How to draw a mirror with a simple pencil

How to draw a mirror with a simple pencil
How to draw a mirror with a simple pencil

A mirror is a smooth surface that reflects light or other radiation. It comes in a variety of forms and types. And since the mirror has the ability to reflect objects, learning to draw it is better without reflection, which is not at all difficult to do.

How to draw a mirror

To draw a mirror, you will need: landscape sheet, eraser, ruler, medium (HB) and soft (B) pencils. And here is how to draw a mirror with a pencil:

  • First, draw a 11 x 18 cm rectangle on paper, slightly rounding its edges.
  • Departing 2 cm from each edge, inside the rectangle draw another one of the same. This way we get the frame of the mirror.
  • With a soft pencil, start painting over the inner rectangle, making soft and smooth lines.
  • Use a medium pencil to paint half of the mirror on the left.
  • Slightly blend the painted parts. This can be done with your finger or a small piece of paper.
  • Add some lines again in the top left and bottom right corners of the mirror.

Make a pattern inside the frame. For example, you can draw an ornament in the form of waves, consisting of semicircles or curls. On the left offrame, add a small shadow and blend it.

Drawing a Rectangular Mirror
Drawing a Rectangular Mirror

How to draw a reflected object

Drawing an object reflected in a mirror is a bit more difficult. For example, let's try to draw a vase. Place it on the left side of the mirror to make the composition look more interesting. The reflection will repeat the shape of the vase, but at a slight slope. Draw the silhouette of a vase in the mirror, color it with a medium pencil. Make the left side of the vase a little darker, add a shadow.

How to draw a mirror with a handle

If you want to draw a fabulous mirror with a handle, then you will need the same materials as for a large mirror.

To start, mark the place on the sheet in the form of a rectangle where your mirror will be, making light, barely noticeable lines. Then divide this rectangle into three parts with lines.

Make the bottom element a little bigger than the rest. There will be a pen in this place. Erase the line at the top of the rectangle. You should end up with two rectangles of different sizes.

Draw a vertical line through the center of both rectangles. Then through the center of the upper quadrangle we make another horizontal line. In places where the lines touch the sides of the rectangle, we put dots. Draw an oval for these points. After that, draw another oval inside.

Drawing a mirror with a pen
Drawing a mirror with a pen

Diagonal line divide the inner oval into two fragments. The top should be a little bigger. It needs to be painted over with a soft pencil and shaded,leaving a small light area at the bottom. Then make the top of the mirror a little darker.

Mirror shapes
Mirror shapes

The pen can be drawn in different shapes. For example, in the form of an elongated rectangle. You can make the handle expand towards the bottom and resemble a drop in shape. The frame can also be customized to your liking. For example, by drawing wavy lines or a pattern of circles of various shapes.
