to the world of essential oils. Most reviews of the book are positive. Readers note the structuredness and accessibility of the material. According to people who are passionate about fragrances, the book contains comprehensive information about essential oils - their consistency, appearance, aroma and use. Much attention is paid to the intrinsic qualities of each oil. Readers find the numerous recipes that can be used at home especially helpful. Author's style, severalsublime, nevertheless fits the content of the book, as it is simply impossible to write dry and mundane about such weightless matter as fragrances.
